No terrorists here

Oh, and a reminder. YOUR the one who blasted me for not criticizing non-Israeli states first off. Should I critize them or not, make up your bloody mind.
Bullshit. Just because I can't provide exactly what someone should do doesn't mean I can't say what they shouldn't do.

True, but you then come across as a tosser because you are not providing any solutions. All you are doing is bitching and moaning - that's the easiest things of all to do. Wimpish even.

You may roll your eyes, but in practical terms, that is ALL you are bringing to the table.

Finally, a break through…

But somehow without criticizing them.

You can criticise, but offer up solutions instead of unrealistic pap…

There are none.

All the more reason your stance is unattainable and unreasonable.

Umm, no, not quite. Again you stupidly assume my views based off of an incorrect generalization. Try thinking more and assuming less.

You really should have gone back and followed the thread before answering the above. Now, you are beginning to look a tad silly. You are demanding that Israel obey international law, and yet now you say it isn’t binding?? WTF? And what does generalisations have to do with that??

No, because you are incorrect.

So, out of all the possible things you could have been, I said young, 20 something student or aging hippy and I am incorrect? Really? Are you sure?

No I don't believe in asinine interpretations (i.e. yours) of my posts.

Oh, so we go the boring asinine route..yawn…Your posts are very easy to interpret. You leave nothing to the imagination. You are very naïve. You prove it with every post.

Not quite. I'm criticizing them from a 21st century standpoint. This isn't uncommon at all. We criticize the Nazi's from a 21st century standpoint. We criticize slavery from a 21st century standpoint. We criticize all sorts of things from a modern view.

No, the Nazis were criticised from day one from a 20th century standpoint. You ever hear of Nuremburg? Read your history before spouting crap. You tend to look a tad silly. Slavery was also criticised from a 19th century standpoint. You ever come across the word “abolitionist”?

As if you have the understanding to judge someone elses expertise on int'l law?

As if you even come close to being any type of “expert” on international law…

Oh, sorry. I'll refrain from doing anything that doesn't help the world in the future. Because thats somehow the only point in doing anything, eh?

Oh, no please do help the world. Just make sure it is practical and not “asinine”…:eek:)

I use this board as stress relief while I'm in law school. I AM trying to find real solutions and I'm being taught by some of the worlds best international lawyers. Oh I know...I should somehow be out there working out the worlds problems right now....but being all idealistic and shit I figured I should get a world class education to actually get an education so my work might be somewhat effective and anything I did advocate would have quite a bit of rigorous thought behind it.

World’s best? I’d get a refund. What school are you at? Cambridge? Oxford? Heh. Rigorous thought is good. But more effort is needed….

Sure I'll write a political treatise on it.

Please don’t. Going by what I’ve read so far it’ll be a waste of everybody’s time, plus I doubt you have the ability to right a fair and balanced “treatise”…

Do try and stay consistent. First off you want me to think up practicalities, and then you assume any solutions I come up with will be terrible.

There is nothing inconsistent about what I am saying. In fact, the part of my post you are answering doesn’t make any sense. Are you saying that your solutions ARE those that have been tried and failed before? Hardly practical, no? What are your solutions. Speak up boy or hold your tongue!

And pray tell, what perfect solution to an imperfect problem was I demanding?

None, and that is the problem and you have just proved my point (without meaning to, I bet)..
Perhaps he just doesn't feel like wasting the effort it would take to explain a complex issue to the likes of your stupid ass, gump. Then again, he probably realizes that anything he suggests will be trumpeted as some giant neo-holocaust given your tendency to label wiki articles and jpost pages as good as stormfront literature.

apt name, dude. I bet you run fast and love shrimp too.
True, but you then come across as a tosser because you are not providing any solutions. All you are doing is bitching and moaning - that's the easiest things of all to do. Wimpish even.

Not providing any solutions...but yet if I did I would be arrogant because of course they've all been thought of before. :rolleyes:

You may roll your eyes, but in practical terms, that is ALL you are bringing to the table.

Not quite, no.

Finally, a break through…

OMG its a break through...wait I pretty much said this before when I said the world was machiavellian. Try reading what I actually say and not what you expect me to say.

You can criticise, but offer up solutions instead of unrealistic pap…

Oh, and what unrealistic pap have I offered up?

All the more reason your stance is unattainable and unreasonable.

Because the world never changes and nothing ever gets better, eh? :cuckoo:

You really should have gone back and followed the thread before answering the above. Now, you are beginning to look a tad silly. You are demanding that Israel obey international law, and yet now you say it isn’t binding?? WTF? And what does generalisations have to do with that??

You really should learn to read. I explicitly stated before that int'l law is binding. And nothing I said there was inconsistent with that. Rather I was saying that merely because it is binding does NOT mean that every state will following that law.

So, out of all the possible things you could have been, I said young, 20 something student or aging hippy and I am incorrect? Really? Are you sure?

A law student is quite a bit different from a college student.

No, the Nazis were criticised from day one from a 20th century standpoint. You ever hear of Nuremburg?

Nuremberg was not day 1. That was after the fact criticism. Gee, you think people get criticised after they start a war and lose? No shit, sherlock.

Read your history before spouting crap. You tend to look a tad silly. Slavery was also criticised from a 19th century standpoint. You ever come across the word “abolitionist”?

And in that same vein there were many who criticized the treatment of all sorts of indigenous peoples, including the Maori, as it was happening. So your point is what again?

As if you even come close to being any type of “expert” on international law…

As if you have the intelligence or knowledge to know what an expert is.

World’s best? I’d get a refund. What school are you at? Cambridge? Oxford? Heh. Rigorous thought is good. But more effort is needed….

At a Top 5 school in the United States. My current professor has taught at both of those schools as well as been a judge on the WTO.

Please don’t. Going by what I’ve read so far it’ll be a waste of everybody’s time, plus I doubt you have the ability to right a fair and balanced “treatise”…

Again, you don't have the knowledge or intellect to tell whether its good or bad.

There is nothing inconsistent about what I am saying. In fact, the part of my post you are answering doesn’t make any sense. Are you saying that your solutions ARE those that have been tried and failed before? Hardly practical, no? What are your solutions. Speak up boy or hold your tongue!

I never claimed to have solutions, genius. However you keep simultaneously saying my solutions are terrible, and that I don't have any. Make up your mind.

You said:
We can all bitch and moan like you do, and demand the perfect solution to an imperfect problem.

I asked what perfect solution to an imperfect problem I was demanding.

You responded:

None, and that is the problem and you have just proved my point (without meaning to, I bet)..

I proved your point?

Sure, if you say so. What exactly is your point? You seem to be falling over yourself to call me naive, idealistic, whatever. As soon as we get into exactly what that entails you insult me for having no solutions, then for having bad solutions, for criticising only certain states, then criticising too many states.

I don't need to be an expert in anything to realize what a dumbass you are, and that you have no idea what you are talking about.
What post are you alluding to and under what circumstances?

AI dislikes almost every country in the world. Why are you taking up their case against Israel and not their case against: Syria, Jordan, Saudi, USA, Name an African Country, Name an Asian Country, Australia, yadda, yadda, yadda...

There you go.
Perhaps he just doesn't feel like wasting the effort it would take to explain a complex issue to the likes of your stupid ass, gump. Then again, he probably realizes that anything he suggests will be trumpeted as some giant neo-holocaust given your tendency to label wiki articles and jpost pages as good as stormfront literature.

apt name, dude. I bet you run fast and love shrimp too.

Then again, he might be just some idealist who gives terrorists a free pass - like you...:O)

That was Forest Gump, not Grump. If something that simple is beyond you, no wonder you are easily confused/taken down/shit beaten out of you....
As an are doing the exact same thing you claim I am doing. You are criticising me, not knowing me at all. You don't know what I do, how I live life, nor my attitudes. Sitting at your computer wasting your time offering criticisms with no "practical solutions". Being an "armchair critic".

Oh, but we all know how "fair and balanced" you are. Attacking anyone who criticises Israel and questioning why they don't criticise other states as well...oh wait, but then if they criticise other states they are "armchair critics".

As an are doing the exact same thing you claim I am doing. You are criticising me, not knowing me at all. You don't know what I do, how I live life, nor my attitudes. Sitting at your computer wasting your time offering criticisms with no "practical solutions". Being an "armchair critic".

Oh, but we all know how "fair and balanced" you are. Attacking anyone who criticises Israel and questioning why they don't criticise other states as well...oh wait, but then if they criticise other states they are "armchair critics".


Actually Larrkin, if you even bothered to read anything I have written on Israel, you might find we have more in common than you think. Jillian is Jewish. She is a very good friend of mine. Very good. One of my best friends in fact. Ask her what subject - the one subject - that we cross swords over frequently. Ask her the subject, and when she answers, ask her which side of the fence we are both on.

The problem is, and always will be, is people like you and Shogun are part of the problem, not hte solution. You champion the underdog - and that in itself is a noble ideal - but it does nothing to solve the problem....

You want pathetic, just keep on going the way you are going. I hope you are paying your own way at college and not your parents. If they are paying, I hope you intend paying them back. They deserve to spend their money wisely instead of a waste of space like yourself...
OMG its a break through...wait I pretty much said this before when I said the world was machiavellian. Try reading what I actually say and not what you expect me to say.

Oh, so you know the world is Machiavellian, yet you expect some law student from the US to somehow change how the world really is? Pray tell how you think you are going to do this..take yoru time...
Actually Larrkin, if you even bothered to read anything I have written on Israel, you might find we have more in common than you think. Jillian is Jewish. She is a very good friend of mine. Very good. One of my best friends in fact. Ask her what subject - the one subject - that we cross swords over frequently. Ask her the subject, and when she answers, ask her which side of the fence we are both on.

You didn't propose anything on Israel, just proceeded to attack me outright. Sorry that I don't bother to research your past views. From this thread I have no doubt they are well reasoned and intelligent. :rolleyes:

The problem is, and always will be, is people like you and Shogun are part of the problem, not hte solution. You champion the underdog - and that in itself is a noble ideal - but it does nothing to solve the problem....

Not quite, no. But keep on with the assumptions and the generalizations.

You want pathetic, just keep on going the way you are going. I hope you are paying your own way at college and not your parents.

I'm not at college, genius. We went over this already.

If they are paying, I hope you intend paying them back. They deserve to spend their money wisely instead of a waste of space like yourself...

Wow, you think I'm a waste of space? Given all of the inherent contradictions that you've made and the moronic statements I take that as a compliment.

Really, how elitist of you..

No, how realist of me. The education system in the US doesn't work like it does in NZ.
Oh, so you know the world is Machiavellian, yet you expect some law student from the US to somehow change how the world really is? Pray tell how you think you are going to do this..take yoru time...

I never said I was going to change the world. I'm not. I'm going to try, but I'll fail. But perhaps make some small tiny difference.
Then again, he might be just some idealist who gives terrorists a free pass - like you...:O)

That was Forest Gump, not Grump. If something that simple is beyond you, no wonder you are easily confused/taken down/shit beaten out of you....

naaa, I don't usually put much emphasis on freud but i'm pretty sure your name is one of those famous "mistakes".

Again, I'll remind you that I HAVE posted solutions that the likes of you won't come close to considering because it's not automatically zionist in design. This is why I have so much fun lampooning your israel posts; you have nothing to add besides standing in the antisemite chorus.

and, Im not sure if i'd mention things like "confuses/taken down/shit beaten out of" considering that its jillians leg you peak from behind to shout such laughable accusations.

hey, I KNOW... let's continue to snub jimmy carter and his effort to broker peace! I mean, he's only the man who did the same for israel and Egypt! Indeed, larkin and myself really ARE the ones hindering peace with the instant demonization of anything that doesn't pass the zion filter!


Dude, I pray that the rest of NZ is not a reflection of your posts. If so, it's no wonder why your nation is as significant to the world as Canada.
We'll start from Proportional response and take if from there if you like...

Proportional response is unrealistic pap?

Pray tell why its international law, as formulated by the ILC, that states generally adhere to then?
You really should learn to read. I explicitly stated before that int'l law is binding. And nothing I said there was inconsistent with that. Rather I was saying that merely because it is binding does NOT mean that every state will following that law.

Bingo. It is binding but unenforceable, so it is meaningless.

Nuremberg was not day 1. That was after the fact criticism. Gee, you think people get criticised after they start a war and lose? No shit, sherlock.

another bingo! We're on a roll now. Are you saying the Nazis were only criticised AFTER Nuremburg?? I was using it as an example, and the fact you took it literally speaks volumes. The Nazis were criticised from DAY ONE, not just from the 21st century - numbskull...

As if you have the intelligence or knowledge to know what an expert is.

As if you do...or are even close to being one of any type...

At a Top 5 school in the United States. My current professor has taught at both of those schools as well as been a judge on the WTO.

Name the school.......Our ex PM lead the WTO - that's no great shakes..
naaa, I don't usually put much emphasis on freud but i'm pretty sure your name is one of those famous "mistakes".

Again, I'll remind you that I HAVE posted solutions that the likes of you won't come close to considering because it's not automatically zionist in design. This is why I have so much fun lampooning your israel posts; you have nothing to add besides standing in the antisemite chorus.

and, Im not sure if i'd mention things like "confuses/taken down/shit beaten out of" considering that its jillians leg you peak from behind to shout such laughable accusations.

hey, I KNOW... let's continue to snub jimmy carter and his effort to broker peace! I mean, he's only the man who did the same for israel and Egypt! Indeed, larkin and myself really ARE the ones hindering peace with the instant demonization of anything that doesn't pass the zion filter!


Dude, I pray that the rest of NZ is not a reflection of your posts. If so, it's no wonder why your nation is as significant to the world as Canada.

Hhmmmm, I actually liked Carter as a president..go figure...

Ah, the old "I have nothing left, so I'll belittle the country"..Here's somethign for you Shoggie, I LOVE the fact NZ is insignificant. LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! We live in a reasonably peaceful place where none of the "Machevalllian" shit that goes with the rest of the world goes on.....poor us...bawah!!

As for your solutions, pray tell what they are (other than the moving Israel to Texas shit - that jsut ain't realistic)...
Bingo. It is binding but unenforceable, so it is meaningless.


Imagine you are speeding. You get a ticket. Is that ticket binding? Is it enforceable? Will it necessarily mean you won't speed again?

Thats a crude characterization, but I don't have time to get into a full explanation of why enforcement doesn't necessarily mean the cessation of the illegal action.

another bingo! We're on a roll now. Are you saying the Nazis were only criticised AFTER Nuremburg??

Did I say that? No.

I was using it as an example, and the fact you took it literally speaks volumes. The Nazis were criticised from DAY ONE, not just from the 21st century - numbskull...

Gee sorry I thought you'd use examples that actually supported your assertion. My mistake.

Name the school.......Our ex PM lead the WTO - that's no great shakes..

I'll pass. A top 5 school is enough information to give out. And congratulations, ever been taught by your ex PM?
Imagine you are speeding. You get a ticket. Is that ticket binding? Is it enforceable? Will it necessarily mean you won't speed again?

Only as long as the police can enforce the citation. If they don't have the means to do so then it is meaningless..

I'll pass. A top 5 school is enough information to give out. And congratulations, ever been taught by your ex PM?

No, a top five is not enough to give out. Top five in whose book, yours or reality? If the ex PM was called Lange, I would love to have been taught by him. Mike Moore? not so much...;O)

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