North Carolina Draws Clear Line in the Sand on LGBT "Transgender" Delusionals.

It targets LGBT folks specifically for discrimination. Read Romer v. Evans for why that will be....problematic.

No it doesn't. Men use men's facilities and women uses women's facilities. It's that simple.

Even the Attorney General of the State of South Carolina doesn't buy your narrative. It was created with the explicit intent of targeting LGBT folks for discrimination.

It isn't being defended in South Carolina. And its unlikely to do well in the Federal Courts either.

I don't give a shit what he said. Making a man use the men's restroom isn't discrimination. It's fucking stupid to say that it is.

You should. He's the one making the decisions on whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Nowhere is it written that men have legal protection to use the women's restroom.

And yet there is precedent against laws that specifically target LGBT folks for discrimination. Again, see Romer v. Evans.

And pay special attention to who wrote that ruling. Its the same guy who wrote Lawrence v. Texas, US v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

Before Scalia's death he was known as 'Mr. Swing voter'.
And? So public restrooms should only be for those without any surgical or hormonal therapies?

WinterBorn, gonna spell this one out for you plainly and clearly. This move by NC is the beginning of the end to your cult's delusions of power over others. You may engage in distorting reality to and beyond its limits, but when you insist that the rest of us do BY LAW, BY GOD! that's when the game is O-V-E-R.

Game over. Let that sink in.. You can drug yourself up and hack yourselves up, but when you insist that destruction of your born gender becomes "everyone's reality", that's when the buck stops. It's over. Pack it up and go home. Johns Hopkins and NC have spoken. BTW, they've declared it's also child abuse to coerce a child into "gender change". There will be a more formal announcement on that this June. But for now, understand that your taking over the American Psychological Association by force back in the 1970s &80s and removing yourselves from the DSM, and "disappearing" the Leona Tyler principle from the APA (the mandate that all public positions must be backed by science and not mere cultspeak) isn't going to get you one step further on this transgender delusion.

It's over. If you have XY DNA and have the male junk you're a dude for life. If you have XX DNA and female junk, you're a gal for life. That's it.

The right-wing once again ends up screwing it's own beliefs....going against Civil Rights market not too happy....repercussions to follow......

Corporations expressed disappointment and the NCAA vowed to monitor what North Carolina does next now that the state has banned any local government measures protecting people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

American Airlines, which operates its second-largest hub in Charlotte; IBM and Biogen, which have facilities in the state's Research Triangle; and payments processor PayPal, which had announced plans to hire 400 people in Charlotte only last week, were among major employers condemning the new law.

The state law "is a clear step backwards. Sad day," tweeted Jim Whitehurst, chief executive of Raleigh-based open-source software company Red Hat.

The economic impact will take time to quantify. There were no immediate threats to withdraw business from the state, which has seen booming growth and an influx of "knowledge workers" in Charlotte and Raleigh, even as rural towns lag behind economically.

Democrats warned that North Carolina risks losing billions in federal education dollars by conflicting with Title IX anti-discrimination regulations that apply in public schools.

Chicago Tribune
No it doesn't. Men use men's facilities and women uses women's facilities. It's that simple.

Even the Attorney General of the State of South Carolina doesn't buy your narrative. It was created with the explicit intent of targeting LGBT folks for discrimination.

It isn't being defended in South Carolina. And its unlikely to do well in the Federal Courts either.

I don't give a shit what he said. Making a man use the men's restroom isn't discrimination. It's fucking stupid to say that it is.

You should. He's the one making the decisions on whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Nowhere is it written that men have legal protection to use the women's restroom.

And yet there is precedent against laws that specifically target LGBT folks for discrimination. Again, see Romer v. Evans.

And pay special attention to who wrote that ruling. Its the same guy who wrote Lawrence v. Texas, US v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

Before Scalia's death he was known as 'Mr. Swing voter'.

No one is being discriminated against.
The thing that stands out very clearly in this thread is that the people who drafted this law did not really give much thought to the consequences of it.
And the people who are backing it are confused as to what they want.
It says to me that there is a need to demystify this issue so that people know the facts rather than the saloon bar innuendo that they are basing their opinions on.
It is tempting, but not really fair, to make fun of know nothings who are driven by fear and ignorance.

What are the concequences?
When you are better informed you may reduce the number of times that you look stupid. The world would be a better place and LOVE would replace HATE in your cold and worthless heart.
The thing that stands out very clearly in this thread is that the people who drafted this law did not really give much thought to the consequences of it.
And the people who are backing it are confused as to what they want.
It says to me that there is a need to demystify this issue so that people know the facts rather than the saloon bar innuendo that they are basing their opinions on.
It is tempting, but not really fair, to make fun of know nothings who are driven by fear and ignorance.

What are the concequences?
When you are better informed you may reduce the number of times that you look stupid. The world would be a better place and LOVE would replace HATE in your cold and worthless heart.

Why am I not surprised that your response is filled with insults and devoid of substance?

Explain to us how the world will be a better place if a man can piss in a women's restroom.
And yet there is precedent against laws that specifically target LGBT folks for discrimination. Again, see Romer v. Evans.

And pay special attention to who wrote that ruling. Its the same guy who wrote Lawrence v. Texas, US v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

Before Scalia's death he was known as 'Mr. Swing voter'.

Public restrooms have operated successfully for centuries.


It isn't a hard concept.

But then the goal of the left is to corrupt civil society, and little is more likely to do so then sending grown men into the restrooms where daughters and granddaughters are.
Even the Attorney General of the State of South Carolina doesn't buy your narrative. It was created with the explicit intent of targeting LGBT folks for discrimination.

It isn't being defended in South Carolina. And its unlikely to do well in the Federal Courts either.

I don't give a shit what he said. Making a man use the men's restroom isn't discrimination. It's fucking stupid to say that it is.

You should. He's the one making the decisions on whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Nowhere is it written that men have legal protection to use the women's restroom.

And yet there is precedent against laws that specifically target LGBT folks for discrimination. Again, see Romer v. Evans.

And pay special attention to who wrote that ruling. Its the same guy who wrote Lawrence v. Texas, US v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

Before Scalia's death he was known as 'Mr. Swing voter'.

No one is being discriminated against.

That's what you say. The AG of North Carolina clearly disagrees. And he's the one who decides what steps the State will take in defending folks under that law: which is 'none'. The won't defend the law in court and he won't defend people under the law.
whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Let's see...hmm...what's more of a "national embarrassment"....not allowing men to use the girls bathroom and showers or ....believing that men can become women by changing their clothes and amputating healthy genitalia .... I'd say the latter...

Will the NC AG agree with the American College of Pediatrics and Johns Hopkins? Or will he make key decisions of a medical nature "from the hip"? They've declared that hormone therapy is carcinogenic and amputation of healthy genitals is unethical. So, that's the substantive evidence he's up against...and the clear majority of the DULY ELECTED representatives of the People of NC.
whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Let's see...hmm...what's more of a "national embarrassment"....not allowing men to use the girls bathroom and showers or ....believing that men can become women by changing their clothes and amputating healthy genitalia .... I'd say the latter...

And given that you 'said' that Obergefell was going to be against same sex marriage and 'said' that lawsuits against Cruz's eligibility were the beginning of the end of his presidential run....

....what you 'say' doesn't really amount to much.
I don't give a shit what he said. Making a man use the men's restroom isn't discrimination. It's fucking stupid to say that it is.

You should. He's the one making the decisions on whether not the State defends people under the law.

And his voice is going to be a powerful condemnation in federal court. When the AG of the very state that created the law denounces it as unconstitutional and unenforceable......that doesn't bode well for that law's future.

'National embarrassment' should about cover it.

Nowhere is it written that men have legal protection to use the women's restroom.

And yet there is precedent against laws that specifically target LGBT folks for discrimination. Again, see Romer v. Evans.

And pay special attention to who wrote that ruling. Its the same guy who wrote Lawrence v. Texas, US v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

Before Scalia's death he was known as 'Mr. Swing voter'.

No one is being discriminated against.

That's what you say. The AG of North Carolina clearly disagrees. And he's the one who decides what steps the State will take in defending folks under that law: which is 'none'. The won't defend the law in court and he won't defend people under the law.

He's wring, because obviously, no one is being discriminated against.
Oh horse puckey. I accompanied my daughter to swim classes for many years and no I did not accompany her into the locker room. And I can assure you a 45 year old man walking into that locker room behind her would not have gone unchallenged. Have you ever known young girls to be self conscious of their bodies? Gee lets send men into the locker room with them. Of course they're not on the lefts agenda as specially protected. You have your priorities, transgenders, I have mine, children.

As far as gays I have no issue what so ever, I have a gay sibling and was in a gay wedding before it was legal. I simply have a problem with grown men in a locker room with young girls. Quite frankly it's just plain stupid. Who do you think should be the priority, an adult man that feels uncomfortable changing around other men or 20 14 year old girls who feel uncomfortable getting naked in front of an adult male? My lord the people that support such things need to find something constructive to do. Get a job, go pick up some litter or something.
The North Carolina law would not address your issue even if it was legal,which it isnt. And anyway you are building up an issue that doesnt exist except in a few polluted heads.
How do you figure that? We've already had issues and it will increase. And besides building up an issue? I'm not the one that has nothing better to do than to give the left another reason to scream "nazi". "They don't want grown men in locker rooms with little girls" "NAZI", "HOMOPHOBES". What a crock. The lefts utter disdain for the girls is nauseating. Go pick up some litter.
Well there you go again. You are making up a problem that doesnt exist.
The truth of the matter is that transgender people are more likely to be the victims of violence. And if the illegal North Carolina act was enforced they would suffer further.

Shocking Report Reveals How Often Trans People Attack You in Bathrooms

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015? - Law Street (TM)
It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.
And? So public restrooms should only be for those without any surgical or hormonal therapies?

Law should be crafted for the benefit of those who alter nature to the determent of those who do not?

This is a frontal assault on civil society.

Really? Have you seen a lot of wen in the men's rooms? Or gas your wife encountered many men in the women's room?

I have travelled extensively over the eastern half of the U.S. And have not seen any problems.
And as South Caroline's own Attorney General admitted, the law is a 'national embarassment' for the State. And he won't defend anyone under that law:

One day after civil liberties groups filed suit to fight a controversial “bathroom bill” in North Carolina that they say discriminates against the LGBT community, state Attorney General Roy Cooper announced that he would not defend its constitutionality.

“We should not even be here today, but we are. We’re here because the governor has signed statewide legislation that puts discrimination into the law,” Cooper told reporters in Raleigh Tuesday.

According to Cooper, House Bill 2 (HB2) is in direct conflict with nondiscrimination policies at North Carolina’s justice department and treasurer’s office, as well as many of the state’s businesses. Though the LGBT community is targeted, he said, it could ultimately result in the discrimination of other groups as well.

“House Bill 2 is unconstitutional,” he said. “Therefore, our office will not represent the defendants in this lawsuit, nor future lawsuits involving the constitutionality of House Bill 2.”

North Carolina attorney general won’t defend transgender law: It’s a ‘national embarrassment’

When your own State's Attorney General rejects the newly passed law as unconstitutional, you know you've got quite a piece of legislative horseshit.

What's unconstitutional is passing a law that tells a private business that they can't operate gender specific restrooms on their own property.

It targets LGBT folks specifically for discrimination. Read Romer v. Evans for why that will be....problematic.

No it doesn't. Men use men's facilities and women uses women's facilities. It's that simple.

Indeed. Now if you have someone born a women, but now looks like a man, this law requires she use the women's room.
And? So public restrooms should only be for those without any surgical or hormonal therapies?

WinterBorn, gonna spell this one out for you plainly and clearly. This move by NC is the beginning of the end to your cult's delusions of power over others. You may engage in distorting reality to and beyond its limits, but when you insist that the rest of us do BY LAW, BY GOD! that's when the game is O-V-E-R.

Game over. Let that sink in.. You can drug yourself up and hack yourselves up, but when you insist that destruction of your born gender becomes "everyone's reality", that's when the buck stops. It's over. Pack it up and go home. Johns Hopkins and NC have spoken. BTW, they've declared it's also child abuse to coerce a child into "gender change". There will be a more formal announcement on that this June. But for now, understand that your taking over the American Psychological Association by force back in the 1970s &80s and removing yourselves from the DSM, and "disappearing" the Leona Tyler principle from the APA (the mandate that all public positions must be backed by science and not mere cultspeak) isn't going to get you one step further on this transgender delusion.

It's over. If you have XY DNA and have the male junk you're a dude for life. If you have XX DNA and female junk, you're a gal for life. That's it.

LMAO!!! Game over? You are correct in that. But you are incorrect in the winner. The world is coming to see nothing is wrong with homosexuality or even with gay marriage. In 2008 around 40% of the country agreed with gay marriage. Last year it was over 53%. Soon no one will care. Except, perhaps, for a handful of lunatics.
North Carolina codifies the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to many on the right.

Allowing men to use the women's restroom and vice-versa codified the stupidity of everyone on the the left.
This fails as a red herring fallacy – nothing but fear-mongering and demagoguery; this issue is not about ‘allowing’ men to enter the women’s restroom, it’s about the same boring, tedious, inane fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the bigoted right.
The Potty Principle...they tried the same crap when women were first going on Navy ships.
North Carolina's anti-LGBT law won't be defended in court
Bigotry to be overturned. Common sense reigns.

“We should not even be here today, but we are. We’re here because the Governor signed statewide legislation that puts discrimination into the law. Obviously, the LGBT community is targeted, but also people who are discriminated against because of race, religion or other classes people.
The law even eliminates local ordinances that protect veterans and wages of local people in companies that contract with cities."

Roy Cooper
The bible thumping crackas here in NC know they are finished and dying off , they are trying everything they can think off to stop time. This vote was in response to the city of Charlotte passing a non discrimination law , NC is becoming more diverse, latino, indian, Asian, Black progressive whites from educated statess and large univeristies, Duke, UNC, State just to name a few.The uneducated right wing crackas are being pushed and fading into the backwoods where they belong

You ******* still rank behind ever other group no matter how much help you get from the government. Even with the help you can't cut it.
Great RWr example you are.
It's over. If you have XY DNA and have the male junk you're a dude for life. If you have XX DNA and female junk, you're a gal for life. That's it.

Psst - the law provides that an updated birth certificate can be obtained changing the sex of original birth.

So once surgery is done you have a XY DNA and a birth certificate that says female. Same for YY.

You failed again Sil.

It's over. If you have XY DNA and have the male junk you're a dude for life. If you have XX DNA and female junk, you're a gal for life. That's it.

Psst - the law provides that an updated birth certificate can be obtained changing the sex of original birth.

So once surgery is done you have a XY DNA and a birth certificate that says female. Same for YY.

You failed again Sil.


Sil has failed over and over. And it is not just in this instance.

Having a penis or a vagina is not the sum total of being a man or a woman. The picture I posted of Shawn Stinson clearly shows this.

But I am confused as to why all this matters. While some are hailing this as an answer, I never heard the question asked.

Do other people spend a lot of time peaking over the panel while standing at the urinal? Do they work hard at peeking thru the gaps in the toilet stalls??

I have a simpler answer. Go in whatever restroom fits, do your business privately, wash your hands, and then leave.
The North Carolina law would not address your issue even if it was legal,which it isnt. And anyway you are building up an issue that doesnt exist except in a few polluted heads.
How do you figure that? We've already had issues and it will increase. And besides building up an issue? I'm not the one that has nothing better to do than to give the left another reason to scream "nazi". "They don't want grown men in locker rooms with little girls" "NAZI", "HOMOPHOBES". What a crock. The lefts utter disdain for the girls is nauseating. Go pick up some litter.
Well there you go again. You are making up a problem that doesnt exist.
The truth of the matter is that transgender people are more likely to be the victims of violence. And if the illegal North Carolina act was enforced they would suffer further.

Shocking Report Reveals How Often Trans People Attack You in Bathrooms

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015? - Law Street (TM)
It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
How do you figure that? We've already had issues and it will increase. And besides building up an issue? I'm not the one that has nothing better to do than to give the left another reason to scream "nazi". "They don't want grown men in locker rooms with little girls" "NAZI", "HOMOPHOBES". What a crock. The lefts utter disdain for the girls is nauseating. Go pick up some litter.
Well there you go again. You are making up a problem that doesnt exist.
The truth of the matter is that transgender people are more likely to be the victims of violence. And if the illegal North Carolina act was enforced they would suffer further.

Shocking Report Reveals How Often Trans People Attack You in Bathrooms

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015? - Law Street (TM)
It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
There has already been an instance in Wash state with a 45 yr old man in a girls locker room frequented by girls as young as 6. Typical, you have a few people that don't feel comfortable in facilities matching their "equipment" so the whole world must change to accommodate them. They're special.

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