Now Some Claim The Cancel Culture Does Not Exist - Saul Alinsky Classic

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
It's hysterical that people will eve come close to saying this:

I, however, argue that while the intentions of cancel culture are displayed during public scandal, the entirety of cancel culture as a concept doesn’t exist. I believe that it’s only in its first stage of existing. And this first stage is not nearly as prominent in today’s society nor is it as effective in “ending people’s livelihoods” as it is often made out to be.


We hear daily how people are flattened because of things they've said or tweeted.

How can someone be so stupid ?
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Sexism, too. Because I had written in the Globe and Mail that the prevalence of rape on university campuses had been highly exaggerated, I was accused of “creating an unsafe environment for disclosures of misconduct.” I was also denounced for questioning the science behind “implicit bias” training (which has, in fact, been thoroughly discredited). I was even accused of “self-plagiarism,” the journalistic equivalent of #MeToo-ing oneself.

“I thought Massey had just resolved to educate its members about racism and microaggression and do better to create a safe and welcoming environment for marginalised people,” one complainant wrote. “And then we invited Margaret Wente to join us? Seriously? How are my friends and colleagues supposed to feel safe sitting across from her at dinner?”


Feel safe ? From what.....

She carries a gun ?

What the fuck.
It's hysterical that people will eve come close to saying this:

I, however, argue that while the intentions of cancel culture are displayed during public scandal, the entirety of cancel culture as a concept doesn’t exist. I believe that it’s only in its first stage of existing. And this first stage is not nearly as prominent in today’s society nor is it as effective in “ending people’s livelihoods” as it is often made out to be.


We hear daily how people are flattened because of things they've said or tweeted.

How can someone be so stupid ?
Just as stupid as right wingers saying trump is truthful, honest, clean, brave and reverent. Quit reading propaganda and maybe they will cease to exist or else attain the relative importance they deserve, at least.
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It's hysterical that people will eve come close to saying this:

I, however, argue that while the intentions of cancel culture are displayed during public scandal, the entirety of cancel culture as a concept doesn’t exist. I believe that it’s only in its first stage of existing. And this first stage is not nearly as prominent in today’s society nor is it as effective in “ending people’s livelihoods” as it is often made out to be.


We hear daily how people are flattened because of things they've said or tweeted.

How can someone be so stupid ?
Just as stupid as right wingers saying trump is truthful, honest, clean, brave and reverent. Quit reading propaganda and maybe they will cease to exist or else attain the relative importance they deserve, at least.

Cancel Culture......O.K.

Take your ADD meds and get back to us.
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Yes it does happen:

Steve Hsu, Professor of Theoretical Physics and, until June 19th, 2020, Senior Vice-President for Research and Innovation at Michigan State University (MSU) is the latest high-profile sacking. Hsu is not accused of a discriminatory act while carrying out his administrative responsibilities, such as faculty promotions or recruitment. He reports that he has not received any such allegation during his eight years as SVP. Instead, he is accused of holding—and of supporting others who hold—racist, eugenicist, and sexist views pertaining to intelligence.
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A top editor at a newspaper in the US has resigned just days after apologising for a "deeply offensive" headline.

Stan Wischnowski, the top editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, resigned today, four days after the headline “Buildings Matter, Too” prompted mass walkouts from staff.


Why didn't they fire the staff ?
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Can't do much here....I would not go to an NBA game if you paid me.
List all the people that you no longer have access to because they got canceled OP.
I've had left wingers claim that Cancel Culture, PC and Identity Politics don't exist. Just flat out deny it.

I've had right wingers claim that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racism doesn't exist. Just flat out deny it.

There's no use in trying to get them to admit the obvious. Wingers appear to view honesty as some kind of weakness or capitulation.

Just deny, deny, deny.
Yes it does happen:

Steve Hsu, Professor of Theoretical Physics and, until June 19th, 2020, Senior Vice-President for Research and Innovation at Michigan State University (MSU) is the latest high-profile sacking. Hsu is not accused of a discriminatory act while carrying out his administrative responsibilities, such as faculty promotions or recruitment. He reports that he has not received any such allegation during his eight years as SVP. Instead, he is accused of holding—and of supporting others who hold—racist, eugenicist, and sexist views pertaining to intelligence.
The complaint about Hsu came from.....wait for it...... Graduate Employees Union.

Every union is a communist organization trying to disrupt anything related to free markets.

Cancel Culture is a communist concept developed by the assholes associated with the Frankfurt School.
It's hysterical that people will eve come close to saying this:

I, however, argue that while the intentions of cancel culture are displayed during public scandal, the entirety of cancel culture as a concept doesn’t exist. I believe that it’s only in its first stage of existing. And this first stage is not nearly as prominent in today’s society nor is it as effective in “ending people’s livelihoods” as it is often made out to be.


We hear daily how people are flattened because of things they've said or tweeted.

How can someone be so stupid ?
Just as stupid as right wingers saying trump is truthful, honest, clean, brave and reverent. Quit reading propaganda and maybe they will cease to exist or else attain the relative importance they deserve, at least.
Cease to exist? You assholes won’t go away. You people won’t just let us ignore you and you’re constantly looking for a fight. You’re the worst people on the damn planet.
I've had left wingers claim that Cancel Culture, PC and Identity Politics don't exist. Just flat out deny it.

I've had right wingers claim that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racism doesn't exist. Just flat out deny it.

There's no use in trying to get them to admit the obvious. Wingers appear to view honesty as some kind of weakness or capitulation.

Just deny, deny, deny.

You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on. Identity politics and cancel culture you can find opening any news sight or social media platform. Comparing the two as equal is moronic.
I've had left wingers claim that Cancel Culture, PC and Identity Politics don't exist. Just flat out deny it.

I've had right wingers claim that old fashioned, ignorant, paranoid racism doesn't exist. Just flat out deny it.

There's no use in trying to get them to admit the obvious. Wingers appear to view honesty as some kind of weakness or capitulation.

Just deny, deny, deny.
And, you know the purpose of the Cancel Culture, PC, and ID politics, and where it originated, don't you?

To pretend that this is not an effort to erode Western Culture to allow Marxism is the brightest example of whistling past the graveyard I have ever seen.

It is, without question, a Bolshevik Plot.

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