‘Not humane’: PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog

She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.
Plenty of inbred ‘purebred’ dogs have serious health and behavior problems and a large percentage of them end up in shelters. But keep spouting your sanctimony.
If you buy a pup from a puppy mill at the local mall, you are asking for trouble. If you buy from a responsible breeder who understands the blood line and has successfully bred many litters, your risk is much lower.

A dog is a lifetime commitment and should not be a frivolous purchase. It should not be taken lightly at the pet store or the animal shelter
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

I've visited a friend of mine, who shared at least part of your belief system. Their attempts to get their german shepard mix to be comfortable around guests, not only utterly failed, but led me to make sure that I would not have their problems when people visited me or my family.

I walk my dog around my neighborhood. Some neighbors have german shepards. They totally share your world view. They train the shit out of those dogs. I see the dogs WANT to be friendly with my dog. They wag their tails and try to approach. But ANYTHING, sets them off, EVERY TIME. It is actually fairly sad.

I take my dog to an off leash area at a near by park. And watch how different breeds interact.

Breeds matter.
There you are again, after exchanging a half dozen posts with me you know my worldview. You’re sick. Controlling and abusive would be my guess, but because I’m a sane human being I won’t make such a declaration definitively about someone I’ve only briefly interacted with online. I just call it as I see it: can’t stand to be disagreed with, denigrates the person disagreeing with him, attempts to psychoanalyze said person, claims to know the person’s worldview from a handful of posts.

My GUESS, based on many years’ experience, is that you’ve been dumped repeatedly by women who couldn’t stand your insufferable sanctimony and controlling behaviors.

Now go away.
Oh wait, you can’t. You can’t help yourself.

Or prove me wrong. ;)
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

Some dogs are bred to be aggressive and others are bred to be good family pets. Not all breeds are the same and not all breeds will make good house pets regardless of how good an owner you are
I have 2 rescues, and one pure bred. In fact the most recent was picked up at a Wal-Mart parking lot the day after Christmas. A lady was giving away these supposed red nose pit mixes. When I asked what they were mixed with, the said German Shepard. I didn’t see a drop of Shepard in these pups. But the price was right. Free! I asked why she was giving them away. And she said she was getting evicted and whatever pups didn’t go home with someone that day; were going to the shelter. Well... my son wanted one. So I took him home.

The names “Blue”...
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

Some dogs are bred to be aggressive and others are bred to be good family pets. Not all breeds are the same and not all breeds will make good house pets regardless of how good an owner you are
Not all dogs within a breed will behave according to breed standard.

Hence my responsible statement that ALL DOGS ARE UNPREDICTABLE. ALL DOGS. ALL BREEDS.

Any responsible veterinarian or trainer or breeder would tell you the same; only those trying to market something will lie to you and say otherwise. Responsible dog owners ALWAYS remember that dogs are unpredictable. The same rule applies to stewards of any animal.
When I was a kid, nobody owned a rescue dog, very few owned purebreds and most owned a mutt.

Back then there were no leash laws and dogs ran free and came home when they were hungry. Also nobody spayed or neutered their dog.

The result was most of the dogs in my neighborhood were somewhat related and the way you got a dog was a neighbors female got knocked up and they had five or six pups to get rid of.
People used to be snobby about purebred dogs and shame the mongrels. Now they are snobby about rescue dogs and shame those who purchase purebred dogs.

There's room for both. I have both. Most of my dogs have been shelter dogs but I have also bought purpose bred dogs. 3 of my current dogs are rescues, my newest pup is from a breeder.

I have absolutely no liking for PETA. When you consider their endgame is to eliminate all domestic animals, I don't care much what they say.

Doesn't PETA stand for people eating tasty animals? A group of my friends and I got together regularly for PETA barbeques. I love smoking meat in my smoker, it makes tasty animal meat taste even better. Pork, beef, chicken and even fish comes out great and very tasty.
Getting a shelter dog is the way to go. You’re getting a perfectly good dog. There is no more or less chance that your dog is going to be healthier from a breeder or pet shop. But dogs in pet shops and from breeders need homes too, so PETA is stupid.
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People used to be snobby about purebred dogs and shame the mongrels. Now they are snobby about rescue dogs and shame those who purchase purebred dogs.

There's room for both. I have both. Most of my dogs have been shelter dogs but I have also bought purpose bred dogs. 3 of my current dogs are rescues, my newest pup is from a breeder.

I have absolutely no liking for PETA. When you consider their endgame is to eliminate all domestic animals, I don't care much what they say.

Doesn't PETA stand for people eating tasty animals? A group of my friends and I got together regularly for PETA barbeques. I love smoking meat in my smoker, it makes tasty animal meat taste even better. Pork, beef, chicken and even fish comes out great and very tasty.
If God didn’t want you to eat meat, he wouldn’t have made it taste so good
I've bought purebred Boxers and I've rescued them from Boxer Rescue.
Ironically the Rescue turned out to be the best Boxer we've ever had.
Although he was an SOB at first,bit a few people including my Wife which was the last straw. I beat the crap out of him and after that he figured out who was boss and was the coolest Boxer ever.

He's the one on the left. Cozmo.
View attachment 299501
Is that the innocent look he is giving?
I've bought purebred Boxers and I've rescued them from Boxer Rescue.
Ironically the Rescue turned out to be the best Boxer we've ever had.
Although he was an SOB at first,bit a few people including my Wife which was the last straw. I beat the crap out of him and after that he figured out who was boss and was the coolest Boxer ever.

He's the one on the left. Cozmo.
View attachment 299501
Is that the innocent look he is giving?

Nah....at that point he'd become the apple of my eye.
The sweetest dog you could ever imagine.
When we brought home Katy at eight weeks,the pup on the right, she laid down in his bed and he kept dropping his toys in front of her until you could barely see her.
Question 1. What was the dog in the cage representing? Was the dog at the place from where it was bought, a carrying cage, or a cage at AOC's house?

Question 2. Where and how does PETA keep animals? In cages by any chance?

Question 3. Why does PETA even matter, when it is a known fact that they run kill shelters? Confirmed from both liberal AND conservative sources.
PETA Is DONE After Discovery Of What 'Animal Shelter' Was REALLY Used For

PETA Won't Answer Some Very Basic Questions About Why It Kills So Many Shelter Animals | HuffPost

Question 4. Why would even matter to people who have no problem putting human men, women and children in cages?
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So when is Trump getting a dog?
First President ever to not have a pet and first President in a hundred years not to have a dog
Mmm, no. YOu are the one that can't read.
Why don’t you just post this: :10: as it most accurately reflects the intellect substance of your argument.

You are accusing me on acting morally superior to other people, when my post was all about basing my decision on pure self interest INSTEAD of morality.
Go back and read what you wrote & posted - it was a sanctimonious judgment of people who advocate for rescue dogs.

Now please stop wasting my time with your childish responses - you’re provn yourself to be both willfully ignorant and arrogant, a combination I find revolting.

Nope. It was a judgement of people who are sanctimonious about their advocacy of rescue dogs.

That struck close to home, which is why you are angry.
Ah, the middle aged man who thinks he can see inside other people’s heads. Pathetic.

There is nothing pathetic about being middle aged, nor believing that I am perceptive.

Even if I was wrong about how perceptive I am, it is not "pathetic" to make an honest mistake, especially when your conclusion fits the available evidence.

For, someone who was a moment ago, concerned about wasting time, it will be interesting to see how long you will want to discuss me.
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

I've visited a friend of mine, who shared at least part of your belief system. Their attempts to get their german shepard mix to be comfortable around guests, not only utterly failed, but led me to make sure that I would not have their problems when people visited me or my family.

I walk my dog around my neighborhood. Some neighbors have german shepards. They totally share your world view. They train the shit out of those dogs. I see the dogs WANT to be friendly with my dog. They wag their tails and try to approach. But ANYTHING, sets them off, EVERY TIME. It is actually fairly sad.

I take my dog to an off leash area at a near by park. And watch how different breeds interact.

Breeds matter.
There you are again, after exchanging a half dozen posts with me you know my worldview. You’re sick. Controlling and abusive would be my guess, but because I’m a sane human being I won’t make such a declaration definitively about someone I’ve only briefly interacted with online. I just call it as I see it: can’t stand to be disagreed with, denigrates the person disagreeing with him, attempts to psychoanalyze said person, claims to know the person’s worldview from a handful of posts.

My GUESS, based on many years’ experience, is that you’ve been dumped repeatedly by women who couldn’t stand your insufferable sanctimony and controlling behaviors.

Now go away.
Oh wait, you can’t. You can’t help yourself.

Or prove me wrong. ;)

1. I like that you cite as evidence of my being a bad person, how I denigrate people for disagreeing with me, in a post where you call me "sick, controlling, abusive, dumped, insufferable, and controlling".

2. Myself, I've been married well over ten years now, and before that, my issue in dating was not my ability to keep women but getting the first date. Did not have a lot of game. So, your guess there is almost completely wrong.

3. ANd finally, i'm not the one worried about wasting time. That was you, who are concerned about that. Yet keep posting.
My purebred dog is spayed and has never bred. I am being responsible with my dog and ensuring there are no unwanted puppies.

I feel no responsibility to adopt a dog from irresponsible pet owners.

I prefer a purebred because I know the characteristics and temperament I will get. With a rescue, it is a crapshoot. You may get a wonderful dog or you may get a dog with issues.

Purebred dogs can be a crapshoot too - you can certainly expect a particular size and conformation, but you cannot reliably expect a particular temperament especially where there is so much irresponsible breeding. The AKC and other organizations are a joke - they sell their accreditation without putting any resources into regulation and many of the breeders they sell it to are not breeding for the betterment of the breed, but instead for the $10-30k they can profit per litter depending on their marketing skills and the market for the breed they are producing.

I've never met an aggressive or hostile lab. Nor a german shepard that was not extremely territorial and protective.

Labs bite kids all the time - look up the stats on dog bites in this country. Labs are a hugely popular breed so statistically it stands to reason they will account for a substantial percentage of dog bites.


Cute little ankle biters are the most likely to BITE - they just don’t usually kill because of their size. They can disfigure a child’s face for life, though.

The only problem with dogs - purebred or mixed breed - is the humans who raise and handle them. A mixed breed dog is every bit as good as a purebred and very often healthier physically and thus generally also leads to better mental health as well - a sick dog is more likely to have temperament issues, just like sick people more often suffer mental health issues.

But some of you idiots will keep harping how your purebred is better until the end of time. Says more about you than about your pooch.

Some dogs are bred to be aggressive and others are bred to be good family pets. Not all breeds are the same and not all breeds will make good house pets regardless of how good an owner you are


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