Nobody Knows What Was Taken from Mar-A-Lago

Rump lost the general election of November 3, 2020, fair-and-square, but that ignorant, arrogant sociopath lacked the courage to admit he lost. Bigly.
There was no 'Rump' running in 2020, dufus.
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

Nobody Knows What Was Taken from Mar-A-Lago​

True….but we all know that Trump has been the primary target of Permanent Washington, filthy globalist fucks, Hollywood and elites since 2015….CONNECT THE FUCKING DOTS!
Indeed. The point being made was that record-seizure and itemization for receipt purposes was within the legal boundaries of the search warrant.

If you have anything intelligent to say by way of counterpoint have at it... otherwise, stick to your lightweight pebble-throwing... you're good at it.
The executed a warrant in June and inspected the documents. This was nothing more than a raid to find any dirt they could find because it expanded the search beyond the documents.
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

Notice the silence from Trump, the Dems and the Republicans?
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

and only they know what was planted. They also know that what they did was unconstitutional and unprecedented. After all this time, watching these corrupt actually would give them the benefit of the doubt?
Joe isn’t significantly better than the shit I took this morning.
Not spending your whole presidency in scandal after scandal, getting impeached twice and not having your quickly revolving co-workers constantly call you a moron seems better.
Not getting impeached twice and not having your quickly revolving co-workers constantly call you a dangerous moron seems better.
Hahaha…getting impeached twice by fucked in the head Permanent Washington folks is a plus for ALL good real sane Americans.
All shit-canned / disgruntled employees talk shit…your dumb ass honestly didn‘t know that?
The same here! :thup:
Shows you don't read the threads you post in. Or newspapers. Or anything with words larger than 4 letters.

FBI has months of footage from Mar a Lago and knows who accessed the documents. They are also fingerprinting the documents to find out who actually handled them.
Not spending your whole presidency in scandal after scandal, getting impeached twice and not having your quickly revolving co-workers constantly call you a moron seems better.
See? As I’ve said many times, there is little difference between the two morons.
From the left putting out absurd conspiracy theories about Trump stealing nuclear secrets to the right crying that the entire affair is politically motivated and Trump is a saint from the highest reaches of heaven, nobody other than those in the federal government involved in the raid know exactly what was taken. The warrant has broad language as to what they were searching for and it has been confirmed that some boxes taken had classified documents in them. That's it. That's all anyone knows yet it hasn't stopped the media, politicians, pundits, and sycophants of all stripes from making total fools of themselves over the past week.

Eleven sets of classified documents were among the materials seized in the raid, according to a receipt for property seized that was attached to the warrant. One group of files was marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” which includes an abbreviation for top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.

The others were four sets of top-secret documents, three groups of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The agents took at least 20 boxes of items, along with binders of photos, one handwritten note and an “executive grant of clemency” for Roger Stone, a Republican political operative whom Trump had pardoned, according to the document.

Well, the hard core right wingers KNOW the Democrats are wrong, and the hard core left wingers KNOW the Republicans are wrong.

Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, the right would be praising the decision. As it is, the right seem to give a shit about women in Afghanistan for the first time ever.
Hahaha…getting impeached twice by fucked in the head Permanent Washington folks is a plus for ALL good real sane Americans.
Yea, it's great. Historians, who consistently rank Trump as one of the worst presidents this country has ever had, love it too.

Everything is great in your little Trumplandia.

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