Obama Brags He Gave A Ride To Two Illegal Aliens!!

Close the border. Problem solved....but no.that would be "racist"....they want the border open.

Yes they do and it's not just the democrats. Lots of repubs get huge bribes from the illegal alien lobby for supporting illegals.

I agree...they want cheap labor and allowing illegals in undermines fair wages for americans which leads to more unemployment for citizens....not to mention the diseases they bring...the criminals, the insane, the illiterate..let 'em all in...this country is finished anyway..we'll rebuild and correct the mistakes of the past.... a day of reckoning approaches.

Like most hispanics they are hard working family oriented people who will make great citizens

Illegals aren't like most hispanics. Illegals are unskilled, illiterate, lazy, and prone to crime. If they were upstanding people, they'd stay in their home country and do fine. Illegals are the trash of their home country. THINK
What did he do that was illegal?

Obama violated section 1324 title 8 of the US Code which makes it a felony to encourage illegals to come to or live in america. THINK
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
What did he do that was illegal?

Obama violated section 1324 title 8 of the US Code which makes it a felony to encourage illegals to come to or live in america. THINK
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.
What did he do that was illegal?

Obama violated section 1324 title 8 of the US Code which makes it a felony to encourage illegals to come to or live in america. THINK
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
What did he do that was illegal?

Obama violated section 1324 title 8 of the US Code which makes it a felony to encourage illegals to come to or live in america. THINK
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?
Obama violated section 1324 title 8 of the US Code which makes it a felony to encourage illegals to come to or live in america. THINK
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?

Are you unsure of the definition of "illegal"?
misfits and criminals are kicked out of the service all the time...no big deal...
Dreamers are here under a common legal device called prosecutorial discretion.

In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?

Are you unsure of the definition of "illegal"?
misfits and criminals are kicked out of the service all the time...no big deal...
Yes, I am sure about the definition of illegal. You are the one mistakenly using the word to fit your agenda. The Dreamers, whether students, workers or serving in the military are not illegal. That is because once a person registers with immigration they are given temporary legal status while their case is adjudicated. It is similar to a person being charged with a crime and receiving bail. The court can impose restrictions, but the charged person is free to go until the case is adjudicated.
In other words they broke the law but they are purposely being allowed to get away with it..yeah...they'll make GREAT citizens...
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?

Are you unsure of the definition of "illegal"?
misfits and criminals are kicked out of the service all the time...no big deal...
Yes, I am sure about the definition of illegal. You are the one mistakenly using the word to fit your agenda. The Dreamers, whether students, workers or serving in the military are not illegal. That is because once a person registers with immigration they are given temporary legal status while their case is adjudicated. It is similar to a person being charged with a crime and receiving bail. The court can impose restrictions, but the charged person is free to go until the case is adjudicated.
...and since there are over 900,000 of them, "adjudicating" these cases would take decades....mission accomplished...de facto citizenship.
They were children when they came here with their parents, many of them babies. We have already invested in their educations and they have grown to adulthood without becoming criminals.

They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?

Are you unsure of the definition of "illegal"?
misfits and criminals are kicked out of the service all the time...no big deal...
Yes, I am sure about the definition of illegal. You are the one mistakenly using the word to fit your agenda. The Dreamers, whether students, workers or serving in the military are not illegal. That is because once a person registers with immigration they are given temporary legal status while their case is adjudicated. It is similar to a person being charged with a crime and receiving bail. The court can impose restrictions, but the charged person is free to go until the case is adjudicated.
...and since there are over 900,000 of them, "adjudicating" these cases would take decades....mission accomplished...de facto citizenship.
That is another issue. It is one that only the congress or a new President can resolve. The passing of the Dream Act in congress would make all the Dreamers legal without having to hear their cases one at a time. If congress fails to act, the new President has the option of canceling the prosecutorial discretion or keeping it.
They aren't legal citizens.
Out they go.
You know that the same prosecutorial discretion used to allow those folks you want to get rid of to stay until their individual cases are heard or settled in some manner also applies to members of the armed services, don't you? Are you suggesting that we kick out the students but keep what you call "illegals" in the military, or would you kick them out also?

Are you unsure of the definition of "illegal"?
misfits and criminals are kicked out of the service all the time...no big deal...
Yes, I am sure about the definition of illegal. You are the one mistakenly using the word to fit your agenda. The Dreamers, whether students, workers or serving in the military are not illegal. That is because once a person registers with immigration they are given temporary legal status while their case is adjudicated. It is similar to a person being charged with a crime and receiving bail. The court can impose restrictions, but the charged person is free to go until the case is adjudicated.
...and since there are over 900,000 of them, "adjudicating" these cases would take decades....mission accomplished...de facto citizenship.
That is another issue. It is one that only the congress or a new President can resolve. The passing of the Dream Act in congress would make all the Dreamers legal without having to hear their cases one at a time. If congress fails to act, the new President has the option of canceling the prosecutorial discretion or keeping it.
whatever....close the border. Problem solved.
We have a president who openly breaks our laws and brags about it.
What did he do that was illegal?

He abetted two criminals.
No he didn't. You are just echoing a right wing news site. The only people who think he abetted two criminals are the brainwashed low information people who live lives of escaping reality.
If he knowingly assisted two illegals in their illegal endeavor he is an abettor. Not unlike businesses who knowingly hire illegals.
The secret service let an armed criminal into an elevator to ride with the president. They let a man run across the lawn and enter the Whitehouse. Now the let the president pick up two illegals. Sounds like their begging someone to take the president out. Looks like Obama has chosen incompetent people to take of him and his family, and we trust him to protect our families.
The secret service let an armed criminal into an elevator to ride with the president. They let a man run across the lawn and enter the Whitehouse. Now the let the president pick up two illegals. Sounds like their begging someone to take the president out. Looks like Obama has chosen incompetent people to take of him and his family, and we trust him to protect our families.
remember the "fake sign language" guy at the terrorist nelson mandela's funeral that obama attended?
Who vetted him? LMAO....


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