Zone1 Not many people know more about Protestantism v Catholicism than Scott Hahn


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I am just beginning to watch this video, but I have read many of Hahn's books. He used to be an anti-Catholic of the worst order. But he, unlike most anti-Catholics, decided to delve into the FACTS of Catholicism, what it really teaches and etc.

I was wondering when he would look at Traditional Catholicism. I figured he would check it out because he checks out everything having to do with Jesus and the Church HE established on Earth...


14.00 is a very interesting place on the video, where he says he was in the NO sect but the Traditional Mass (the only real Mass there is) "put him in his place" (as a human being, not a celestial being [my words]. In other words, humans are not infallible when it comes to understanding everything about Jesus/His Church...].

This is why Jesus founded a Church in the first place. We humans do not easily understand soteriology
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D. Allyson’s Letter to Scott:


I am absolutely heartbroken to read your [FB] wall and see your books and how far you have actually gone into the bondage of religious deception. What happened to your teaching way back at Fairfax Christian . . . . over 30 yrs. ago? Sola Scriptura? Psalm 146: 3 warns us to “not trust in princes, in mortal men, in whom there is no salvation.” Are you trusting Christ and His Word or man and his religious traditions? The only legitimate priesthood which remains on earth is the royal priesthood of all believers. Why do Catholic priests continue to offer Jesus as a sacrificial victim when He said, “It is finished.” Why do you call Jesus your Savior when you as a Catholic must save yourself thru penance?
Acts 4 :12 . . . What about purgatory? Gods word says “the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” I’ts obvious the Word of God is not your final authority anymore.You are following another voice, another Jesus. Hebrews 6:1-8 tells us it is impossible for those who were once enlightened . . . have tasted of the good word of God . . . if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put Him to an open shame”
I pray this has not happened to you. You are being used of the enemy to build the ecumenical one-world church. You have elevated the priesthood to the level of godhood, exalting sinful men. The Eucharist that is present on every Catholic alter is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. Truly I am grieved to have to write this to you. Please read Hebrews 9:22b, Hebrews 9:28a, and Hebrews 10;11-12.
I was raised Catholic but decided to do my own research to see if I should continue being Catholic. Scott Hahn's book "Rome Sweet Home" convinced me I should.
I was raised Catholic but decided to do my own research to see if I should continue being Catholic. Scott Hahn's book "Rome Sweet Home" convinced me I should.
This is what intelligent people, people of integrity do. those who lack such...libs..just blather away and do the Alinsky on anyone (ridicule, ad hominem) who disagrees w/ them. Then they .. ha ha.. expect people to think they are right --over the ones who have researched things. .. crazy
it just stands to reason that when people don't have the real deal (the realChurch) they will go about building onethat looks like it

But as we all know, appearances are often quite deceiving. There is nothing like the Original..

In any case, no one should be forced or coerced into getting married. Look at the divorce rate and look at how damaging divorce is for CHILDREN.

It is wrong for a "church" to pressure people to ... mess up their lives and the lives of innocent children.

In my own history, I have seen that just "liking someone"--even quite a bit--does not mean you are compatible with that person

It takes one thing to determine if someone is "the one"


and in that time, one should get to know that person inside and out before considering spendingthe rest of one's life with that person

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