Now Some Claim The Cancel Culture Does Not Exist - Saul Alinsky Classic

The argument isn't that it doesn't exist. The argument is it's not something new. What happened when John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus?

How long have Vietnam Vets had a beef with Jane Fonda? The Swiftboaters help take down John Kerry. At that point their problems with him stretched back 30 years.

This is people being fired because their research does not reach the conclusion the PC think it should reach....regardless of the data.

There is a huge difference. Pull your head out of your ass and look around.

No idea what you are talking about.

That seems to happen to you....a lot.

You made some vague claim. What is someone supposed to take from that?
That Democrats suck.

But it was cool when people were boycotting Starbucks?

Who was boycotting Starbucks and why ?

Starbucks has become a target of Trump-loving conservatives — and that's great news for the brand
The argument isn't that it doesn't exist. The argument is it's not something new. What happened when John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus?

How long have Vietnam Vets had a beef with Jane Fonda? The Swiftboaters help take down John Kerry. At that point their problems with him stretched back 30 years.

This is people being fired because their research does not reach the conclusion the PC think it should reach....regardless of the data.

There is a huge difference. Pull your head out of your ass and look around.

No idea what you are talking about.

That seems to happen to you....a lot.

You made some vague claim. What is someone supposed to take from that?
That Democrats suck.

But it was cool when people were boycotting Starbucks?

Who was boycotting Starbucks and why ?

Starbucks has become a target of Trump-loving conservatives — and that's great news for the brand
Back in the 60's,a cup of Coffee was a dime. Nobody in their right mind would pay $5 for Coffee.
It's hysterical that people will eve come close to saying this:

I, however, argue that while the intentions of cancel culture are displayed during public scandal, the entirety of cancel culture as a concept doesn’t exist. I believe that it’s only in its first stage of existing. And this first stage is not nearly as prominent in today’s society nor is it as effective in “ending people’s livelihoods” as it is often made out to be.


We hear daily how people are flattened because of things they've said or tweeted.

How can someone be so stupid ?

The argument isn't that it doesn't exist. The argument is it's not something new. What happened when John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus?

How long have Vietnam Vets had a beef with Jane Fonda? The Swiftboaters help take down John Kerry. At that point their problems with him stretched back 30 years.

This is people being fired because their research does not reach the conclusion the PC think it should reach....regardless of the data.

There is a huge difference. Pull your head out of your ass and look around.

No idea what you are talking about.

That seems to happen to you....a lot.

You made some vague claim. What is someone supposed to take from that?
That Democrats suck.

But it was cool when people were boycotting Starbucks?

Who was boycotting Starbucks and why ?

Starbucks has become a target of Trump-loving conservatives — and that's great news for the brand


You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on.
Or you could just speak to a minority or two and actually listen to their response.

What the hell for? Every goddamn thing is racist in 2020. Every fucking day there's a new article, a new outrage, a new ill-perceived slight that HAS to be "muh racism". You morons have made the word racism completely hollow.
You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on.
Or you could just speak to a minority or two and actually listen to their response.
Bullshit. You can talk to all the activists you want but they’re the same ones that in order to find racism had to create their own hate crime against themselves to find it.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family.

You're just making this up, because you don't give two shits about the life perspectives of others.

Am I your shrink? No.

So why the hell should I care about your "perspectives"? Typical leftist loon demanding everyone view the world the same way you do.
You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on.
Or you could just speak to a minority or two and actually listen to their response.

What the hell for? Every goddamn thing is racist in 2020. Every fucking day there's a new article, a new outrage, a new ill-perceived slight that HAS to be "muh racism". You morons have made the word racism completely hollow.
The Regressive Left certainly has, as I've pointed out a thousand times or so.

And now the Trumpsters are doing it, spraying it around like water. Peas in a pod.

Do whatever you want. I'm fine with that.
You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on.
Or you could just speak to a minority or two and actually listen to their response.
Bullshit. You can talk to all the activists you want but they’re the same ones that in order to find racism had to create their own hate crime against themselves to find it.
I've of mixed race, married into another mixed race family.

You're just making this up, because you don't give two shits about the life perspectives of others.

Am I your shrink? No.

So why the hell should I care about your "perspectives"? Typical leftist loon demanding everyone view the world the same way you do.
Sounds good! Keep it up!
Dozens of examples, but that morons on the left claim it does not exist.
Ben Shaprio weights in on Weiss' resignation.

I think he's got it right. Time to cancel the fucking cancel culture (and why do they call it a culture?....should be a mob).

You have to look long hard and deep to find racism going on.
Or you could just speak to a minority or two and actually listen to their response.

What the hell for? Every goddamn thing is racist in 2020. Every fucking day there's a new article, a new outrage, a new ill-perceived slight that HAS to be "muh racism". You morons have made the word racism completely hollow.
Far as that goes, where would all these other "Races" be without White Europeans? It is a fact that EVERY invention has been done by Europeans and European Americans.

At least they don't deny it exists.
Noticed that nobody from the left has come here to dispute any of this.

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