Not a Patriot Party, Not a Convention of States, this is what must happen. It's maybe 100 people!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)
It just doesn't occur to the OP that enough Christ-loving Republicans are offended by The Donald's rhetoric ... there are people who think division within our nation is bad ... and divisive leadership needs to be replaced ...

Republicans actually made gains in this past election across the board ... and these anti-election misfits want to flush it down the toilet ...

FOIA is your friend ... get your data ... prove the election was stolen ... that's all public information ...
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.
It just doesn't occur to the OP that enough Christ-loving Republicans are offended by The Donald's rhetoric ... there are people who think division within our nation is bad ... and divisive leadership needs to be replaced ...

Republicans actually made gains in this past election across the board ... and these anti-election misfits want to flush it down the toilet ...

FOIA is your friend ... get your data ... prove the election was stolen ... that's all public information ...
their mistake is thinking it was about trump,,, trump is just a figure head,,
It just doesn't occur to the OP that enough Christ-loving Republicans are offended by The Donald's rhetoric ... there are people who think division within our nation is bad ... and divisive leadership needs to be replaced ...

Republicans actually made gains in this past election across the board ... and these anti-election misfits want to flush it down the toilet ...

FOIA is your friend ... get your data ... prove the election was stolen ... that's all public information ...

Christ loving Republicans?
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.
A better solution is to primary out the nutjobs you'd love to have betraying our country.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

This is what happens when people start living inside their heads.
The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why?
I can tell you why....judicial activism. Theft by people in robes.
Just look at the Supreme Court and how they killed the Texas law suit before it even got to a court room
where the facts of the case could be heard and ruled on.

John Roberts said the Supreme Court was not the proper venue for such a case, Texas and 22 other states
suing Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, etc. for disenfranchising millions of voters making their votes
worthless by manipulating their state laws illegally causing unequal protection under the law.

The Supreme Court is precisely the place where states take one another to court.
Where else would Lord John Roberts have the case heard? Well he would not have the case heard at all, if
he could help it.

Roberts also said the voters of Texas could not prove that fixing elections in other key states disenfranchised
voters in Texas making their votes worthless, with respect to electing a president.
That's clearly a lie and Roberts has to know it.

By ignoring and making up election law illegally a state like Pennsylvania clearly threw the election
to a candidate that didn't even bother to campaign, for the most part.
Such moves made Texas votes worthless, and Pennsylvania votes worth more than they rightfully
should have been.

Your lies remain bullshit and utterly without merit. You guys stole the election. Why do you
continue to lie and insist on falsehoods? You can stop now. Your illegitimate cognitively impaired
president is in office.
We'll see how long he keeps it.
Last edited:
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)
Democrats are what a Banana Republic deserves. Illegitimate presidents from now on. The SS and Gestapo rounded people up. Stalin and Mao rounded people up. And you cheer for it? What an asshole.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.

The courts refusal to look at mountains of evidence in no way furthers your case but weakens it immensely.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.

The courts refusal to look at mountains of evidence in no way furthers your case but weakens it immensely.
They apparenty are going to repeat this lie until no one challenges them anymore. I, for one will not have it. There was massive fraud that could be easily exposed if the ballots and machinery were made available to any group not connected to Dominion or the corrupt state SOS's. They are not going let that happen. That means they are guilty by their own standards.

Trump hides taxes = Guilty
No discovery allowed = Guilty.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.
It's nice of you to ask others to make the changes that y'all want through peaceful political channels.

Turning off cookies in your browser is similar to your "blockchained firewall". Google, Apple, and Facebook don't get information from your computer. They get it from you when you type it in for them.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.

The courts refusal to look at mountains of evidence in no way furthers your case but weakens it immensely.
They apparenty are going to repeat this lie until no one challenges them anymore. I, for one will not have it. There was massive fraud that could be easily exposed if the ballots and machinery were made available to any group not connected to Dominion or the corrupt state SOS's. They are not going let that happen. That means they are guilty by their own standards.

Trump hides taxes = Guilty
No discovery allowed = Guilty.

Thats exactly right.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Good sentiments all around—admirable even. But the corruption rotting our government at every level from the outside in is just too putrescent; it's inoperable. Our elected officials one and all worship themselves and gold. They do not particularly care for acting in the best interests or any interests of the People, unless by some slight chance their self-enrichment happens to coincide with doing the little people, their constituents, a boon of some kind.

We've reached a stage in the development of our civilization where the system cannot be "cured" within the bounds of the system itself or using the machinery of remedy because the system itself is severely broken and corrupted. Just as the theft of the 2020 presidential election could not be remedied via our legal/justice system, nor can any of the other many poisons eating America alive be neutralized from within the bounds of the rule of law. Even the attempt to do so is spitting in the face of the Spirit of '76.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.

The courts refusal to look at mountains of evidence in no way furthers your case but weakens it immensely.
They apparenty are going to repeat this lie until no one challenges them anymore. I, for one will not have it. There was massive fraud that could be easily exposed if the ballots and machinery were made available to any group not connected to Dominion or the corrupt state SOS's. They are not going let that happen. That means they are guilty by their own standards.

Trump hides taxes = Guilty
No discovery allowed = Guilty.

There is no lie to repeat. Trump LOST! 67 fucking courts cases, all tossed out. For lack of EVIDENCE. Republican and Democrat state election officials saying there was no widespread fraud. Trump's own handpick AG and his own election security officials saying the same thing. But here you sit repeating conspiracy theories over and over. Why? Because like most Trump supporters, you're easily led. There was no massive fraud...except in the alt-right message boards and social media circles you inhabit. Try peeking out from underneath the veil of lies. Dominion just dropped a huge lawsuit on Rudy. My guess is you are going to get to see what the rest of us already knew. There was no massive fraud. He lost because he was a lousy President. It happens.
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

I'm talking about the real Coup Plotters in our two-tiered Justice system. Ashli Babbitt stands on a chair in the Capitol and gets fatally shot in the neck by some murdering coward acting on orders from Pelosi. Comey, Clapper and Brennan attempt to overthrow a duly elected President and they're all "guilty as sin and free as birds"
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.

Don't worry, those coup plotters are being rounded up slowly but surely. What happened on January 6th will not be allowed to stand....oh..wait...your rant was talking about something else entirely.
Please, by all means, destroy the Republican party. They are of little use as it is right now anyway. Splitting the vote just ensures that Democrats rule for the next least.
Seriously, I'd get out and get some really isn't that bad. :)

What happened on November 3 will be an infamous date marked when an illegitimate fraud was non duly elected.

The election of 11/3/2020 was free and fair. Legitimate. 67 court cases with ample time to prove election fraud and not one of those cases saw the inside of a courtroom I wonder why? I understand that Republicans, who stand on the verge of becoming irrelevant and are in absolute terror that they lack the policies and fresh ideas to continue to be seen as electable...except in the most lily white, wide open spaces of states that have more electoral votes than they should have. However, resorting to the time honored tactics of voter suppression and gerrymandering aren't going to pass muster anymore. Even though there are Republican legislatures in four states right now that are introducing legislation to legalize voter suppression and make sure it stays on the books. I don't think it will work this time. Republicans need a party tear down and reboot. The nutjobs and crazies need to be weeded out and shown the door.

You got away with the greatest Crime in American history! Congrats!

However, you had to cheat in the tens of millions column to pull it off. That won't stand! Think of it, you had to cheat by tens of millions! That tells me who will ultimately prevail
We live in a country where Coup Plotters go unpunished and foreigner actors conspire with one of the two major political Parties to steal an election, while the other Party stays mum. The anger at the blatant criminality can drive us to distraction. Here's what we need. Instead of guns and ammo we need brains and courage!

We are SO CLOSE to having the type of country envisioned by our Founder, honoring our Creator. We are a few percentage point off. It is not an entire course correction, rather a correction of a few people and places.

Imagine a Republican Party with no Romney, Kemp, Thune, or Graham. Imagine Republican governors and Senators who took their oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. It's a total of maybe 100 people who must be replaced over the next few years! That's it!

While the tree of Liberty might need watering, also remember that "blood is a big expense" -- and completely unnecessary here.

Channel the intention locally!

Primary out the "Republicans" who are working with the CCP dems either through action or INACTION (cough cough Lindsay Graham)

Georgia needs a new governor and Sec State. Pay attention locally. Get involved! Pay Attention!! Get Involved! Stay Involved. This is YOUR COUNTRY!

All that is necessary for CCP dems to triumph is for us to do nothing. Get Involved!

In addition, we must support and build out a new Internet where safety, security and Freedom come first. You should access the Internet the same way you log onto your local WiFi network: safely behind a blockchained firewall. This will completely upend Google, Apple and Facebookburning, they will no longer have free access to every detail of your personal life. YOU WILL HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR INFORMATION AND YOUR LIFE.
Imagine people who truly love America having the funds to run for President.
Only 1 person fit that bill and that was Trump.
No one else will dare sever their ties with Wall Street.

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