
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Of course, none of this is surprising to conservatives, but the revelation about Jimmy Kimmel was shocking. I did not realize that he took two weeks off except for that one day and it does illustrate where his priorities are (ie on politics over the well being of his own child).

SNL is not "media". SNL is comedy, satire. You might also want to learn the difference between fact and fiction, op/ed's and news.
You might want to look up the word "media" there, sparky. Media is not content - it's medium (i.e. tv, radio, newspaper). Here - let me help you:

Seriously Luddly Neddite - it scares the absolute shit out of me how dumb you progressives are. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that. You people were raised so poorly that you literally have no concept of even basic definitions. Your dumb ass actually believes the word "media" is just a synonym for "news". :eusa_doh:
The left hates the truth. The USA Today was called out on an Editorial piece and their misinformation completely crumbles on live television. What an outrage that they would intentionally attempt to paint Steve Bannon as an "islamaphobe" simply for telling the truth.

Progressive propaganda in full swing...
ric Lieberman at The Daily Caller recently found that the fact checks displayed in Google’s search engine results are targeted almost exclusively at conservative publications. You can test it out yourself.
Almost exclusively targeting conservative publications (ironic of course considering that conservatives are the one's almost exclusively telling the truth).

Google's New 'Fact-Checker' Is Partisan Garbage
There is nothing more enjoyable than watching technology obliterate the propaganda of the left. Their favorite tactic is to accuse the right of what they are guilty of. For instance - the left has a long and ugly history of racism. But they attempt to accuse the right of that.

Their latest favorite is to proclaim that any information they do not distribute is “fake news” - when in fact they have been guilty of distributing fake news for the past 25 years. This one is really embarrassing for the Wall Street Journal. The audio is crystal clear and indisputable.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders blasts the Wall Street Journal for ‘fake news’ — then she releases proof

The left still has yet to figure out that propaganda ceases to work in an era of HD video and audio combined with the internet to disperse the indisputable proof.
This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...


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