No, Paedophiles Are Not Homosexual

Traditional Values Coalition isn't a scientific organization so much as Right-wing Christian Fundamentalist hate group.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as anti-LGBT hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is an American conservative Christian organization that represents, by its estimate, over 43,000 Christian churches throughout the United States of America. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., its belief is in Bible-based traditional values as "[a] moral code and behavior based upon the Old and New Testaments." The group considers traditional values to include a belief "that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Lord has given us a rule book to live by: The Bible" and a commitment to "living, as far as it is possible, by the moral precepts taught by Jesus Christ and by the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible." The organization was founded by the Reverend Louis P. Sheldon who is the current chairman. His daughter Andrea Sheldon Lafferty is the executive director.[135]

The Traditional Values Coalition has been labelled an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[33] Tony Perkins asked SPLC to retract the hate group designation but the SPLC refused to back down stating the groups were added to the list for spreading "known falsehoods — claims about LGBT people that have been thoroughly discredited by scientific authorities — and repeated, groundless name-calling.""

Hmm. Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College seems top be real(I checked). Whitman college is real.

I would assume that he is being quoted correctly, or he would sue for slander.


Seriously? You're making this too easy you realize that right? You're actually on my side, but pretending to be on their side or something? :)

Try Googling 'Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College discredited'

The level of ignorance in this thread by the homophobes is staggering....
Let's get back on topic.

Paedophiles are not homosexuals, as proven by the recent study I cited.

Did anyone read it?

Then why did they admit to being homosexuals according to my link?

Let me be more succinct. If a pedophile can only be aroused by assaulting young boys, he is most definitely a homosexual pedophile.


Your "study" is a debunked sham put out thirty years ago by a kook at a small ecumenical college in Walla Walla Washington who's only other claim to fame was dressing up in outrageous costumes and cheerleaders the girls basketball team.

Now disprove my study.

Is that a real place? Walla walla Washington? Because I remember it from old 50s Bugs Bunny cartoons. :)
Hmm. Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College seems top be real(I checked). Whitman college is real.

I would assume that he is being quoted correctly, or he would sue for slander.


Seriously? You're making this too easy you realize that right? You're actually on my side, but pretending to be on their side or something? :)

Try Googling 'Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College discredited'

The level of ignorance in this thread by the homophobes is staggering....

Keep thinking "they can't be this stupid, they must be spies or something" False flag operatives like, pretending to be homophobes, citing ridiculous long discredited sources just to make that side of the arguement look silly.
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The Traditional Values Coalition has been labelled an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Anyone who links to the Southern Poverty Law Center signals to me that they've got a screw loose and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Picking up women and having sex with them is now a hate-crime. The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups

Oh here I thought you were alluding to this:

"Christian groups are celebrating with the news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to have scrubbed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) from its hate crimes webpage, where the controversial group was listed as a resource and referred to as a partner in public outreach.

A letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, drafted by Lieutenant General (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council (FRC), calls such an association "completely unacceptable."

Signed by fourteen other conservative and Christian leaders, the letter calls SPLC "a heavily politicized organization producing inaccurate and biased data on 'hate groups' – not hate crimes.""
FBI Dumps Southern Poverty Law Center as Hate Crimes Resource

...Guy who pushed for it's removal from the FBI site was among the groups designated as hate groups so consider the source, and the clout of such groups in US politics.
As it happened, FBI didn't drop SPLC:

No, The FBI Hasn't Ditched The Southern Poverty Law Center | Blog | Media Matters for America

If you google around for sites you're more inclined to believe than an admittedly liberal one you'll notice if the FBI dropped SPLC ina ny way they themselves don't know anything about it. :)

I'm not talking about the FBI, I'm talking about YOU. YOU linked to them as a credible source. That reflects badly on YOU. The FBI has nothing to do with this thread.

The game being played here is your deferral to an outside group which renders judgment on the acceptability of groups - "they're good, they're bad" and that you're letting other people do your thinking and judging for you strongly signals to me that I'm not going to get much out of a conversation with YOU because YOUR thoughts are predigested pablum which has been certified by others.
As it happened, FBI didn't drop SPLC:

No, The FBI Hasn't Ditched The Southern Poverty Law Center | Blog | Media Matters for America

If you google around for sites you're more inclined to believe than an admittedly liberal one you'll notice if the FBI dropped SPLC ina ny way they themselves don't know anything about it. :)

I'm not talking about the FBI, I'm talking about YOU. YOU linked to them as a credible source. That reflects badly on YOU. The FBI has nothing to do with this thread.

The game being played here is your deferral to an outside group which renders judgment on the acceptability of groups - "they're good, they're bad" and that you're letting other people do your thinking and judging for you strongly signals to me that I'm not going to get much out of a conversation with YOU because YOUR thoughts are predigested pablum which has been certified by others.

FBI seems to regard them as a credible source. Good enough for me.

I think what's really going on is I blew your attempt at posting a discredited source and that made you upset. And all you can do now is attack me like a child on the playground. Do as you will. Wanna fight go ahead, wanna call me more names, go ahead, wanna run away as others have wisely done, that might be your best bet.
I think what's really going on is I blew your attempt at posting a discredited source and that made you upset.

This should be interesting. What source was I attempting to post that you discredited and how did you discredit this source which you claim I was attempting to post?
Its a crime. So yeah

Homosexuality is a crime?

It's obvious the trolls haven't read the study I linked to inasmuch as it debunks every one of their ignorant talking points.

Why is that?

Are they as scared of the truth as they are homosexuality?

You are the poster that just confused somebody who said that pedophilia is a crime with them claiming homosexuality is. Does that make you a troll or an idiot?
Hmm. Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College seems top be real(I checked). Whitman college is real.

I would assume that he is being quoted correctly, or he would sue for slander.


Seriously? You're making this too easy you realize that right? You're actually on my side, but pretending to be on their side or something? :)

Try Googling 'Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College discredited'

The level of ignorance in this thread by the homophobes is staggering....

Your is almost equal to theirs, even if you don't know it.
As it happened, FBI didn't drop SPLC:

No, The FBI Hasn't Ditched The Southern Poverty Law Center | Blog | Media Matters for America

If you google around for sites you're more inclined to believe than an admittedly liberal one you'll notice if the FBI dropped SPLC ina ny way they themselves don't know anything about it. :)

I'm not talking about the FBI, I'm talking about YOU. YOU linked to them as a credible source. That reflects badly on YOU. The FBI has nothing to do with this thread.

The game being played here is your deferral to an outside group which renders judgment on the acceptability of groups - "they're good, they're bad" and that you're letting other people do your thinking and judging for you strongly signals to me that I'm not going to get much out of a conversation with YOU because YOUR thoughts are predigested pablum which has been certified by others.

FBI seems to regard them as a credible source. Good enough for me.

I think what's really going on is I blew your attempt at posting a discredited source and that made you upset. And all you can do now is attack me like a child on the playground. Do as you will. Wanna fight go ahead, wanna call me more names, go ahead, wanna run away as others have wisely done, that might be your best bet.

The FBI brags about stopping terrorists plots it makes up, that tells me all I need to know about the FBI.
I'm not talking about the FBI, I'm talking about YOU. YOU linked to them as a credible source. That reflects badly on YOU. The FBI has nothing to do with this thread.

The game being played here is your deferral to an outside group which renders judgment on the acceptability of groups - "they're good, they're bad" and that you're letting other people do your thinking and judging for you strongly signals to me that I'm not going to get much out of a conversation with YOU because YOUR thoughts are predigested pablum which has been certified by others.

FBI seems to regard them as a credible source. Good enough for me.

I think what's really going on is I blew your attempt at posting a discredited source and that made you upset. And all you can do now is attack me like a child on the playground. Do as you will. Wanna fight go ahead, wanna call me more names, go ahead, wanna run away as others have wisely done, that might be your best bet.

The FBI brags about stopping terrorists plots it makes up, that tells me all I need to know about the FBI.

Pick up your phone and to the dialtone say that, I dare you. :)
FBI seems to regard them as a credible source. Good enough for me.

I think what's really going on is I blew your attempt at posting a discredited source and that made you upset. And all you can do now is attack me like a child on the playground. Do as you will. Wanna fight go ahead, wanna call me more names, go ahead, wanna run away as others have wisely done, that might be your best bet.

The FBI brags about stopping terrorists plots it makes up, that tells me all I need to know about the FBI.

Pick up your phone and to the dialtone say that, I dare you. :)

Are you under the delusion that the FBI doesn't read the posts on this forum? I'm not.
Homosexuality is a crime?

It's obvious the trolls haven't read the study I linked to inasmuch as it debunks every one of their ignorant talking points.

Why is that?

Are they as scared of the truth as they are homosexuality?

You are the poster that just confused somebody who said that pedophilia is a crime with them claiming homosexuality is. Does that make you a troll or an idiot?

Seriously? You're making this too easy you realize that right? You're actually on my side, but pretending to be on their side or something? :)

Try Googling 'Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College discredited'

The level of ignorance in this thread by the homophobes is staggering....

Your is almost equal to theirs, even if you don't know it.

Put away the crack and go to bed. You're blabbering is senseless.
Silly me. I actually thought this thread would educate. Instead, all were getting is the same old homophobic fear.

It's no more dangerous for a gay man to take kids camping than a straight man. In fact, you most likely went camping with a gay male as a child and didn't even know it.

You would be wrong statistically.


You might have gone camping with a homosexual man (as a boy) but (thankfully) you didn't know it but about a million mothers would be horrified if a man was responsible for their daughters camp. What does that tell you? The homosexual lobby tells parents that their boys have nothing to fear from homosexual counselors ?

Amazing, isn't it? The posters here would feel the same way about their daughters doing an overnight with a male counselor, yet they would force the BSA to admit homosexuals to put their sons at risk.

Define "inordinate share" and give links that back up your assertion.

"Inordinate share" means greater than the population of gay men. Stats show that about 4% of Americans consider themselves gay. We can assume about half are men, so that gay men make up about 2% of the general population.

Exposed: Homosexual Child Molesters - Article - Traditional Values Coalition

For example: In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College conducted a ten-state study of sex abuse cases involving school teachers. He studied 199 cases. Of those, 122 male teachers had molested girls, while 14 female teachers had molested boys. He also discovered that 59 homosexual male teachers had molested boys and four female homosexual teachers had molested girls. In other words, 32 percent of those child molestation cases involved homosexuals. Nearly a third of these cases come from only 1-2% of the population.


Your Dr Rubin ' s report has been debunked by every scientific and psychiatric study since and was proven to be a shoddy, based piece of shit.

Ah, the world of science today. Grand, isn't it? Just about every study on everything controversial has been "debunked".

See, we can get any results we want by skewing statistics, fabricating reasons, etc.

Maybe you could show us how you can debunk a simple premise?

The premise being, was the molester a heterosexual or a homosexual?

If you can find me a link to such a rebuttal, I would like to see it.

Traditional Values Coalition isn't a scientific organization so much as Right-wing Christian Fundamentalist hate group.

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as anti-LGBT hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is an American conservative Christian organization that represents, by its estimate, over 43,000 Christian churches throughout the United States of America. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., its belief is in Bible-based traditional values as "[a] moral code and behavior based upon the Old and New Testaments." The group considers traditional values to include a belief "that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Lord has given us a rule book to live by: The Bible" and a commitment to "living, as far as it is possible, by the moral precepts taught by Jesus Christ and by the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible." The organization was founded by the Reverend Louis P. Sheldon who is the current chairman. His daughter Andrea Sheldon Lafferty is the executive director.[135]

The Traditional Values Coalition has been labelled an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[33] Tony Perkins asked SPLC to retract the hate group designation but the SPLC refused to back down stating the groups were added to the list for spreading "known falsehoods — claims about LGBT people that have been thoroughly discredited by scientific authorities — and repeated, groundless name-calling.""

Hmm. Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College seems top be real(I checked). Whitman college is real.

I would assume that he is being quoted correctly, or he would sue for slander.


Seriously? You're making this too easy you realize that right? You're actually on my side, but pretending to be on their side or something? :)

Try Googling 'Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College discredited'

I"m sure there are plenty of links claiming such. Tell me, how does one discredit a study where the aim is to identify the sexual tendencies of the molesters involved?

Seems it would be a simple enough "study", would it not?


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