No significant excess deaths?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.
42 people recently died in South Dakota on one day.
78 people died in South Dakota the previous year due to the flu...the entire flu season.

I doubt that will sink in....but it should.

Did you watch the video? It is not that long and this guy is very reasonable and is discussion a number of serious issues.
42 people recently died in South Dakota on one day.
78 people died in South Dakota the previous year due to the flu...the entire flu season.

I doubt that will sink in....but it should.

Did you watch the video? It is not that long and this guy is very reasonable and is discussion a number of serious issues.
If it were reasonable, the word "Rona" wouldn't have been in front of Farmer John's ugly mug.
Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.

The title is cute. The video is serious. An interesting point he notes, in looking at the data, is that the excess deaths are mostly NOT ELDERLY.

He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.
42 people recently died in South Dakota on one day.
78 people died in South Dakota the previous year due to the flu...the entire flu season.

I doubt that will sink in....but it should.

Did you watch the video? It is not that long and this guy is very reasonable and is discussion a number of serious issues.
If it were reasonable, the word "Rona" wouldn't have been in front of Farmer John's ugly mug.

Your excuse for avoiding information is noted.

If you do not want to examine the op, then get out of the thread and leave it to people that are willing to consider and actually discuss it.
He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

The lockdown must be killing a LOT of people. Very likely more than COVID, if that has the 2% case-fatality rate we think it has.

Yes, a solid year of serious financial and social hardship.
He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

The lockdown must be killing a LOT of people. Very likely more than COVID, if that has the 2% case-fatality rate we think it has.

Thank YOU !

People like CandyCorn want to fool you into accepting the fake news media.
The VAST MAJORITY of the deaths are exactly because OF THE FEAR MONGERING.

We knew this rebound was in the making because millions put off routine exams and care because of the fear mongering by the Left.
There are many prominent studies done on this available on Google.

COVID is not killing anywhere near as many people as CandyCorn and the evil Fear Mongering left is killing.
Not even close.
Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.

The title is cute. The video is serious. An interesting point he notes, in looking at the data, is that the excess deaths are mostly NOT ELDERLY.

He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

Look at the number of people who last night attended Trump's rally in Georgia, standing shoulder to shoulder and unmasked. You will not see many or even a few elderly there.

I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? People all over the world and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread; to deny that is crazy.
Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.

The title is cute. The video is serious. An interesting point he notes, in looking at the data, is that the excess deaths are mostly NOT ELDERLY.

He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

Look at the number of people who last night attended Trump's rally in Georgia, standing shoulder to shoulder and unmasked. You will not see many or even a few elderly there.

I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? IMO and that Americans, and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread from the infected to the healthy. To deny that is crazy.

Global lockdowns are failing.
Nobody’s bragging regardless of their strategies.
Look at the number of people who last night attended Trump's rally in Georgia, standing shoulder to shoulder and unmasked. You will not see many or even a few elderly there.

I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? People all over the world and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread; to deny that is crazy.

And another who has been led down the path of utter ignorance by the fear mongering left Media
Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.

The title is cute. The video is serious. An interesting point he notes, in looking at the data, is that the excess deaths are mostly NOT ELDERLY.

He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

Look at the number of people who last night attended Trump's rally in Georgia, standing shoulder to shoulder and unmasked. You will not see many or even a few elderly there.

I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? IMO and that Americans, and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread from the infected to the healthy. To deny that is crazy.

Mmm, so your claiming that younger people are dying from covid because they are doing less social distancing?

I thought we had good numbers on the average age of the convid deaths, and it was like 71.

As to "how" by just knowing about the negative impact on people that economic and social hardships have.

I know several younger people, who are really suffering stress from the economic hardship.

And I remember being younger and how important to me, socializing with my friends and other people was, and I can imagine how hard it would have been.
Yes, a solid year of serious financial and social hardship.

The pandemic is actually a fairly bad one. On top of that, the government made it much, much worse without doing anything to stop or ameliorate the disease. And how do we know that? Because COVID just gets worse and worse and worse, and if people put on THREE masks and 100% of everyone quit their jobs, it would STILL get worse and worse. Because it's not about us. It's about a highly successful virus.

These politicians pretend it's about us, about what we do to their command. Because they want so much for it to be all about them. So they can win Nobel prizes, and re-election, and get to be president. They don't care how much worse they make it for all of us, as long as it can all be about them.
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Very interesting video. Focuses on a recent analysis on whether there is an actual increase in deaths, and the reaction to the study.

Factoid I found most interesting, is that excess deaths that we do see, seem to be in young adult to middle aged groups, not the elderly.

I've been seeing charts in the news beginning to show excess deaths, and headlines this weekend saying COVID is the most frequent cause of death in the U.S. --- so I came here to look at your Youtube: but ----- Rona Wrongthink??? No. Not serious.

The title is cute. The video is serious. An interesting point he notes, in looking at the data, is that the excess deaths are mostly NOT ELDERLY.

He does not make the leap, but the obvious possibility to me, is that the lock down is killing people.

Look at the number of people who last night attended Trump's rally in Georgia, standing shoulder to shoulder and unmasked. You will not see many or even a few elderly there.

I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? IMO and that Americans, and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread from the infected to the healthy. To deny that is crazy.

Mmm, so your claiming that younger people are dying from covid because they are doing less social distancing?

I thought we had good numbers on the average age of the convid deaths, and it was like 71.

As to "how" by just knowing about the negative impact on people that economic and social hardships have.

I know several younger people, who are really suffering stress from the economic hardship.

And I remember being younger and how important to me, socializing with my friends and other people was, and I can imagine how hard it would have been.

The bottom line: The disease is spread from person to person. Do you doubt that? Or do you believe trump and figure the more infections in the herd the better and sooner Covid will disappear?
I love how some crazy people keep pointing out how many have died from the virus compared to other countries.
They seem to not understand that we have people dying daily from heart problems, lung problems, cancer and other ailments. They seem to not understand that our fitness score compared to the rest of the world sucks because we don’t get proper exercise and eat way too many processed foods. They seem unable to comprehend that we have some of the most obese people on the planet. They seem to forget that we are a larger country then others. They seem to forget that people have forgone medical attention because they were worried that the virus would get them. They seem unable to comprehend that medical science has allowed people with old age and/or medical conditions to live longer.
In the mean time people are having to choose paying bills, loosing savings and even going without or break laws.
I wonder how you come to the conclusion that the lock down is killing people? People all over the world and that number is growing, understands how this disease is spread; to deny that is crazy.

You think it does no harm to say people are forbidden to make a living? To close all the businesses they have invested all their savings and all their life's work into? To tell them they can't visit elderly relatives, or grandchildren, or friends, or anyone at all, or go anywhere or do anything? To make sure they are afraid of everyone they see?

I'm thinking probably all that kills a whole lot of people.

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