No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

Wht are you confused? All the other counties have reported! Some are at 90%. Yet Fairfax County hasn’t reported a single vote. They effectively called a halt to the count. Disgusting.

Only way if swamp dems win Virginia is if they rig it like last years election.
If Fairfax County keeps delaying until they see how many votes Maculiffe needs, then they know how easy it is to cheat. Every county should be reporting simultaneously. Not having the most populated, and liberal, county in the state hold off until they know how many votes they need.
Our only hope is we have excellent observers in Fairfax County. As I’ve posted before, I have a friend high up the food chain of voting in a major region of California. He says unless you’re watched every second it’s easy to cheat.
It's been explained dozens of times.
What you think happened. Didn't.
Accept it and move on.
You mean "lied about" and "covered over the rank stink of corruption" by scum like you dozens of times, don't you?

By the way, NPR has Youngkin up by 11% percentage points over Traitorous Terry right now. right wing partisans by the way.

It's early still but polls in Virginia are closed and this is encouraging.
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Big deal. They released a measley 5000 votes out of close to 200,000. They threw out a crumb. Maculiffe is losing statewide by about 100,000 votes. There are 195,000 votes still uncounted in Fairfax.

Whoops, my bad. I misread the thing and thought the 53.% was the amount reported

thanks for the correction.
If Youngkin pulls this off, there could be actually the Red Wave starting for next year.

Next year is a long way. Even if he comes super close, it's still a step in the right direction for the GOP and ultimately the country. However more importantly will be the demographic breakdown: blacks, Hispanics, suburban women, Independents........ If Democrats are losing their constituency groups, that's a sure sign of big trouble for them if they don't get their act together by next year.
So what? Let's see the final count at the end of the year. Are you a gambling man?

I am. I feel safe. Trump averaged 1337 deaths per day, Biden is averaging 1166. Couple that with deaths dropping pretty steadily it seems a safe bet.
Next year is a long way. Even if he comes super close, it's still a step in the right direction for the GOP and ultimately the country. However more importantly will be the demographic breakdown: blacks, Hispanics, suburban women, Independents........ If Democrats are losing their constituency groups, that's a sure sign of big trouble for them if they don't get their act together by next year.

Right now it is looking really good for the Repub. If he wins by more than a sliver, do you think the Dems have it in them to go "oh fuck, we need to change things up"?
You mean "lied about" and "covered over the rank stink of corruption" by scum like you dozens of times, don't you?

By the way, NPR has Youngkin up by 11% percentage points over Traitorous Terry right now. right wing partisans by the way.

It's early still but polls in Virginia are closed and this is encouraging.
I hope so. Youngkin needs enough of a lead to overcome what turns out with Fairfax.

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