Nonunion Ala. crews turned away from Sandy recovery

This NaziCon lie has already been debunked on several threads.

Looks like becks got all them links and you ain't got shit as usual. Never talk shit if ya got no links, chump...:D

The links were posted on several other threads. You ain't worth digging them out for.

No links = B/S now go do yo work or remain a b/s artist
This NaziCon lie has already been debunked on several threads.

Looks like becks got all them links and you ain't got shit as usual. Never talk shit if ya got no links, chump...:D

The links were posted on several other threads. You ain't worth digging them out for.

I just went thru a fire and a blizzard up here. And I'm in NDP territory ok? We don't fuck with giving people help based on past voting records.

Sweet lord you people are insane and vile.
Thats fucking sick
Looks like becks got all them links and you ain't got shit as usual. Never talk shit if ya got no links, chump...:D

The links were posted on several other threads. You ain't worth digging them out for.

No links = B/S now go do yo work or remain a b/s artist

Well since I flagged you every one knows that counts knows you aren't the real deal.

Please do not attempt to advise anyone you fake.
tiny, are you on acid or crack?

I took pictures today of a bald eagle feeding on a dead porcupine just up my road.

It was amazing. I cried for the porcupine, many other birds were coming in. And then I thanked God that this soul was to feed so many.

This is my life Lakhota. I am blessed. I saw one buck with 12 does just down my road. I am blessed.

You lie to fulfill some strange dream I guess calling yourself Lakhota. I live here.

I am real. And I love it.
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It was on our local news. Unions up in New Jersey are turning away help because the people are NON union. WTF.. Why people are suffering and all they care about if the people are union or not .. Typical union thugs I guess

I've been out today but the other I heard was out of Texas they turned away these workers from Texas

This is the mind of a fucking liberal. They want to profit from a disaster.

So the deal is. Turn away all genuine help. Only allow in Union reps even though people are starving and hitting dumpsters................

Yup sounds like libs. Smells like libs. You are so you. :D

You are so pigs when this is all said and done wait till I tell the world about you pigs shutting down Rock and Rap it up.

I hate you. You are swine.
I hear that union thugs are beating up non-union relief workers and burning their cars. NJ Union workers are blocking the streets and preventing food and water from reaching starving children. Union Thugs are also torturing puppies and kittens

I hate those union bastards ...we need to BAN ALL UNIONS

You got that story from Hatebear and LGS, didncha..

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