Now We Know: It Was (And Remains) An Attempted Coup


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Now We Know: It Was (And Remains) An Attempted Coup

By Peter Barry Chowka ~~ Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview, airing in full on CBS tonight, is a disaster for the Deep State. His admission during his interview that he and other top FBI and Justice Department officials seriously considered taking steps including invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office in the spring of 2017 is a blockbuster. Thanks to his candor, we can finally use without reservation the “C” word – for an attempted coup d’état –in describing what McCabe and other Deep State players were cooking up in secret two years ago.
Excerpts of McCabe’s damning interview were released by CBS News on Thursday. Almost immediately, a range of experts – including a few Democrats – began using the “C” word.
The fact that a coup d’état against President Trump was under serious consideration is no longer speculation proposed by fringe “conspiracy theorists.” The words “Coup” or “Attempted Coup” can now be used without qualification or apology in describing the history of the attempts to take down President Trump that went on at some of the highest levels of the federal government in 2017.
Only by using the correct names for matters can an appropriate response be formulated. This is ancient wisdom propounded by Confucius:
"If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant;
if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone;
if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate;
if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion.
Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything."

All the corrupt roads starting in the FBI from Comey and McCabe lead directly to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and a plethora of Progressives.
Now that the truth is out can we have public hangings? 'We The People' need to see the perpetrators brought to justice. How dare they!
The Media is scrambling to bury this. However Scott Pele and McCabe may have bitten off more than they can chew in this '60 Minutes' production.
Get ready for a bumpy ride then because the tearing down hasn't started in earnest yet. You will know when it starts in earnest you start to see some of the those bent DOJ employees indicted and singing songs about the rest of them. AG William Barr swore that he would not interfere with the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. He did not make any claims about ignoring Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker or Ohr investigations of Sedition, Perjury, and or obstruction of Justice. There's no doubt that there are others involved and all eyes are cast upon the former administration. I wonder how many will fall on their swords to protect the former president, Hillary Clinton et al.....
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The revelation that they knew the dossier was a lie and that they still used and presented it to the FISA court should kill all the Mueller investigation charges and convictions as fruit of the poisonous tree..

Look for Every single person charged by Mueller to challenge their convictions and plea deals.. This is going to be a blood bath..

Everyone involved right up to and including Clinton and Obama can be charged with Sedition and an attempted Coup..
The Fake News Media really has no choice but to try to keep this quiet, The Fake News Media through their quisling reporters played a big part in it’s fabrication and were in on the TREASONOUS ACTS from the beginning, they should all hang with the rest of them.
The idea that Donald J Trump would let himself be used by anybody, much less the Russians, was preposterous from the beginning. Anyone can see that’s not who this man is. I think they never believed it - they just hoped they could convince others of it so they could keep up their gravy train that they didn’t want to be put in jail for. The Clintons had a way of entrapping others in their greed and thus gaining co-conspirators. Our whole deep state is a collusion of greed for money and power.
When I first saw segments of the interview I was shocked McCabe was admitting to this. I suspect his publishers told him to start with a major bombshell because it would make headlines and increase sales. But I don't believe he thought it through or considered the implications. Now the Democratic Media Complex is scrambling and falling over themselves to cover his mistake.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.

I strongly suggest you view '60 Minutes" this evening and purchase the McCabe tell all. I'm not touting the book but the comparison of known facts and what McCabe is alluding to in his book should be enough to bury him and those that conspired to commit Sedition.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.
They were openly discussing a plan to remove a sitting president of the UNITED STATES.. That is Sedition and Treason.. They have no right or power to be doing what they were doing. The fact they were goes to the politicization of agencies that should not be doing what it was they were engaged in. They violated every ethical premise there is.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.
They were openly discussing a plan to remove a sitting president of the UNITED STATES.. That is Sedition and Treason.. They have no right or power to be doing what they were doing. The fact they were goes to the politicization of agencies that should not be doing what it was they were engaged in. They violated every ethical premise there is.
Not if they have information that the President is a known traitor, which they, as an intelligence agency, no doubt have.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.
They were openly discussing a plan to remove a sitting president of the UNITED STATES.. That is Sedition and Treason.. They have no right or power to be doing what they were doing. The fact they were goes to the politicization of agencies that should not be doing what it was they were engaged in. They violated every ethical premise there is.
Not if they have information that the President is a known traitor, which they, as an intelligence agency, no doubt have.
According to McCabe they did not have any proof and they KNEW IT! Again you make accusations of collusion without proof.
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.
They were openly discussing a plan to remove a sitting president of the UNITED STATES.. That is Sedition and Treason.. They have no right or power to be doing what they were doing. The fact they were goes to the politicization of agencies that should not be doing what it was they were engaged in. They violated every ethical premise there is.
Not if they have information that the President is a known traitor, which they, as an intelligence agency, no doubt have.

LOL...they didnt have it when they started their treasonous plan nor do they have it now.
Wanna try again?
If it was a "coup", then how come those FBI agents were not in the Trump cabinet? Only members of the Trump cabinet (besides Congress) could remove Trump.

They were just debating on how the Cabinet would vote if it came to that, nothing more.

They were openly discussing a plan to remove a sitting president of the UNITED STATES.. That is Sedition and Treason.. They have no right or power to be doing what they were doing. The fact they were goes to the politicization of agencies that should not be doing what it was they were engaged in. They violated every ethical premise there is.

Not if they have information that the President is a known traitor, which they, as an intelligence agency, no doubt have.

All that they have is the bogus, fake Dossier created by the DNC led by Hillary through Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS, that implicates Steele, Ohr and his wife. Even the Senate has made the claim after more than two years of investigation that there is no evidence of collusion, conspiracy, or sedition on the part of Trump. All the information tends to implicate Democrats, and the Leftist cabal within the FBI led by Comey and McCabe.
So far Andrew McCabe has begun his story well after the Fake Dossier was introduced into the FBI and he conveniently leaves out the investigation regarding Hillary Clinton's use of the home brewed server and all the Classified information that was found there by the FBI itself.
Strangely all that has been purposely omitted from this interview. One has to wonder why. Just discussing the removal of the newly elected president elect is Sedition and Treason..... I hope that the Senate Committee has found reasonable evidence to try McCabe and others in his cabal for treason......
So far Andrew McCabe has begun his story well after the Fake Dossier was introduced into the FBI and he conveniently leaves out the investigation regarding Hillary Clinton's use of the home brewed server and all the Classified information that was found there by the FBI itself.
Strangely all that has been purposely omitted from this interview. One has to wonder why. Just discussing the removal of the newly elected president elect is Sedition and Treason..... I hope that the Senate Committee has found reasonable evidence to try McCabe and others in his cabal for treason......
From the interview Rosenstein needs to be in jail.
The lot of them needs to be in prison, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Rosenstein, etc. Then it goes up the chain toward Obama...

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