NY vs. Trump: A Trial In Search Of An Imaginary Crime


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024

NY vs. Trump: A trial in search of an imaginary crime​

The Trump hush money trial is like 'Waiting for Godot' —a chaotic and nonsensical plot of absurdist fiction​

Published May 1, 2024

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s Theater of the Absurd entered its third week, still without any evidence of crimes committed by the accused.

Playwright Samuel Beckett would be proud. The Trump hush money trial is like "Waiting for Godot" —a chaotic and nonsensical plot of absurdist fiction. The titular Godot, of course, never arrives. It is an apt metaphor for Bragg’s case against Donald Trump. Jurors may be waiting in vain for criminal offenses that don’t actually exist in the law.

But the District Attorney seems utterly unbothered that his charges are mutable, ill-defined, illusory, or just plain absent. All of which makes it a trial in search of an imaginary crime.
It seems to me that the judge wants the crime to be that Trump violated a gag order, yet the jury is not there to hear a "gag order violation" case.

The more Trump is quiet the higher his poll numbers go
These neo-Marxist wannabe revolutionaries are missing the main ingredient, which is of course is MASS-MURDER that their idols NEEDED to get their way.........:eusa_whistle:
I have not read a single comment from.even one person on youtube a forum or other social media stating "I am visiting New York for vacation!" let alone suggesting they are moving there. New York has lost its glow and the U. S would be much better off if their influence on the Union was decreased significantly.
Seems they are identifying the crime every day

Trump is not making it easy for himself.
I feel sorry for his lawyers.
Can’t wait for his lawyers to claim Trump never had sex with Stormy Daniels
NY Democrats are doing everything they can to keep Trump out of the WH. They know he is a man of the people who would throw a monkey wrench in their rigged government-easy money schemes. They say Judge Merchan's sister already made millions off of his bogus prosecution of Trump. Foaming at the mouth Democrats, who previously vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected, are her biggest contributors. Back to MAGA
NY Democrats are doing everything they can to keep Trump out of the WH. They know he is a man of the people who would throw a monkey wrench in their rigged government-easy money schemes. They say Judge Merchan's sister already made millions off of his bogus prosecutions. Foaming at the mouth Democrats, who previously vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected, are her biggest contributors. Back to MAGA

Trump seems to be doing it all to himself
Trump seems to be doing it all to himself
Defending yourself from inuendo and persecution is what most people in his position would do. And really, what should it matter to NYC if he had sex with Stormy? I wonder how they would be handling this if the alleged sex he had was with Hillary or Chelsea or even Bill. What difference should any of this bullshit make, except between Trump, his conscience and his savior? MAGA.
Defending yourself from inuendo and persecution is what most people in his position would do. And really, what should it matter to NYC if he had sex with Stormy? I wonder how they would be handling this if the alleged sex he had was with Hillary or Chelsea or even Bill. What difference should any of this bullshit make, except between Trump, his conscience and his savior? MAGA.

Trump is a lawyers worst nightmare

He doesn’t know how to behave, doesn’t keep his mouth shut and forces his legal team into a strategy that is difficult to win.

The case comes down to……Who do you believe?

Trump or Cohen/Daniels?

Trump makes it difficult to believe
You need to stop reading stuff frim Fox.
Hey moron - it has nothing to do with Fox News - which I don't even watch. I get my news from twitter or the radio. Anyone who has been paying attention since 2015 knows the following:

1. The establishment (uniparty)- be they democrats or republicans - hates Trump. Why do they hate him? Because he's an outsider and can't be bought or controlled.
2. The establishment (uniparty) wants to keep and expand their own power
3. Trump is on trial for "crimes", meanwhile every top democrat has gotten away with FAR WORSE.
It seems to me that the judge wants the crime to be that Trump violated a gag order, yet the jury is not there to hear a "gag order violation" case.

The more Trump is quiet the higher his poll numbers go
You are seriously misinformed...

Trump was informed of the conditions of his Bail... The man is criminally indicted..

Gag Orders are not the norm because defendents are usually that dumb...

BTW, Trump has mentioned witnesses not testifying by name.. Don't do that yourself if in the same position, you will goto jail, that is basic witness intimidation...
NY Democrats are doing everything they can to keep Trump out of the WH. They know he is a man of the people who would throw a monkey wrench in their rigged government-easy money schemes. They say Judge Merchan's sister already made millions off of his bogus prosecution of Trump. Foaming at the mouth Democrats, who previously vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected, are her biggest contributors. Back to MAGA
Trump committed the crimes... You are pissed because you support a criminal...

Then he gets you all riled up claiming they are to get him... That is the same lame ass excuse from half a prison population...

You have no proof that this is political motivated... You think because Trump would do that, Democrats would do the same...

MAGA have accused anyone investigating Trump as beeing political motivated even if they were registered republicans... No evidence just follow trump's cue...
Trump is being charged with doing what cohen went to jail for. Cohen did what he did in concert with and at the behest of Trump

It should not surprise you to see Trump prosecuted and convicted
Trump committed the crimes... You are pissed because you support a criminal...

Then he gets you all riled up claiming they are to get him... That is the same lame ass excuse from half a prison population...

You have no proof that this is political motivated... You think because Trump would do that, Democrats would do the same...

MAGA have accused anyone investigating Trump as beeing political motivated even if they were registered republicans... No evidence just follow trump's cue...
What crimes?

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