North Carolina Dem Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory In Schools

Back at ya, kiddo. Right wing-nuts want to prevent CRT teaching and yet...they cannot define what CRT is.

Let me know when you figure out what CRT teaching actually means.
As with the father of CRT, it’s roots are in Critical Theory, Marxism.

”A "critical theory" has a distinctive aim: to unmask the ideology falsely justifying some form of social or economic oppression—to reveal it as ideology—and, in so doing, to contribute to the task of ending that oppression. And so, a critical theory aims to provide a kind of enlightenment about social and economic life that is itself emancipatory: persons come to recognize the oppression they are suffering as oppression and are thereby partly freed from it.

Marx's critique of capitalist economic relations is arguably just this kind of critical theory. As participants in a capitalist market economy, we fall into thinking of the economy in terms of private property rights, free exchange, the laws of supply and demand, etc., and, in so doing, we fall into thinking of capitalist economic relations as justified, as how things should be. Marx argues that this way of thinking is nothing but ideology: it obscures, even from those persons who suffer them, the pervasive and destructive forms of alienation, powerlessness, and exploitation that, in Marx's view, define capitalist economic relations. Any prospects for change, reform, or for Marx, revolution requires first that people come to see capitalism for what it is, for they must first see the ways in which they themselves are alienated, powerless and exploited before they can try to free themselves from it. Later social theorists in what came to be called the Frankfurt School—Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Habermas—develop and refine this Marxian project of providing a critical theory of capitalist economic and social relations. In particular, they argue that the forms of oppression distinctive of "late" capitalism are importantly different than the forms Marx found in the early capitalism of the Industrial Revolution, and so a critical theory about them must also be different.”

CRT aims to teach our children that society is broken into two diametrically opposed, or divided existences. Oppressor (white European) descendants, and the Oppressed (Black, and Brown) descendants…devised for two purposes.
1. To teach that America is an ignoble, unfair place, and white kids are responsible for the continued perceived systemic oppression. Thus, destroying white children’s self esteem, and creating a generation of angry, entitled black and brown children.

2. By dividing the races in this country the the goal of destroying capitalistic foundations of this country in favor of a Socialist foundation, which the today’s Marxist progressives would very much like to see.

it’s evil endemnified.

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