Now that it has been announced that illegals can gang attack two American police officers, where does that leave the average citizen?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Let's just call it as the video confirmed,.young men can enter America illegally and assault police officers. They will then be released and free to leave the state to roam and pillage. If they will do this to two policemen(!), what will they do to the average citizen? Will they even be charged when they rob the Average Joe? How are they welcomed let alone not deported! What is the next step.ofmescalation after they assault cops? it is frightening to witness and cops have a right to be pissed.
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That's why we are so adamant about holding on to our 2A rights.
And that’s also why the Dems want to take them. They‘ve already achieved one of the two things a tyrannical government needs to oppress, according to Madison: “an enslaved media”.

The second is “a disarmed populace.”

(Phrases in quotes are Madison’s precise words.)
Let's just call it as the video confirmed,.young men can enter America illegally and assault police officers. They will then be released and free to leave the state to roam and pillage. If they will do this to two policemen(!), what will they do to the average citizen? Will they even be charged when they rob the Average Joe? How are they welcomed let alone not deported! What is the next step.ofmescalation after they assault cops? it is frightening to witness and cops have a right to be pissed.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I would have to guess that leaves the average American citizen armed and willing to shoot the criminals the police won't shoot?
That's why we are so adamant about holding on to our 2A rights.

The left doesn't see the difference between the tyranny of oppressive government, and the tyranny of criminal illegals trying to deprive you of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

They are one and the same.
Let's just call it as the video confirmed,.young men can enter America illegally and assault police officers. They will then be released and free to leave the state to roam and pillage. If they will do this to two policemen(!), what will they do to the average citizen? Will they even be charged when they rob the Average Joe? How are they welcomed let alone not deported! What is the next step.ofmescalation after they assault cops? it is frightening to witness and cops have a right to be pissed.
Well, me living in Florida and having carry weapons, it leaves me to think that if any of those turds want to fuck around they will find out.
This is the great example of the failure of Democrat leadership that I have seen in long time.

If those people in New York want to put up with that then so be it. They will get what they sow. They will pay for their stupidity of electing weak Liberals. However in my county here in Florida the Sheriff and the District Prosecutor would bring the hammer down on the Illegals or anybody else big time.
Well, me living in Florida and having carry weapons, it leaves me to think that if any of those turds want to fuck around they will find out.

The closest Latin translation I could find to describe that scenario was "Si irrumabo, invenies."

(If you fuck it, you will find it) :laughing0301:
What makes you think that the illegals are going to be confined to Democrat cities and states?
The Republican towns won’t coddle them. They pull that crap with police, and they go to jail. Once Trump is elected, we can deport them.

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