NOW They Tell Us: Exercise More, You Are Less Likely to Die from Covid!!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Oh wait, we KNEW this!

And we knew it from...oh yeah, the very beginning. But the Covid Karens and Fauci cultists didn't have helpful advice like HEY! Now would be the time to eat right, exercise, and if necessary, begin to lose weight!

Nah, just put that cloth mask your Aunt Carol made out of old curtain material over your face and line up for ALL the experimental shots! And oh yeah: close the schools, make old people die alone, and then you can't go to their funeral. And masks over instruments! Don't forget that.


What a win, right?

The only reason they're telling folks to exercise now, is in the hopes of accelerating heart attacks from the clot shot. How many healthy 20 somethings have dropped dead while working out? Fauchi and gang thought hmm... How can we speed things up a bit? I got it! Tell these boostards to go running, and shit.
Oh wait, we KNEW this!

And we knew it from...oh yeah, the very beginning. But the Covid Karens and Fauci cultists didn't have helpful advice like HEY! Now would be the time to eat right, exercise, and if necessary, begin to lose weight!

Nah, just put that cloth mask your Aunt Carol made out of old curtain material over your face and line up for ALL the experimental shots! And oh yeah: close the schools, make old people die alone, and then you can't go to their funeral. And masks over instruments! Don't forget that.


What a win, right?

I mean imagine if this obese--possibly morbidly obese--woman here would have worried a lot less about the aerosols put out by her flute and lost even a modest amount of weight. I mean who knows, maybe she has. This is much more protective to health than whatever this atrocity is here....bagging up instruments like fools, frankly.
I mean imagine if this obese--possibly morbidly obese--woman here would have worried a lot less about the aerosols put out by her flute and lost even a modest amount of weight. I mean who knows, maybe she has. This is much more protective to health than whatever this atrocity is here....bagging up instruments like fools, frankly.
The only reason they're telling folks to exercise now, is in the hopes of accelerating heart attacks from the clot shot. How many healthy 20 somethings have dropped dead while working out? Fauchi and gang thought hmm... How can we speed things up a bit? I got it! Tell these boostards to go running, and shit.

This has been the last part I can believe....that this is coordinated.

But at this point: who knows.

These are instrument masks. I'm saying this is what we focused on--bagging up instruments (!)--rather than taking real steps to improve health not only in Covid, but just in general.

Like you've probably seen the cartoon of the morbidly obese woman riding a scooter, clutching a fast food bag, yelling at a thinner woman not wearing a mask for "endangering her health".
It truly is unbelievable .

An irony is that it looks like the big Vaxxers who exercise big time are at much higher risk of a variety of problems , not the least being heart trouble and dropping down dead on the spot .

But the idiots will doubtless not believe that either .

The Gullibles as I call them ---- those taking their Part One exams in Stupidity ..
If you're going to be an experimental guinea pig for Big Pharma and their political backers...........then theres nothing that can be done for you.

If you do your due diligence and research the hell out of what they are doing and what they want to pump you up with and find out for yourself what they are actually DOING........then you'll say "FUCK THAT SHIT" and live to see another day.

Maybe the Demonicrats are doing us a favor by having their little "death jab" kill off the stupid??
Vaccines work for 99% of the population.

Just not hers.

How did they "work"?

You realize they didn't limit transmission right?

You realize that vaccinated people are now getting MORE cases of Covid, right?

In what universe is this called "working"?
Actually, Joe, you are dead wrong as usual.

The Libs closed gyms from coast to coast at the height of Covidmania. This gym owner from New Jersey was on Hannity and was literally crucified by the libs for staying open and providing exercise opportunities in defiance of Fauci et al.
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Actually, Joe, you are dead wrong as usual.

The Libs closed gyms from coast to coast at the height of Covidmania. This gym owner from New Jersey was on Hannity and was literally crucified by the libs for staying open and providing exercise opportunities in defiance of Fauci et al.

That was two years ago. Are you seriously arguing that because the gyms were closed for a couple of weeks, that no one could possibly exercise on a spring day?
That was two years ago. Are you seriously arguing that because the gyms were closed for a couple of weeks, that no one could possibly exercise on a spring day?

Sure, people were able to defy the liberal orders of Doc Fauci to remain locked up at home, masked and sedentary.

And many did.

But the question is what your liberal scientists suggested and oftentimes required.
Sure, people were able to defy the liberal orders of Doc Fauci to remain locked up at home, masked and sedentary.

And many did.

But the question is what your liberal scientists suggested and oftentimes required.

Nothing was stopping them from going out on a jog in April, 2022.
The concern was prolonged INDOOR exposure.

But the funny thing is, the rest of the world did what Fauci said, and didn't have anywhere near our fatality rates.
MAGAts decided Fauci was the enemy because he had higher ratings than Trump did.
Actually, they don't. Conventional vaccines ie flu, tetanus, shingles work well. mRNA is a deadly injection and no, its not safe and effective.
How long has mRNA technology been used?

mRNA technology has been in development since the 1960s, but it was proven responsive when SARS-CoV-2 hit the world. Its success in combatting COVID-19 has resulted in renewed interest in developing the technology for other diseases.Apr 20, 2022

Revolutionary mRNA vaccine technology: History, facts and the ...​


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