Report: Cyber Ninjas CEO Says He Was “Threatened” Before Release of Audit


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The numbers still say decertify, regardless of the shamefully obsequious executive summary. ?!

They don't even have their own internet domain name, they use the "wordpress" site?!

Ben Cotton of Cyber Ninjas proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Arizona voting officials tampered with Arizona election results and the Dominion Server itself AFTER the election. I watched his presentation live and when he was finished skewering the election board accusing them of lying to his face and election malfeasance he asked if there were any questions. Crickets. Not one question! That proved to me that we no longer have election integrity in Arizona and I have no doubt the situation is the same in other swing states.
The numbers still say decertify, regardless of the shamefully obsequious executive summary.

CEO Doug Logan now says that a previous release of the report which recommended de-certification of the AZ election was a “hoax.” Seems the "auditors" disagree with that opinion.


Desperate Media Turns Cyber Ninjas AZ Audit “Election Should NOT be Certified” Into “Confirms Biden Won”​

They are so desperate. As if people will not be able to read. ROFL!
This was your OP too right? So when you say people are not able to read are you referring to yourself? Since now you seem to feel the report was obsequious? Beautiful word btw.
The numbers still say decertify, regardless of the shamefully obsequious executive summary.

CEO Doug Logan now says that a previous release of the report which recommended de-certification of the AZ election was a “hoax.” Seems the "auditors" disagree with that opinion.


Desperate Media Turns Cyber Ninjas AZ Audit “Election Should NOT be Certified” Into “Confirms Biden Won”​

This was your OP too right? So when you say people are not able to read are you referring to yourself? Since now you seem to feel the report was obsequious? Beautiful word btw.

Interesting how fast they backed off from "decertify" once they were threatened. Of course that's how Democrats roll. Don't get what you want, threaten children. That's how they flipped the whole state of MI. MI plus equally effed up PA and Trump wins.

Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that "intense bullying and coercion" plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no. GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election

[Palmer] told the Board of State Canvassers that she received threats against her family including receiving graphic images of naked, dead women and a photo of her daughter "letting me know that that's what's going to happen to my daughter." Palmer said she was also called a terrorist and told that "my entire family should be fearful for their lives." Michigan Republican canvassers say they've received threats
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Interesting how fast they backed off from "decertify" once they were threatened. Of course that's how Democrats roll. Don't get what you want, threaten children. That's how they flipped the whole state of MI. MI plus equally effed up PA and Trump wins.
I have to say you are funny. Logan said he was threatened but also said the report stating decertification was a "hoax" as in false, not real, a sham. But keep on getting your information from the Gateway pundit and maybe someday reality might accidentally coincide with your beliefs.

Let me tell you why the ACTUAL report was so "obsequious". If Dougie would have done more than suggest to those that want to believe it that there was voter fraud, his company and more than likely himself would have been civilly liable. Meaning they would have to defend themselves in a court of law and not in front of some friendly politician. He would have been sued for millions and have to explain the findings under cross-examination by actual people who knew what they were talking about.

Dougie knew the limits of his report and the consequences of claiming actual voter fraud. So he did what he could. Claiming that he found flaws in the tally while at the same time staying clear of actual voter fraud.
I have to say you are funny. Logan said he was threatened but also said the report stating decertification was a "hoax" as in false, not real, a sham. But keep on getting your information from the Gateway pundit and maybe someday reality might accidentally coincide with your beliefs.

Let me tell you why the ACTUAL report was so "obsequious". If Dougie would have done more than suggest to those that want to believe it that there was voter fraud, his company and more than likely himself would have been civilly liable. Meaning they would have to defend themselves in a court of law and not in front of some friendly politician. He would have been sued for millions and have to explain the findings under cross-examination by actual people who knew what they were talking about.

Dougie knew the limits of his report and the consequences of claiming actual voter fraud. So he did what he could. Claiming that he found flaws in the tally while at the same time staying clear of actual voter fraud.

Other states already opening up their own audits.

- 57,000 plus serious issues ballots

- 87,000 ghost voters, cannot match identities in any state, federal or private database

- open and shut destruction of records. One year in prison
- Margin of victory was 11,000 votes. Many times more votes in question than needed to change outcome.

No matter how the media brays that Biden won they can't gaslight their way out of this one LOLOL! :auiqs.jpg:
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Cyber Ninjas lies have all been debunked. They are totally discredited.

Other states already opening up their own audits.

- 57,000 plus serious issues ballots

- 87,000 ghost voters, cannot match identities in any state, federal or private database

- open and shut destruction of records. One year in prison
- Margin of victory was 11,000 votes. Many times more votes in question than needed to change outcome.

No matter how the media brays that Biden won they can't gaslight their way out of this one LOLOL! :auiqs.jpg:
Let me tell you the leaps you are taking to come to your conclusions.

-First you have to believe that a company headed by someone who stated before he did any audit, that he believed the election was stolen. Hand-picked by a Republican without even voting on it. Almost entirely funded by people who want to believe voter fraud occurred. Is willing to do a fair unbiased audit.

It would be something like Michael Moore doing an audit funded by Antifa.

-Next you have to believe that a company that is not certified to do election audits, and has no experience in election audits is capable of conducting an accurate election audit.

-After that you have to reject the findings of 3 other election audits. Ordered by a bipartisan election board and conducted by accredited, experienced companies for election audits that directly condradict some of the findings of this audit.

-You would also have to reject the explanations provided for most, if not all of what is described as questionable ballots.

-Then you would have to assume that all those questionable ballots were a result of fraud and not another explanation and that that fraud was perpetrated exclusively for the benefit of Biden. Mind you without ever actually knowing how they could have done it.

-Lastly after all that. After needing to accept the audit at face value you would have to reject the findings of the audit that Biden won. By a bit larger margin even and that they couldn't prove any voter fraud.
Ben Cotton of Cyber Ninjas proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Arizona voting officials tampered with Arizona election results and the Dominion Server itself AFTER the election. I watched his presentation live and when he was finished skewering the election board accusing them of lying to his face and election malfeasance he asked if there were any questions. Crickets. Not one question! That proved to me that we no longer have election integrity in Arizona and I have no doubt the situation is the same in other swing states.

Why didn't his discrepancies be investigated? I'll tell you why. Because it didn't happen. Like you he is a liar.
munkle The numbers and the findings on the Dominion Server prove the Arizona election results were tampered with. But no one has the balls to touch off the decertification MOAB, so election fraud will continue. Election integrity is gone, thank the power hungry Democrats.
Lots of hinky shit went on in that election. Of course none of it matters because they won't overturn the election no matter what is found.

We are stuck with that half wit for three more years.
"Hinky"? Like Dominion flat refusing to comply with subpoenas by the Arizona legislature?
Eric Arthur Blair
Yup and like watchers being kicked out of the counting rooms and having to use bino's to see what was going on. Like ballots delivered and being counted in the middle of the night long after the counters had gone home. You know. Hinky stuff like that.

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