Notice How The democrats Are Starting To LOSE STEAM?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
Premature Democrat Ejaculation Leading to November Emasculation!
November next year ain't gonna be pretty for the dems, and they know it. That's why they're all so angry and unhinged. You see it here.

But it's noticable how they're all starting to lose steam. They know they don't have SHIT for a defense of the CORRUPT CRAP their unhinged party leaders have been pulling, and they know the Barr/Durham criminal investigation is coming, and the shit is REALLY going to hit the fan for them then.

They're losers, up one side and down the other... and they're starting to realize it. Their propaganda wing has been LYING to them, and I think they know that too, but they're too STUBBORN to admit it. But... they don't have to... we know the truth, and it always prevails.
Now that the Bush/Rockefeller globalists have lost control of the GOP, and more libertarian influence has taken hold I think we will see the old world order once again emerge. Nationalism or Patriotism will not be frowned upon, collectivism and statists will be rejected. I'm optimistic about the future and I will give Trump the credit.

I did not believe in him in 2016, but I completely support him now.

Now that the Bush/Rockefeller globalists have lost control of the GOP, and more libertarian influence has taken hold I think we will see the old world order once again emerge. Nationalism or Patriotism will not be frowned upon, collectivism and statists will be rejected. I'm optimistic about the future and I will give Trump the credit.

I did not believe in him in 2016, but I completely support him now.

He said he was going to "DRAIN THE SWAMP" if he was elected.

Well what he's doing is what draining the swamp looks like.

America NEEDS that man in the White House. He's not ESTABLISHMENT and they HATE IT, but the American people LOVE IT.
Now that the Bush/Rockefeller globalists have lost control of the GOP, and more libertarian influence has taken hold I think we will see the old world order once again emerge. Nationalism or Patriotism will not be frowned upon, collectivism and statists will be rejected. I'm optimistic about the future and I will give Trump the credit.

I did not believe in him in 2016, but I completely support him now.

I cannot believe you mentioned libertarian and Trump in the same post!
This is the only thing I can see that MIGHT keep us from a civil war.

If repub's win the 2020 election by 90+ percent I'm hoping it'll make the leftists see the error of their ways. Reflect on what they are doing wrong.

I know it's a long-shot...but it's really the only hope that remains.
Blood Bath!

Premature Democrat Ejaculation Leading to November Emasculation!
November next year ain't gonna be pretty for the dems, and they know it. That's why they're all so angry and unhinged. You see it here.

But it's noticable how they're all starting to lose steam. They know they don't have SHIT for a defense of the CORRUPT CRAP their unhinged party leaders have been pulling, and they know the Barr/Durham criminal investigation is coming, and the shit is REALLY going to hit the fan for them then.

They're losers, up one side and down the other... and they're starting to realize it. Their propaganda wing has been LYING to them, and I think they know that too, but they're too STUBBORN to admit it. But... they don't have to... we know the truth, and it always prevails.
Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
I was an old-time liberal Dem who is now a liberal conservative but I didn't change or leave the party ... the party left me ... decades ago.
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Nadler just of course again Violated Committee Rules and sent everyone home for The Night!

This is the only thing I can see that MIGHT keep us from a civil war.

If repub's win the 2020 election by 90+ percent I'm hoping it'll make the leftists see the error of their ways. Reflect on what they are doing wrong.

I know it's a long-shot...but it's really the only hope that remains.
Agree. First you have to find The Swamp to Drain The Swamp, and all The Swamp Creatures are showing their UGLY Faces.

Now that the Bush/Rockefeller globalists have lost control of the GOP, and more libertarian influence has taken hold I think we will see the old world order once again emerge. Nationalism or Patriotism will not be frowned upon, collectivism and statists will be rejected. I'm optimistic about the future and I will give Trump the credit.

I did not believe in him in 2016, but I completely support him now.


He said he was going to "DRAIN THE SWAMP" if he was elected.

Well what he's doing is what draining the swamp looks like.

America NEEDS that man in the White House. He's not ESTABLISHMENT and they HATE IT, but the American people LOVE IT.
...If repub's win the 2020 election by 90+ percent I'm hoping it'll make the leftists see the error of their ways. Reflect on what they are doing wrong. I know it's a long-shot...but it's really the only hope that remains.
When Trump tramples whatever roadkill the Dems nominate next year they will again be faced with the same dilemma they faced in 2016 ... how to fix the mess they've made. My guess? They will turn harder left.
Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
You are confused. Nobody is "losing steam". Republicans are in a panics because they know how criminal they will look if they don't convict.
Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
You are confused. Nobody is "losing steam". Republicans are in a panics because they know how criminal they will look if they don't convict.
You poor little brain washed tool.
Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
You are confused. Nobody is "losing steam". Republicans are in a panics because they know how criminal they will look if they don't convict.

Everywhere, it's palpable. You can see it here even. The democrats are beginning to realize the party they once believed in has turned into the party of HATE and DIVISION, and the old timer, blue dog dems are NOT HAPPY. The party has been taken over by a VERY RADICAL bunch, the likes of AOC+3, the Talibs that call our president a MOTHER FUCKER and wanted to IMPEACH IMMEDIATELY for NO REASON. And they are ALL the creation of the leftist agenda, but now the old dems have no idea how to CONTROL this new RADICAL faction.

So the all the old dems that have voted dem in the past because they believed the democrat party worked for THEM are seeing that it's all CHANGED now. Their agenda is SOCIALISM, DIVISION, HATE... and they are NOT HAPPY.

Everything we've seen from the new RADICAL democrat party in the last 3 years is DISGUSTING, and the AVERAGE, OLD TIMER democrat voter is NOT going to continue to vote dem. They may not vote republican, but they just WON'T VOTE AT ALL.

The dems have a VERY rude awakening coming in next November. They're party is a DUMPSTER FIRE right now... it is NOT a good time claim you are a democrat. All those old dems, you need to find a NEW party. Your old one has ABANDONED you.
I was an old-time liberal Dem who is now a liberal conservative but I didn't leave the party ... the party left me decades ago.
I have old time democrat friends. They quit voting democrat at Hitlery. They voted for Trump and plan to vote Trump again. They're disgusted with what the democrat party has been up to with this impeachment since the day Trump was elected. The dems have done NOTHING else, and they hate it. They think it's insane, and if these dems I know here in this little town are indicative to all the others in America like them, Trump is not only going win again, but he'll win with an even bigger margin than he did before. I think it's a given.

But the democrats are going to lose not only their majority in the house, but the CAN OF WORMS they've opened with this UNHINGED HATRED of our president and this IMPEACHMENT FARCE, they can EXPECT that IF, and that's a big IF, another dem ever gets elected president, the republicans can just IMMEDIATELY start planning an IMPEACHMENT. Why? Who needs a reason why? Just do it because they DON'T WANT A DEM PRESIDENT.
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