Obama Chose Dishonor...Now We Will Have War


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
President Obama had to choose between dishonor and war and he chose dishonor. Now we will have war. He has dishonored U.S. allies in the Middle East, including Israel and the Persian Gulf states, by abandoning their security concerns regarding a nuclear Iran by believing that appeasing Iran is the only way to avoid war.
Let us be clear. This agreement is a total U.S. defeat and Iranian victory. It is the first step toward a new U.S. policy of containment of Iran's nuclear program.
Knowing that Obama will never attack Iran militarily and will do his best to delay Israel from attacking Iran in time will have disastrous consequences in the Middle East. Many countries in the Middle East like Qatar and Iraq will make the best terms they can with the triumphant Iran in the hope of protection from annihilation. Many others like Egypt and Turkey will gravitate to the Russians and the Chinese for military cooperation and nuclear reactors. Others like Saudi Arabia and the UAE will turn to the Pakistanis for a nuclear bomb. A new nuclear arms race has just begun.
The promise of "containing" a nuclear Iran by convincing them not to use the nuclear weapon will not work since the threat of nuclear attack will be enough for Iran to dictate oil prices, as well as controlling oil supplies to the U.S. and Europe.

Read more: Articles: Obama Chose Dishonor
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First, on what planet would Obama ever choose doing something honorable?

Second, War is coming no matter what Obama does.
Its hard to predict war.

Churchill did it successfully by understanding that Hitler was a fanatic.

All of us know that Iran is run by the worst kind of fanatics--religious fanatics.

Religious fanatics are like the pinheads in the Democratic Party---they believe they are justified in any lie to further their ends...which are inherently justified.

Only, ayatollahs are even crazier, and more fanatic than pinheaded Democrats....if that's possible.

Barack Obama will oversee the acquisition of a nuclear bomb by ayatollahs--lunatic ayatollahs-- by the time he leaves office. You pinheads in New England better hope they don't slip in a dirty bomb for New York, Boston, Washington.

But, Obama gets peace in his administration.
I wonder if it was 'dishonorable' to negotiate with the Soviets?

The atmosphere of partisanship creeps in to poison foreign relations just as it has crept in to destroy our federal government. Conservative partisans should remember that partisanship ends at the water's edge.
Its hard to predict war.

Churchill did it successfully by understanding that Hitler was a fanatic.

All of us know that Iran is run by the worst kind of fanatics--religious fanatics.

Religious fanatics are like the pinheads in the Democratic Party---they believe they are justified in any lie to further their ends...which are inherently justified.

Only, ayatollahs are even crazier, and more fanatic than pinheaded Democrats....if that's possible.

Barack Obama will oversee the acquisition of a nuclear bomb by ayatollahs--lunatic ayatollahs-- by the time he leaves office. You pinheads in New England better hope they don't slip in a dirty bomb for New York, Boston, Washington.

But, Obama gets peace in his administration.

Ideological fanatics are far worse than Religious fanatics.

It ain't even close.
Obama has tied Israeli hands for the next six months of negotiations. By then Iran will be a month away from building a bomb.

As predictable as "Old Faithful". American Thinker.
Its hard to predict war.

Churchill did it successfully by understanding that Hitler was a fanatic.

All of us know that Iran is run by the worst kind of fanatics--religious fanatics.

Religious fanatics are like the pinheads in the Democratic Party---they believe they are justified in any lie to further their ends...which are inherently justified.

Only, ayatollahs are even crazier, and more fanatic than pinheaded Democrats....if that's possible.

Barack Obama will oversee the acquisition of a nuclear bomb by ayatollahs--lunatic ayatollahs-- by the time he leaves office. You pinheads in New England better hope they don't slip in a dirty bomb for New York, Boston, Washington.

But, Obama gets peace in his administration.

Ideological fanatics are far worse than Religious fanatics.

It ain't even close.

doctrine is doctrine......i believe Islam is just as vicious as Communism....in any case 'true believers' of any totalitarian doctrine are not to be trusted...

however Iran will be much more dangerous than North Korea....
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"Everything would have been all right if only Hitler hadn't lied to me"

- British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...

No, the Allies disregarding Germany's breaking of the Treaty of Versailles early the Nazi's reign led to the war.
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...

Not really, but please continue making up your own version of history where bloody conflict is preferable to diplomacy.
dimocrap self-defense course ~

Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...

Not really, but please continue making up your own version of history where bloody conflict is preferable to diplomacy.

since when has appeasement ever worked when dealing with bloody dictators....? :cuckoo:
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

Yes, and we want dirty air and polluted water too.. you forgot those little leftwing talking points.

Do try and keep up.
"Everything would have been all right if only Hitler hadn't lied to me"

- British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

Chamberlain said that on his death bed. He never really understood what happened. Kerry won't either.
and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...

Not really, but please continue making up your own version of history where bloody conflict is preferable to diplomacy.

since when has appeasement ever worked when dealing with bloody dictators....? :cuckoo:

Can't you even type the word "diplomacy"? Is the entire concept beyond you? Do you want a list of wars that didn't happen? According to Bushco, Israel should have been a smoking crater years ago but somehow it just has not happened yet. Just admit you like to see big pretty explosions and a big body count and love the "glory" of war.
Conservatives want a war, period, anything that happens that delays the day that death rains down on the Iranian public is a horrible thing in their book. There is no reason for so many to die simply because a bunch of hardliners in three different countries are thirsty for the blood of innocents.

and yet it was appeasement that led to WWII...

No, the Allies disregarding Germany's breaking of the Treaty of Versailles early the Nazi's reign led to the war.

the 'Allies' weren't all that organized....the U.S. didn't even belong to the League of Nations...

like Obama....Neville Chamberlin of England was an appeaser......Neville thought that the Treaty of Versaille was too tough on the poor Germans....so his policy was to appease them on various issues....right up to the Munich Agreement which Hitler then broke...

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