Nothing can defeat the USA when the citizen's come together


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Nothing can defeat the USA when the citizen's come together
We should not be divided on beating COVID. This is not a political issue. It is a war declared by Trump and continued by Biden. This virus is attacking our country, killing people, hurting the economy thus livelihood's of our citizens, of all political standing, like our enemies have in many wars. We need to unite to do everything necessary to defeat the virus even if it involves inconvenience and risk to us. In wars, our soldiers took bullets for our country and citizens helped the war effort. We have people whining about taking a shot and wearing a mask. Those who do not support the fight in every way they can are aiding and abetting the enemy. They are letting the poor medical personnel fight the virus while they go on their merry way doing nothing. The generals of this war are the doctor's and scientists. We do not let non-professionals lead us in other wars. We cannot let non-professionals lead in this war. Let's all come together and defeat the virus. The only way it will be defeated is if we do come together.
well get someone who is a uniter and not a divider and maybe that will happen.....
You want it both ways. You want Covid over with and no shut downs, but when presented with solutions, you refuse. Keeping us in this perpetual place of shit.
Nothing can defeat the USA when the citizen's come together
We should not be divided on beating COVID. This is not a political issue. It is a war declared by Trump and continued by Biden. This virus is attacking our country, killing people, hurting the economy thus livelihood's of our citizens, of all political standing, like our enemies have in many wars. We need to unite to do everything necessary to defeat the virus even if it involves inconvenience and risk to us. In wars, our soldiers took bullets for our country and citizens helped the war effort. We have people whining about taking a shot and wearing a mask. Those who do not support the fight in every way they can are aiding and abetting the enemy. They are letting the poor medical personnel fight the virus while they go on their merry way doing nothing. The generals of this war are the doctor's and scientists. We do not let non-professionals lead us in other wars. We cannot let non-professionals lead in this war. Let's all come together and defeat the virus. The only way it will be defeated is if we do come together.
Here is an idea. Why dont you stupid mother fuckers stop electing shitheads?
All you people do is bitch about problems and then vote for people that will prolong it.
I bitch about things too. Difference is, I dont vote for it.
Nothing can defeat the USA when the citizen's come together
We should not be divided on beating COVID. This is not a political issue. It is a war declared by Trump and continued by Biden. This virus is attacking our country, killing people, hurting the economy thus livelihood's of our citizens, of all political standing, like our enemies have in many wars. We need to unite to do everything necessary to defeat the virus even if it involves inconvenience and risk to us. In wars, our soldiers took bullets for our country and citizens helped the war effort. We have people whining about taking a shot and wearing a mask. Those who do not support the fight in every way they can are aiding and abetting the enemy. They are letting the poor medical personnel fight the virus while they go on their merry way doing nothing. The generals of this war are the doctor's and scientists. We do not let non-professionals lead us in other wars. We cannot let non-professionals lead in this war. Let's all come together and defeat the virus. The only way it will be defeated is if we do come together.
Have not seen it since Gulf War 1.


We have people whining and demanding others to get a shot and wear a mask because they're bunch of pathetic hypochondriacs who should stay in the safe little bubbles they call home and leave others the fuck alone so they can live their lives in peace.

Do you need a fucking coloring book while you're hiding in there?

I would offer you a puppy to hug but then you might think I'm trying to infect you with a COVID ridden mutt.


First let's clearly identify the enemy. China. Next let's clearly identify who has been covering and collaborating with the enemy. Democrats and Fauci. Then let's do something about that. The virus is going to run it's course, China attacked us and hit us hard. We need to hit them back or they will come at us again with their FOURTH virus attack. We need leaders not Chinese collaborators.
Nothing can defeat the USA when the citizen's come together
We should not be divided on beating COVID. This is not a political issue. It is a war declared by Trump and continued by Biden. This virus is attacking our country, killing people, hurting the economy thus livelihood's of our citizens, of all political standing, like our enemies have in many wars. We need to unite to do everything necessary to defeat the virus even if it involves inconvenience and risk to us. In wars, our soldiers took bullets for our country and citizens helped the war effort. We have people whining about taking a shot and wearing a mask. Those who do not support the fight in every way they can are aiding and abetting the enemy. They are letting the poor medical personnel fight the virus while they go on their merry way doing nothing. The generals of this war are the doctor's and scientists. We do not let non-professionals lead us in other wars. We cannot let non-professionals lead in this war. Let's all come together and defeat the virus. The only way it will be defeated is if we do come together.

You can't beat covid. It's a part of life on earth now. It isn't like polio where it's one vaccine and you're done. It has epidemiology and mechanisms as the flu that's why we have mutations in it already.

It kills like 1% of infected people and the vast majority of those are morbidly obese, have a serious pre existing condition, or are elderly. Yes technically "it's killing Americans" but not in the way your making it out to be as people are dying by the hundreds of thousands a day.

The only thing that ruined our economy was politicians. Granted at first it was to be expected until we had more information about what was going on and saw it in action. After the first year though politicians kept the economy fucked.

And telling average citizens to come together to defeat covid is like telling them to come together to stop sinus infections during the spring pollen season. Nothing will happen.
You want it both ways. You want Covid over with and no shut downs, but when presented with solutions, you refuse. Keeping us in this perpetual place of shit.
really what did i refuse? i said....get someone who can unite everyone instead of dividing everyone and it might happen...we havent had a real leader in quite a long while....
First let's clearly identify the enemy. China. Next let's clearly identify who has been covering and collaborating with the enemy. Democrats and Fauci. Then let's do something about that. The virus is going to run it's course, China attacked us and hit us hard. We need to hit them back or they will come at us again with their FOURTH virus attack. We need leaders not Chinese collaborators.
Who said:

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
really what did i refuse? i said....get someone who can unite everyone instead of dividing everyone and it might happen...we havent had a real leader in quite a long while....
I am never, EVER, uniting with a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theorists and racists. I dont care if you get the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ himself to try to unite us, I will NEVER associate myself with those animals.
I find it interesting how some Democrats who questioned the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines when Trump was President are now pushing so hard for everyone to get vaccinated. News flash they are same vaccines to be fair you have some on the right questioning the vaccine who would never do so if Trump had been re-elected.
I find it interesting how some Democrats who questioned the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines when Trump was President are now pushing so hard for everyone to get vaccinated. News flash they are same vaccines to be fair you have some on the right questioning the vaccine who would never do so if Trump had been re-elected.
The first vaccine wasnt released until AFTER trump was out of office. But I see what you are trying to say. Another dumb what if question that we'll never know the answer to, but you seem to know the answer to.
well get someone who is a uniter and not a divider and maybe that will happen.....
Do you need someone to hold your hand in order to unite.
The no brainer to unite on is defeating COVID.
The other stuff, complain and divide all you want.
which is why our elected official have spent the last 30 years doing their best to divide us. A united people are impossible to control, but a divided populous that is fighting each other is easy.

that is what we have and it is be design.
I agree with what you say but wars against enemies that are killing our citizens we usually can unite.
It is funny to me the left pretend they dont like it when old people die.

Yes, they do.
then i guess uniting is out of the question....
Correct. The only possible thing that can be done is to reverse the damage by decades of propaganda first initiated by Rush Limbaugh that indoctrinated a large swath of this country. But I guarantee that will never happen. So no, unification is out of the question.

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