No one is going to take your guns

Don't listen to the Gun-Grabbers. They live in a political fairy tale. Idiots like Pelosi and Piers Morgan are very wealthy and well-protected. They don't have to live in the harsh real world like most other Americans do. You could be brutally attacked at any moment. And your Mothers, Sisters, and daughters are targets. There are rabid wild animals out there stalking them. Don't be one of those who thinks it could never happen to them. Far too many make that tragic mistake. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't count on others to protect & save you when you need saving. Count on yourself.

The thing is, a gun in the household is more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Of the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year, 19,500 are suicides and 800 are accidents.

Not a rabid animals, but people being killed by their own guns in accidents or acts of desperation.

Of the remaining third of gun deaths, 60% of those are cases where the victim knows their killer.

Your gun is a far greater danger to your family than a criminal is.

The real world is a harsh place. It's not Pelosi and Piers Morgan's political fairy tale. There are very dangerous rabid animals out there. Most people just think nothing bad can ever happen to them. They think it can only happen to others. But i assure you, based on real-life experience, very bad things can happen to anyone. And i can also assure you, Anti-2nd Amendment assholes like Pelosi, Obama, and Piers Morgan, will not be there to protect you. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their safe & secure private jets & yachts.

You're on your own in this harsh world. It would be very wise to do all you can to protect yourself and your family. I highly recommend learning how to safely use a firearm. And then get a Conceal/Carry Permit. But i understand firearms aren't for everyone. It's up to each individual. However, i think it would be wise and it is your right.
Yes, it is the case. We can do away with all schools. Parents have always been an optional element in education. Shitty environment can be an incentive. Lack of resources is an excuse.

We can do away with schools and parents and not impede success in any way? Really?

Yes. Really.

So for the record - you [MENTION=43831]RKMBrown[/MENTION] believe that good parenting makes no difference on a child's likelihood for success.

A child with intelligent and caring parents is just as likely to be a responsible, hardworking adult as a child with two meth-head parents who are high 14 hours a day. Is that correct?
We can do away with schools and parents and not impede success in any way? Really?

Yes. Really.

So for the record - you [MENTION=43831]RKMBrown[/MENTION] believe that good parenting makes no difference on a child's likelihood for success.

A child with intelligent and caring parents is just as likely to be a responsible, hardworking adult as a child with two meth-head parents who are high 14 hours a day. Is that correct?
No, [MENTION=35995]KevinWestern[/MENTION]. You are putting words in my mouth.

Just because a car has an engine does not mean it doesn't have brakes.
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The real world is a harsh place. It's not Pelosi and Piers Morgan's political fairy tale. There are very dangerous rabid animals out there. Most people just think nothing bad can ever happen to them. They think it can only happen to others. But i assure you, based on real-life experience, very bad things can happen to anyone. And i can also assure you, Anti-2nd Amendment assholes like Pelosi, Obama, and Piers Morgan, will not be there to protect you. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their safe & secure private jets & yachts.

You're on your own in this harsh world. It would be very wise to do all you can to protect yourself and your family. I highly recommend learning how to safely use a firearm. And then get a Conceal/Carry Permit. But i understand firearms aren't for everyone. It's up to each individual. However, i think it would be wise and it is your right.

Repeating the same mantras about how you think the world is a version of the movie "The Purge" doesn't take away from the fact that a gun is far more likely to kill you than the bad guys.

The rest of the world, they ban or limit private gun ownership, and guess what, they don't have the crime rates we have.
I'm not letting anyone take my guns but Joe.


if he tries, i believe he will be :dig: his own grave, joeBLOW131 is a perfect :asshole: on top of being a :trolls: :up: ... :lmao:

The best argument for gun control is the gun nuts getting mastabutory at the thought of killing people....

Well.....lucky for we gun owners ( and its not the thought of killing people......its about the thought of killing people who need to be killed in spectacular fashion!!!:lol:) a vast, vast majority of Americans seems to feel very strongly that you are pretty fucked in the head s0n!!!

74% s0n!!!!

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Lookee whats under my Christmas Tree this year!!!!


No pump......just pull!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Wanna see crimes go down in the inner cities.......put one of these under every swinging dicks tree!!!
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Don't listen to the Gun-Grabbers. They live in a political fairy tale. Idiots like Pelosi and Piers Morgan are very wealthy and well-protected. They don't have to live in the harsh real world like most other Americans do. You could be brutally attacked at any moment. And your Mothers, Sisters, and daughters are targets. There are rabid wild animals out there stalking them. Don't be one of those who thinks it could never happen to them. Far too many make that tragic mistake. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't count on others to protect & save you when you need saving. Count on yourself.

The thing is, a gun in the household is more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Of the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year, 19,500 are suicides and 800 are accidents.

Not a rabid animals, but people being killed by their own guns in accidents or acts of desperation.

Of the remaining third of gun deaths, 60% of those are cases where the victim knows their killer.

Your gun is a far greater danger to your family than a criminal is.

The real world is a harsh place. It's not Pelosi and Piers Morgan's political fairy tale. There are very dangerous rabid animals out there. Most people just think nothing bad can ever happen to them. They think it can only happen to others. But i assure you, based on real-life experience, very bad things can happen to anyone. And i can also assure you, Anti-2nd Amendment assholes like Pelosi, Obama, and Piers Morgan, will not be there to protect you. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their safe & secure private jets & yachts.

You're on your own in this harsh world. It would be very wise to do all you can to protect yourself and your family. I highly recommend learning how to safely use a firearm. And then get a Conceal/Carry Permit. But i understand firearms aren't for everyone. It's up to each individual. However, i think it would be wise and it is your right.

And heavily patrolled GATED communities...these people praise elitists that could care less about them...but are so quick to give away their own protection(s) against the very same.
The thing is, a gun in the household is more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Of the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year, 19,500 are suicides and 800 are accidents.

Not a rabid animals, but people being killed by their own guns in accidents or acts of desperation.

Of the remaining third of gun deaths, 60% of those are cases where the victim knows their killer.

Your gun is a far greater danger to your family than a criminal is.

The real world is a harsh place. It's not Pelosi and Piers Morgan's political fairy tale. There are very dangerous rabid animals out there. Most people just think nothing bad can ever happen to them. They think it can only happen to others. But i assure you, based on real-life experience, very bad things can happen to anyone. And i can also assure you, Anti-2nd Amendment assholes like Pelosi, Obama, and Piers Morgan, will not be there to protect you. They'll be far too busy partying it up on their safe & secure private jets & yachts.

You're on your own in this harsh world. It would be very wise to do all you can to protect yourself and your family. I highly recommend learning how to safely use a firearm. And then get a Conceal/Carry Permit. But i understand firearms aren't for everyone. It's up to each individual. However, i think it would be wise and it is your right.

And heavily patrolled GATED communities...these people praise elitists that could care less about them...but are so quick to give away their own protection(s) against the very same.

What a LOAD OF SPEW......Come to Paradise,where a Loony like you can get REAL HELP
Note: It is sadly common everywhere.

I personally know of no one that beats their wife. I occasionally read of it in the paper, but of all the people I know, not a single one beats their wife.

Not so common in America.

-- which I'm sure they would discuss like football scores.

Self-sheltering can be bliss; I didn't realize until spending time with some local social workers how pervasive, even rampant, child sex abuse is here in the bible belt. It can be quite sobering.

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