NY Post calls NRA Leader Jihadi Wayne

Wow the paranoid conservatives who want to deny refugees the ability to come here want terrorists to have guns.

Which makes all their whining and crying about terrorists nothing but a bunch of garbage lies.

They once again show their hate for America and desire for Americans to be murdered by terrorists.

None of them are true Americans who love our nation and constitution. Anyone who wants a terrorist to legally get a weapon here in America is no real American and is actually an enemy of our nation.

No we don't, apparently you have to make up lies, pathetic.
Op has fundamental misunderstanding of our constitutional republic and should probably go jump off a high cliff.
NRA does not exist in a vacuum. It represents the interests of millions of Americans. What they are looking to avoid is the US Justice Department under Obama classifying every pro-gun organization and right leaning group a "terrorist" organization so they can be disarmed, thereby stripping them of their second amendment rights and their first amendment rights of speech and assembly.

The NRA's quest is noble and correct. The leftist media ought to be beaten with baseball bats for making such defamatory statements about the NRA.
"NRA Protects Terrorists Right To Buy Guns In U.S."
I thought there were no terrorists coming in as "refugees." They were and are being vetted, no? At least that's what the administration says. Make up your mind if they are terrorists or not. If they are, they shouldn't come in...if they are not, then what's the problem?
Which party uses fear and disaster in their campaign adds?


New York City tabloid is continuing its battle with the National Rifle Association, calling NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre “Jihadi Wayne” on the cover of Monday morning’s edition for opposing sensible gun laws that could prevent terrorists from purchasing high-powered weapons.

The New York Daily News screaming headline “Nowhere To Hide, Jihadhi Wayne” on Monday morning comes on the heels of a similar headline last Wednesday reading: “NRA’s Sick Jihad.”

At issue is the NRA using their overwhelming influence with lawmakers to block a law that would ban anyone on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a gun.

The bill, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, was proposed in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 people in Paris dead and hundreds more injured. Gun control advocates say that a legal loophole allows suspects on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns while the same list prevents them from flying on U.S. airlines.

The bill was originally proposed in 2007, but has been blocked by conservative lawmakers who are heavily backed by the NRA.

According GOP House member and bill co-sponsor Rep. Peter King of Long Island, the NRA is opposed to any bills that might stop anyone from purchasing a gun.

“Anything which they feel restricts the use or the ability to retain a gun they’re opposed to,” King said.

I hate the NY Post for their "Click Bait" styled titles but they have a point
No they don't have a point,what they do have is irrational fear,and hate,and division,comparing the NRA and their leadership to the crazies from the ME is irrational,and intentionally inflammatory,you should be ashamed.
The left has zip for credibility,and will stoop to any means.
The leadership of NRA are indeed jihadis.

God forbid an organization fights for people's rights. Bureaucrats should not be able to decide who gets what rights.

SCOTUS has upheld these types of restrictions.

No "right" is absolute.

SCOTUS says so.


SCOTUS has not held a restriction on banning gun ownership because someone is on a list. in fact, they have been reducing restrictions that past decade, and hopefully NYC's unconstitutional laws are next.
Evidently nobody has taken the time to read the bill.

Break it down for us Lass:eusa_think:

You should have read it before whining about it, the bill calls for someone being "suspected" of terrorist ties to be denied gun ownership, you can't deny someone ownership over suspicions. Any first year law student knows that. The bill has promise but needs to be reworded. It would be the same as someone being "suspected" of domestic violence and being denied, you can't do that

But it's okay to deny asylum to 3 year olds from Syria because you 'suspect' they might grow up to be a terrorist.

Goddam! you people are fucked in the head.

That three year old did not come to America by himself.
Goddan! You are fucked in the head.

That's Gilligan you're responding to there... 'fucked in the head' is its only endearing trait.
This proves that the NRA is nothing more than a marketing concern for the gun manufacturers.
You do not require a very high threshold of proof, do you?

Depends... when it's their baseless assertion, that they made the assertion is all the proof needed. When they're defending, there is no level of scope, or volume of evidence that will suffice. Understand that the person to whom you're responding, still claims that Mike Brown had his hands up and was on his knees surrendering when he was killed by the Po-po... .
Then it is time amend the 2nd Amendment.

keys mumbling and drooling has become quite common on the Board.

New York City tabloid is continuing its battle with the National Rifle Association, calling NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre “Jihadi Wayne” on the cover of Monday morning’s edition for opposing sensible gun laws that could prevent terrorists from purchasing high-powered weapons.

The New York Daily News screaming headline “Nowhere To Hide, Jihadhi Wayne” on Monday morning comes on the heels of a similar headline last Wednesday reading: “NRA’s Sick Jihad.”

At issue is the NRA using their overwhelming influence with lawmakers to block a law that would ban anyone on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a gun.

The bill, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, was proposed in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 people in Paris dead and hundreds more injured. Gun control advocates say that a legal loophole allows suspects on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns while the same list prevents them from flying on U.S. airlines.

The bill was originally proposed in 2007, but has been blocked by conservative lawmakers who are heavily backed by the NRA.

According GOP House member and bill co-sponsor Rep. Peter King of Long Island, the NRA is opposed to any bills that might stop anyone from purchasing a gun.

“Anything which they feel restricts the use or the ability to retain a gun they’re opposed to,” King said.

I hate the NY Post for their "Click Bait" styled titles but they have a point

You realize there is no due process in that law….right…..no one has been convicted of anything or even charged with anything to get on that list….and once on the list you can't even find out why you were put on the list…right?

Typical left wing fascists……...
How about we deny voting rights to them as well? Eliminate 4th amendment protections?

Being put on a list by some un-elected bureaucrat is not enough to deny someone their rights.

Why should I be denied my rights because my name is on a list. Oh right, NYC already denies me my RKBA.

And what about the right to freedom of movement…why not round up those on the watch list…right left wingers…why not do that?

New York City tabloid is continuing its battle with the National Rifle Association, calling NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre “Jihadi Wayne” on the cover of Monday morning’s edition for opposing sensible gun laws that could prevent terrorists from purchasing high-powered weapons.

The New York Daily News screaming headline “Nowhere To Hide, Jihadhi Wayne” on Monday morning comes on the heels of a similar headline last Wednesday reading: “NRA’s Sick Jihad.”

At issue is the NRA using their overwhelming influence with lawmakers to block a law that would ban anyone on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a gun.

The bill, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, was proposed in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 people in Paris dead and hundreds more injured. Gun control advocates say that a legal loophole allows suspects on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns while the same list prevents them from flying on U.S. airlines.

The bill was originally proposed in 2007, but has been blocked by conservative lawmakers who are heavily backed by the NRA.

According GOP House member and bill co-sponsor Rep. Peter King of Long Island, the NRA is opposed to any bills that might stop anyone from purchasing a gun.

“Anything which they feel restricts the use or the ability to retain a gun they’re opposed to,” King said.

I hate the NY Post for their "Click Bait" styled titles but they have a point

They don't have a point…they are clueless…...

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