House Expected To Vote On Amnesty Bill


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"House Democrats are expected on Tuesday to bring to a vote a bill to grant protection from deportation and a path to permanent residency for millions of illegal immigrants.

H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, will likely pass the Democratic-controlled House, although it is dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate. The bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee last month, following what Politico called an "intraparty squabble" over whether or not it should provide a path to citizenship to certain individuals with criminal records, and whether or not it should extend federal financial aid to illegal immigrants."

"..... the ADPA would extend permanent legal status and eventually a path to citizenship to up to 2.5 million currently resident illegal immigrants. These would be drawn from beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) programs. The largest group, totaling an estimated 2.1 million, are those individuals who were under the age of 18 upon arrival to the United States, many of whom were previously beneficiaries of DACA under President Barack Obama. "

There is just one small problem with this idea: THERE IS NO LEGAL LAW CALLED 'DACA', AS CONGRESS NEVER PASSED 'DACA' LEGISLATION INTO LAW. What the Democrats now call 'DACA' was an illegal, Un-Constitutional Presidential DECREE that even President Obama admitted (before he issued it) he did not have the Constitutional authority to do.

Equally important to note about this bill, Democrats are demanding once again that millions of criminal illegals be given 'Amnesty' while refusing to offer anything to attempt to enforce existing Immigration law and / or to try to secure the borders and stop the overwhelming flood of illegals into the United States.

This law equates to another time / example where Democrats are choosing to stand with illegals for their benefit instead of standing with the citizens of the United States to serve and protect the very people who elected them, just like they did when they stood with illegals, Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, cop killers, shut down the govt.

House Dems Expected to Vote on Mass Amnesty Bill
It will get about as far as it will on this board.
A lot of these daca kids were brought here at an early age, went to school here, said the pledge of allegiance every morning etc. acting like true Americans. Some have even gone in the military or would like to, unlike cowardly and unpatriotic pieces of shit like bolton or trump or bush jr.
"House Democrats are expected on Tuesday to bring to a vote a bill to grant protection from deportation and a path to permanent residency for millions of illegal immigrants.

H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, will likely pass the Democratic-controlled House, although it is dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate. The bill passed through the House Judiciary Committee last month, following what Politico called an "intraparty squabble" over whether or not it should provide a path to citizenship to certain individuals with criminal records, and whether or not it should extend federal financial aid to illegal immigrants."

"..... the ADPA would extend permanent legal status and eventually a path to citizenship to up to 2.5 million currently resident illegal immigrants. These would be drawn from beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) programs. The largest group, totaling an estimated 2.1 million, are those individuals who were under the age of 18 upon arrival to the United States, many of whom were previously beneficiaries of DACA under President Barack Obama. "

There is just one small problem with this idea: THERE IS NO LEGAL LAW CALLED 'DACA', AS CONGRESS NEVER PASSED 'DACA' LEGISLATION INTO LAW. What the Democrats now call 'DACA' was an illegal, Un-Constitutional Presidential DECREE that even President Obama admitted (before he issued it) he did not have the Constitutional authority to do.

Equally important to note about this bill, Democrats are demanding once again that millions of criminal illegals be given 'Amnesty' while refusing to offer anything to attempt to enforce existing Immigration law and / or to try to secure the borders and stop the overwhelming flood of illegals into the United States.

This law equates to another time / example where Democrats are choosing to stand with illegals for their benefit instead of standing with the citizens of the United States to serve and protect the very people who elected them, just like they did when they stood with illegals, Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, cop killers, shut down the govt.

House Dems Expected to Vote on Mass Amnesty Bill
Wasn't DACA set to expire?

When is that? I need to throw a party, and midget strippers are hard to find these days as illegal immigrant children are displacing them and putting them out of work at DemTard Bachelor Parties.
A lot of these daca kids were brought here at an early age, went to school here, said the pledge of allegiance every morning etc. acting like true Americans. Some have even gone in the military or would like to, unlike cowardly and unpatriotic pieces of shit like bolton or trump or bush jr.
Only they aren't Americans, and we should not be rewarding The Parents, or their bastard children with amnesty or citizenship.

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