Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

I wouldn't go as far as call them Corporate Tax Rats. But, since you broached the subject, I guess it is appropriate

Hard working Americans are unable to shelter their income while the Corporate Tax Rats make their money here and send it overseas. The tax code was set up by Republicans to make it easy for Corporate entities and the wealthiest Americans to hide their true income in tax exempt loopholes

They are true Corporate Tax Rats

You are so ignorant of facts that you are stuck doing nothing but making fun of a typo......Even then you get it wrong seeing as the tax rates were done by a democrat ran congress. Or do you forget that the senate has done nothing since republicans took the house ?

Filibuster much?

Yep Harry Reid wont bring anything to the floor for a vote.....
You are so ignorant of facts that you are stuck doing nothing but making fun of a typo......Even then you get it wrong seeing as the tax rates were done by a democrat ran congress. Or do you forget that the senate has done nothing since republicans took the house ?

Filibuster much?

Yep Harry Reid wont bring anything to the floor for a vote.....

Oh.....is Harry Reid playing politics with you?

Sucks don't it?
Wow, that statement made no sense.... I guess you just couldn't get your mind around it...

You're being played, dude. The people who invite the illegals here are the same ones getting you upset about it.

hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.
Wow, that statement made no sense.... I guess you just couldn't get your mind around it...

You're being played, dude. The people who invite the illegals here are the same ones getting you upset about it.

hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.
Wow, that statement made no sense.... I guess you just couldn't get your mind around it...

You're being played, dude. The people who invite the illegals here are the same ones getting you upset about it.

hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.
again moron no one force them to move in a northern direction to cross our borders and break our laws with regards to immigration. what's mexico immigration policy douche bag?
Wow, that statement made no sense.... I guess you just couldn't get your mind around it...

You're being played, dude. The people who invite the illegals here are the same ones getting you upset about it.

hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.

Its none of your business how much people spend of their own money. But Obama taking record spending vacation is OK 'n the worst economy since the GD. This is why liberals are so dangerous they have no platform when it comes to truthfulness. They lie and lie and smear smhl how naive is a person not bothered by wasteful spending but private is to be attacked. How naive! :eusa_whistle:
hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.
again moron no one force them to move in a northern direction to cross our borders and break our laws with regards to immigration. what's mexico immigration policy douche bag?

Are you willfully blind?

You know what, I don't give a fuck why they move up here or even if they did. They aren't competing with me for the kind of work I do. so I don't worry about it that much. If you had fair wage laws and strict workplace enforcement, it wouldn't be an issue.

The people who break the laws are the people who hire them. But I never see you complain about them... why is that?
hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.

Its none of your business how much people spend of their own money. But Obama taking record spending vacation is OK 'n the worst economy since the GD. This is why liberals are so dangerous they have no platform when it comes to truthfulness. They lie and lie and smear smhl how naive is a person not bothered by wasteful spending but private is to be attacked. How naive! :eusa_whistle:

BUt is it "their money", or was the distribution of the money unfair to start with?

That's the point. Mitt Romney goes into a place like AmPad, fires the older workers, rehires the younger ones at lower wages, loots the pension fund, cancels their health benefits, leaves the company 400 Million in debt while paying himself millions in "management fees".

Oh, then he'll buy the Missus a $77K Polo Pony. "It's for her MS!" Uh, huh. That's a new one.
hey puzzy, you can qoute me when you feel like responding instead of ...

no one invited the illegals you moron. they came here on there own FREE WILL...as in freedom but you liberals keep lying to them....why? ...to control and invade to usurp the constitution and to give politicians power instead of giving them a guideline to function as a statesmen.

They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.

Its none of your business how much people spend of their own money. But Obama taking record spending vacation is OK 'n the worst economy since the GD. This is why liberals are so dangerous they have no platform when it comes to truthfulness. They lie and lie and smear smhl how naive is a person not bothered by wasteful spending but private is to be attacked. How naive! :eusa_whistle:

:eusa_hand: I beg your pardon sir, it is ones business if me as a person helped the owner or boss person and/or persons to make their money in life, and especially if I am depending on my hard work in which I did for that person or persons, to then at least give me a living wage out of it all, and then when it doesn't, it becomes my business fast (even if I don't really want it to be), and you will always find that the people are sometimes people that you don't like dealing with anymore in life, because they are corrupt and greedy. Well of course you can just get up and leave and do something else right ?

WRONG! In many cases, because the rich have unionized together off record through a trend or fashion in which they have created amongst themselves, where as they then expect the workers to be un-represented, beat down mentally, confused except for how to do their job in life, is exactly the way they want it (the bad ones do), at least until they can use the workers know more, then you as an employee are gone quick fast and in a hurry in it all, and then they figure out how to replace you forever or in a hurry, and next comes the opportune person that was set up for that senario to finally arrive in many cases, and this as it grew bigger and bigger and bigger in America, was these illegals or foreiegners who have no grasp as to what the American dream & chasing it was all about, because the rich man was just using them and us all the time in the deal. :eusa_silenced:
:eusa_hand: I beg your pardon sir, it is ones business if me as a person helped the owner or boss person and/or persons to make their money in life

Where does a person learn such notions?

Commie school?

Or just good common sense.

I've worked in companies where the employees were well treated and worked hard, and in others where the management crapped on them. Guess which ones went out of business quickly?

The problem with folks like you is that you think that luck is a virtue.

Go to any bar where working folks hang out, and the sentence you'll never hear uttered is, "Boy, my boss is a fucking genius, I don't know where we'd be without him." Because more often than not in the real world, the Boss is this guy..


Which is why Dilbert is so good. Everyone has worked for a guy like this.
Because losers like you sit around in bars bitching about things. That's why losers like you aren't the boss.

Oh, okay... whatever, Anger Management.

Fact is, most of the people who are bosses are usually idiots. Clueless.

I've gotten to the point where I don't even hope for a smart boss anymore. I'm just happy when I don't have an evil one.
Because losers like you sit around in bars bitching about things. That's why losers like you aren't the boss.

Oh, okay... whatever, Anger Management.

Fact is, most of the people who are bosses are usually idiots. Clueless.

I've gotten to the point where I don't even hope for a smart boss anymore. I'm just happy when I don't have an evil one.

You've gotten to the point where you know you are a loser who will never merit a station higher than the one you are in. It's good you know your limitations, but not so good to have a pissy attitude about it.
Because losers like you sit around in bars bitching about things. That's why losers like you aren't the boss.

Oh, okay... whatever, Anger Management.

Fact is, most of the people who are bosses are usually idiots. Clueless.

I've gotten to the point where I don't even hope for a smart boss anymore. I'm just happy when I don't have an evil one.

You've gotten to the point where you know you are a loser who will never merit a station higher than the one you are in. It's good you know your limitations, but not so good to have a pissy attitude about it.

I know I don't have any limitations. Because I choose not to do something, doesn't mean I can't. I've been a supervisor and a manager and an NCO in the military...

And I'm sure some of my subordinates thought I was a jerk. And sometimes they were right. But I always tried to be fair.
:eusa_hand: I beg your pardon sir, it is ones business if me as a person helped the owner or boss person and/or persons to make their money in life

Where does a person learn such notions?

Commie school?
Kidding me right? So you think no matter what I bring to the table as an employee of a company in which I would work for, that I have no stake/say zip nothing in the company I work for at all ? If anyone is the commie thinker around here, it is you I am sad to say (as you want me to be a slave with no voice as a free thinking responsible American anymore). Just listen to yourself and think about what you are inferring here to be the model for a new America in your new way of thinking... A company was once liken to a family in America or it was this way once upon a time, until evil men with greed in their hearts began taking over, where as next a false profit began to rise up out of it all, along with a false since of security and a disconnect from what it is for us to live and support each other as Americans in America anymore, and it just all went bad in many ways after these things had failed in the system. I have lived long enough now to see the ugly side of Americans in this nation as found in these ways, and it isn't pretty at all what I am seeing or I am hearing anymore these days.
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Because losers like you sit around in bars bitching about things. That's why losers like you aren't the boss.

Oh, okay... whatever, Anger Management.

Fact is, most of the people who are bosses are usually idiots. Clueless.

I've gotten to the point where I don't even hope for a smart boss anymore. I'm just happy when I don't have an evil one.

Yes there has been a shift in the quality of bosses anymore I definitely do think so these days, and this is because many of them have been hired or promoted not because of the strength found in their characters anymore, but rather they have been promoted due to the weakness that has been found in their characters, and why is this ? It is because many things are not good with these companies anymore in America, and especially with their ownerships, their strategies to get rich quick, golden parachute mentalities, and their plantation owner minded character in which plagues and troubles their mindsets daily in which they have or try to keep going, so it is no wonder now that they go looking for butt kissers who will do just about anything for them, and sadly these butt kissers will do it for almost nothing, because they envy without question of character anymore, the person they see or have found in these companies that exsist at the top, and why is this ? Well it's because they (the corrupt owners if you may) are simply at the top, and that is enough for a butt kisser to want promoted quickly up under these types in which they envy so much these days, who then will without question choose to do evil for these types these days, and will do it all due to their attributes to want to kiss butt so badly at any cost to them, and they do it because it is what they have become or always were in their lives. Back in the ole days, these types wouldn't have had the time of day given them, as old strong character found in the old types of ownerships, looked always to strengthen their companies (making them solid and longlasting), where as many had lasted for 50, 75, even for over 100 years in America, but that is quickly changing, and as we have seen it has not been all for the better either, because to many butt kissers have won the day in America.

Down with greed and it's supporting butt kissers in life, and now I say power to the good people once more in America.
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They wouldn't come here if they didn't know that there were employers who hire illegals because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And this was the flaw of Simpson-Mazzoli in general. It put the onus of enforcing workplace compliance on the employers, which was kind of like putting the Foxes in charge of watching the Henhouse.

This is the real trick of the illegal thing. What you should be uspet is not the illegal taking the job cleaning toilets or picking lettuce that you don't want. What you should be upset about is that they are taking the job you do want and moving it to China, or moving it to a "right to work" state or finding some other way to screw you on wages so they can buy another $77,000 polo pony.
again moron no one force them to move in a northern direction to cross our borders and break our laws with regards to immigration. what's mexico immigration policy douche bag?

Are you willfully blind?

You know what, I don't give a fuck why they move up here or even if they did. They aren't competing with me for the kind of work I do. so I don't worry about it that much. If you had fair wage laws and strict workplace enforcement, it wouldn't be an issue.

The people who break the laws are the people who hire them. But I never see you complain about them... why is that?
YOUR and absolute disconnected clown because it has yet come in competiion with you. Or is right around the corner but hay we warn you punk asses.

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