Nobody Turns Up To Joe Biden's Las Vegas Rally The Cameras From ALL Angles Show ZERO Supporters But Show About 10 Campaign Staffers Clapping Him

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.
YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.
That is what I am finding today as well. Every single poll is heavily weighted towards democrats.. And that is the only reason Biden is being pushed as winning...
YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.
That is what I am finding today as well. Every single poll is heavily weighted towards democrats.. And that is the only reason Biden is being pushed as winning...

Now consider that if you eliminated the Dem states Hillary won that Trump doesn't need, and only polled the remaining states the poll should actually be weighted in favor of Republicans. That's how messed up these so called polls are.
YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.

We can't rule out also that all these Polls are over sampling in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois ie. large Democrat States, all these National Polls do not say what the sampling is in relation to what States they are getting their samples from, we already know ALL of them are over sampling Democrats and under sampling Republicans and even Rasmussen is doing this now.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.
That is what I am finding today as well. Every single poll is heavily weighted towards democrats.. And that is the only reason Biden is being pushed as winning...

Yes because if you did a Poll and you sampled 38% Republicans and 32% Democrats you are going to get a Poll that shows the Republican in the lead, they are sampling 38% Democrats and 32% Republicans and so of course that shows Joe Biden in the lead and this is not just ONE Poll this is basically EVERY Poll that is over sampling Democrats and under sampling Republicans. I think in some ways they are doing this to demoralise Trump Supporters, that by consistently showing Joe Biden leading in EVERY Poll that Trump Supporters or JUST ENOUGH of them are not going to bother to vote.

My advice to ALL Trump Supporters is to IGNORE the Polls and go out in person to vote like your life depends on it.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Yes I saw that, pretty pathetic and hypocritical and of course the MSM aka human slugs IGNORED it, if The Donald would have done this they would be SCREAMING 24/7 about it.
The location of the event was reportedly a school. Schools Have Trumped-Up Problems intentionally caused to kill the students!

In contrast, see the social distancing guidance on the floor. Notice the crowd not attempting harm of children in front of a White House balcony. That crowd didn't have that much sense, even: Black Conservatives for Trump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Noticing the Conservative pastoral prayer: Matt 25: 14-30, where lives don't matter: Tossed out to weeping and gnashing of teeth! For that they pray!)
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Mariachi band!!!! He might as well just come out and say it, If you don't vote for me, you ain't hispanic. This Las Vegas event show's the same thing every other Biden/Harris event shows, virtually no supporters and zero enthusiasm.
YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

I just dug into the latest poll some liberal asshat posted. First its a national poll and Trump doesn't need a single vote from any state Hillary won. Second, the poll was conducted by a computer generated voice and menu, right there anyone with a brain hung up. Third they played with the data slicing, dicing, ahem 'weighting'. The so called poll is a joke in terms of whether Trump will get to 270 EC votes.

We can't rule out also that all these Polls are over sampling in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois ie. large Democrat States, all these National Polls do not say what the sampling is in relation to what States they are getting their samples from, we already know ALL of them are over sampling Democrats and under sampling Republicans and even Rasmussen is doing this now.

I guarantee they are because the computer controlled modeling takes into account geography. Naturally these high population Dem states Trump doesn't even need are over sampled.
Okay so here we have a Joe Biden Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, what the cameras show from ALL angles is that there are zero Joe Biden Supporters except what looks like about 10 Biden Campaign Staffers and random MSM aka human slugs.

Joe Biden also is in his usual mode of looking Dazed and Confused and looking like "Where the fuck am I?"

The situation is NOBODY shows up for ANY Joe Biden Campaign Rally, we have a lot of actual footage of this, Biden speaking to empty parking lots, Biden speaking to under 10 peoples in random fields and YET ALL the Opinion Polls are saying that Biden is winning by up to 15% which defies all logic.

So if I can go back to the night before the Election in 2016, Hillary had a Rally where hardly anyone turned up and I remember hearing some journalist on the BBC World Service saying they felt that Trump was going to win EVEN though ALL the Opinion Polls were saying that Hillary was going to win and he was asked WHY he felt Trump was going to win and he said that he saw Trump's Election Eve Campaign Rally in Michigan and it was AFTER Midnight and Trump was speaking to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS in the freezing cold AFTER Midnight and he had seen a few hours earlier Hillary speaking to about a HUNDRED peoples, now I add that I do not think Trump will win Michigan this time, but I am using the Michigan thing to illustrate the indicator for 2016.

Forget the Polls, what you should be looking at is who is getting the CROWDS and from all the footage we are seeing it is not Joe Biden.

Here is the video the duration is 5 minutes and 36 seconds:

Hey Lucy have you seen this video before of Biden where he exposes his hypocrisy proving he knows the virus is a hoax taking off his mask at the end of a speech thinking the camera stopped rolling? priceless check it out if you have not seen it.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Fauci was on CNN today saying that if we dont lock down that another 200,000 will die.. Its amazing how they are ignoring the therapies that are working to push the crap...

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