Nursing Homes and Retirement Centers going Bankrupt.

They don't pay workers enough
Those places charge between $5000 and $10,000 a month. I don't feel sorry for them. You have to spend down all your assets and sign under Medicaid if you have no long term care insurance. I went undercover. The residents were sitting in wheelchairs and staring into space, nobody was paying much attention to them. I had to ask how much the rates were and she said between $3,500 and $5,000 a month. The furniture in the rooms was pretty beat up. Not sure what that money was paying for. If you have serious issues like memory care, it costs even more and they lock you in the facility so you can't wander outside. I don't want to ever end up in one of those places, shoot me first.
The residents were sitting in wheelchairs and staring into space, nobody was paying much attention to them.
Gee, think maybe the nurses and aides were busy doing stuff like passing meds, performing wound care and bathing, feeding or changing incontinent residents?

If your grandma is clean, fed, dressed, medicated and safely sitting in her w/c then mission fucking accomplished buddy

Sitting and chatting with residents sometimes can’t be priority
children take care of their parents in their own
Sometimes it's not that easy. My dad was thrown out of every facility unlucky enough to take him in. People couldn't be paid to care for him. He ended up with me. It was a freaking nightmare from beginning to end. He was violent, combative. He fought against taking his medicine. Half the time he refused to eat. He spread feces over everything. He kept running away and the police would find him and take him to a hospital where he would be kept for 3 days then sent back. December 18, 1996, the police didn't find him. I wonder.......
Perhaps the solution is the creating of communities.

Have food shops where old people can get cheap food, places they can go and hang out, all the while living at home.

They hung out at McDonald's as teens ... now they can hang out at McDonald's as geezers.

What a wonderful life.
Sometimes it's not that easy. My dad was thrown out of every facility unlucky enough to take him in. People couldn't be paid to care for him. He ended up with me. It was a freaking nightmare from beginning to end. He was violent, combative. He fought against taking his medicine. Half the time he refused to eat. He spread feces over everything. He kept running away and the police would find him and take him to a hospital where he would be kept for 3 days then sent back. December 18, 1996, the police didn't find him. I wonder.......
You wonder what?
Sometimes it's not that easy. My dad was thrown out of every facility unlucky enough to take him in. People couldn't be paid to care for him. He ended up with me. It was a freaking nightmare from beginning to end. He was violent, combative. He fought against taking his medicine. Half the time he refused to eat. He spread feces over everything. He kept running away and the police would find him and take him to a hospital where he would be kept for 3 days then sent back. December 18, 1996, the police didn't find him. I wonder.......
I would say thats the exection more than the rule,,

my 87 yr old mother in law lives with us and dont really have many problems even though shes a pain in the ass,,

whats happening today is its the rule not the exception to dump them in a facility
Perhaps the solution is the creating of communities.

Have food shops where old people can get cheap food, places they can go and hang out, all the while living at home.
If they were capable of just chilling at home with no supervision, we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place

We’re talking about people incapable of feeding or dressing themselves who pee and poop themselves and either are mobile and at risk of falls or immobile and at risk of bedsores
You wonder what?
If the police bothered. After so many times. Maybe they gave up.

When I was little we were homeless mostly wandering the open road from town to town and sta5e to stat see. My parents both loved it. Dad continually said he wanted to hit the road. He even told the cops. Perhaps, they just let him.
Apparently these places are suffering the effects of inflation after getting hit hard with Covid-19 pandemic fallout. 80% of residents sick and skilled nurses and staff failing to return to work. Then unable to hire staff at the same wages as budgets will allow from seniors unable to pay more and Medicare not keeping pace with inflation. Its a total mess being old and alone.

The Satanic Reptilian Overlords in charge of our government wouldn’t have it any other way
I guess more “real” Americans should apply for the jobs then, if they’re so worked up over the idea of immigrants taking care of mom and dad in the nursing homes

unlike some industries, we don’t hire illegal immigrants and everyone involved in patient care is a CNA a LPN or an RN and is therefore registered with the state
If they were capable of just chilling at home with no supervision, we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place

We’re talking about people incapable of feeding or dressing themselves who pee and poop themselves and either are mobile and at risk of falls or immobile and at risk of bedsores

You've not said anything in response to what I've said.
children take care of their parents in their own homes,,

Not always possible.

I actually work in the field, but I’m sure you believe you know more about it than I do

The crazy cat lady believes she knows all.

I guess more “real” Americans should apply for the jobs then, if they’re so worked up over the idea of immigrants taking care of mom and dad in the nursing homes

unlike some industries, we don’t hire illegal immigrants and everyone involved in patient care is a CNA a LPN or an RN and is therefore registered with the state

My nephew tried. He wasn't hired because he only spoke English.
Not always possible.

The crazy cat lady believes she knows all.

My nephew tried. He wasn't hired because he only spoke English.
sure its not always possible,,

but its something that should be promoted unless or until its absolutely needed,,
So...I should give up my marriage and career and move in with my mother and stepfather. (Siblings live 3000 miles away.)

Bear in mind he and I have about 90 minutes in the same house before I want to strangle him.
its obvious you have to much anger and hate for it to work for you,,,

and being inconvenient,,

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