Obama And Islamic State....Working Together?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It's looking more and more like that folks. First he puts Hillary's office in charge of the security report for TRANSCON. As S.o.S. she FAILS in FOUR years to even complete a SINGLE report DESPITE the standing evidence that the Alaskan pipeline has NEVER come under terrorist attack.

Second, he has already promised ANY bill dealing with TRANSCON is dead on arrival. So HE gets a bill PASSED without ANYBODY even reading it AND kills a bill without even reading it. THAT is what he HAS done and HAS promised.

Islamic State now controls THREE major oil fields in Libya. What better way to put a choke hold on America then ALLOW our imports to be controlled by our enemy AND refuse our ability to be independent of overseas terrorist demands?

My greatest fear for this country is that by the time the majority KNOWS how much hate Obama and democrats have for this country it will be to late.

We need to grow up and face some facts.
1, Islamic State will NEVER be a friend.
2, The U.N. is NOT our friend.
3, Obama does NOT love America.
You know Old School, is it not time you used your brain for something other then a bed pan?

Hmm... so, I pee on my brain. :eusa_think:

What a post.

No, no. He said "other then" which I assume means some sort of parallel dimension stuff.
Yes, they're working together, that's rather obvious (probably why the sycophants are trying to derail your thread).

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