Obama and Unions


Gold Member
Oct 1, 2008
So, what does the left have to say about Obama and the Dems plan to get rid of secret ballots for Union Voting?

I am going to love to see some of the responses
So, what does the left have to say about Obama and the Dems plan to get rid of secret ballots for Union Voting?

I am going to love to see some of the responses

I Feel the Pain!!! Well they have NO Authority To Govern Labor UNIONS!!! Unless the unions lay down, and roll over on their backs!!!

State run Slavery! Like Prison Work Crews! WE ARE IN TROUBLE!!!

I've been apposing my unions connection to Political Government!!!For Years!:mad:
It would be a disaster if it happened, you ahve to leave it secret ballot
I live in Louisiana and here the majority is anti-union. There are unions here though but unoin membership makes up probably less than 20% of the work force. This whole union deal will hit us hard because, like I said, 80% of workers are not union but the new laws will give the unions the power to come into my workplace and through intimidation, force me and my fellow employees to become unionized. Which means, join or don't work. I myself am very anti-union. They had their place in history but in this time, they trully serve no purpose except to reward the weak, ignorant and lazy. As a manager of my company, I would hate to be forced to hire someone who is unqualified and lazy because the union said I had to. We have a teachers union in the parish I live and it is so bad, parents are fighting to put their kids in private schools and the private schools will not hire union teachers. Down here, the majority does not believe in "fairness for all". We believe that through education and hard work, you are rewarded. Just because a person exists, does not earn them the right to get equal pay, equal respect, equal anything. But that is for a different topic.
So, what does the left have to say about Obama and the Dems plan to get rid of secret ballots for Union Voting?

As a proud member of the Left, I can tell you that once the great and powerful Obama has been placed on his rightful thrown as President of the World, there will be no need for secret ballots since everyone will naturally vote for Obama and his disciples.

Shocking that the liberal media wouldn't want to report something like this.

I am in disbelief!
So, what does the left have to say about Obama and the Dems plan to get rid of secret ballots for Union Voting?

I am going to love to see some of the responses

Can companies cheat with secret ballots?

Right now, Wallmart is trying to scare their employees into voting against unions. I hope they become union. If they do, It'll drive up the rest of our wages.

Your company won't give you a cost of living raise out of the kindness of their hearts.

All th negative talk about tightening our colective bootstraps is bullshit. This economy is not how things have to be.

And the economy won't fix unless we start doing better. If Obama gives us the tax breaks, we'll spend it. The top 1 percent can't fix this economy.

We need to fix our trade policies. They are hurting our wages. We can't compete with $3 a day chinese labor, nor should we.

Obama admits there is a problem and he wants to fix it. Mccain doesn't even admit there is a problem.

What do you do for a living?
I live in Louisiana and here the majority is anti-union. There are unions here though but unoin membership makes up probably less than 20% of the work force. This whole union deal will hit us hard because, like I said, 80% of workers are not union but the new laws will give the unions the power to come into my workplace and through intimidation, force me and my fellow employees to become unionized. Which means, join or don't work. I myself am very anti-union. They had their place in history but in this time, they trully serve no purpose except to reward the weak, ignorant and lazy. As a manager of my company, I would hate to be forced to hire someone who is unqualified and lazy because the union said I had to. We have a teachers union in the parish I live and it is so bad, parents are fighting to put their kids in private schools and the private schools will not hire union teachers. Down here, the majority does not believe in "fairness for all". We believe that through education and hard work, you are rewarded. Just because a person exists, does not earn them the right to get equal pay, equal respect, equal anything. But that is for a different topic.

Hang on, you're management, why would you be in a union anyway?
Look at the auto industry, Unions have really made them competitive. Right, uh huh. Bailout? Anyone?

Unions? How about management's inability to design vehicles that were actually wanted by the consumer? How long did it take Detroit to cotton onto the new demands? Why do you think Toyota - with a unionised workforce - is the number one carmaker in the world?
In my business, we do a lot of work with union companies. I also know and work with alot of people that used to be in the union. What I say does not come from inexperience or what the news media decided to tell me.

All of our workforce at my company make at or above unoin wages as it stands, but if my company was to unionize, several things would happen. First is that all of the employees making over union wages would have to take a cut in pay to a level deemed by the unoin based on their experience. They would then further loose money in union dues. The unions would tell us that the work load on our employees is too heavy and we would be forced into hiring new employees or cut back on work. By having to hire new employees, it would raise our cost to do business and so we would have to raise our prices just to keep the doors open. This would leave us uncompetitive in our business and eventually lead to a loss of projects. If we cut back on work, we simply could not afford to stay in business and all of the employees would be out of work.

Unoins are just bad news for the most part. They do/did have their good points at times. Their was a time when unions were needed but in this day and age of government regulations and employee rights laws, they are simply not needed. Unoins operate and appeal to the uneducated, lazy, and simple minded. You are not rewarded for effort, knowledge, or ability in the union but you are awarded for time alone. People simply are not equal. That is why Socialism will not work. Unions are a socialist dream. You work in a union and your pay is reflected by your level and time spent as a member of the union. Where-as outside of the union, in most companies, you pay is decided on your knowledge and experience. I know people that have been in the union for 25 years and have less knowledge and experience than people that have 5 years in the same business.

The simple fact is, unions punish people of intelligence, knowledge, experience, ambition, and motivation by forcing them into mediocrity and stifling their creativity.

Unions reward uneducated, inexperienced, unknowledgeable, unmotivated, underachievers by giving them the same,or very close to the same, pay increases and benifits as those I mentioned above.

If this law is passed, it would enable one underacheiving employee to demand a vote to unionize which we would then have to allow. It will simply take the decision out of the hands of the employer to hire, or not hire union labor. Once that employee demands his vote, the union will come in and "talk to" our employees. Of course we will have to pay them for that meeting time. Then the employees will have to make an open vote. The unoins will know how each person voted and if the union vote passes, the people who voted against it will be "forced out" by the union.
Unions? How about management's inability to design vehicles that were actually wanted by the consumer? How long did it take Detroit to cotton onto the new demands? Why do you think Toyota - with a unionised workforce - is the number one carmaker in the world?

You are fooling yourself into thinking the unions "care" about the people. The unions themselves are a business. That's why they collect dues. You pay a percentage of your pay to be allowed to work.

The auto manufacturers union is crap. I would never let someone tell me I had to go on strike for 2 months without pay for a 5 cent increase. That's simply retarded. It's simple math. But during that time, you are still paying union dues. It seems to me that the union demand pay increases so they (the unions) will make more money, not you.
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Good unions are good.

Corrupt unions are not.


I forgot, can't talk bad about unions to people form the north east since they are predominately union regardless of the fact that most unions are constantly being investigated by the FBI, have stong mafia influences, are corrupt, etc. GOD SAVE OUR UNIONS!!

It's ok, I'm originaly from NYC and can tell you how negative UNIONS can be and how they actually makethings worse then help them
The Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800, S. 1041), supported by a bipartisan coalition in Congress, would enable working people to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions by restoring workers’ freedom to choose for themselves whether to join a union. It would:

Establish stronger penalties for violation of employee rights when workers seek to form a union and during first-contract negotiations.
Provide mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes (PDF).
Allow employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation.

Thats is the law that Barack Obama supports, while in states that are right to work states this may hold some sway. In right to work states, this law is meaningless. The implementation if this law will provide further incentives for companies in an already depressed area of the country to move to those right to work states or NAFTA traty countries in order to keep labor costs down. While this law may garner Barack Obama many union votes and may be appealing to many of the rank and file in various unions it will in the end hurt no one but the union members themselves who IMHO don't need to be hurt anymore than they already have from bad political representation, bad advice from their own management, bad companies that lack engineering and marketing direction, the list is endless. This law IMO again provides further evidence of short sighted goals with long term consequences on the part of Barack Obama.

Here is how Arizona's Constitution, article XXV, reads:

Right to work or employment without membership in labor organization

No person shall be denied the opportunity to obtain or retain employment because of non-membership in a labor organization, nor shall the State or any subdivision thereof, or any corporation, individual or association of any kind enter into any agreement, written or oral, which excludes any person from employment or continuation of employment because of non-membership in a labor organization. (Addition approved election Nov. 5, 1946, eff. Nov. 25, 1946; amended November 30, 1982.)

What this Law that Barack Obama is supporting is eventually going to do is set up a fight between the Federal Government and the states. Which again IMO you will see a lot of legal fights between the federal government and states based on many of the constitutional issues imbeded in Barack Obama's plans.

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