No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

Not of your lazy ass is too lazy to vote in person. Having people vote in person weeds out the people who don't really care much about voting. They don't care because most of them have no idea WTF they're even voting on. Our electors are being chosen by Obama Phone people. This is what the Communist party wants. It's why they are pushing for all mail-in voting.
Get a clue Ray.
WA is way ahead of the curve.
We have been doing "mail in voting' for years.
I don't even know where to vote 'in person' because it is obsolete. Yes Ray, just like the Pony Express.
If Ray had his way, then we as a society, should never advance.

So when the NEXT stage is "Internet Voting" will you discount that too.
I enjoy watching leftism destroy Seattle. A once beautiful city, is now a shinning example of the horrors of leftism.
Sure there is homeless tents, but it is NOT the City.
I live here.
The freeway has homeless tents, and it is truly UGLY.
The Pier, have you been there?

The talking points you have is ALL you have.
You have NO idea what a Beautiful City Seattle STILL is.

I give you a score of ZERO, you have made everyone that actually reads your posts, some sympathy. Yes, it's tough to take LAUGHatLEFTISTS seriously.

You maam/sir......are a tard. Well done.
Sure there is homeless tents, but it is NOT the City.
I live here.
The freeway has homeless tents, and it is truly UGLY.
The Pier, have you been there?

The talking points you have is ALL you have.
You have NO idea what a Beautiful City Seattle STILL is.

I give you a score of ZERO, you have made everyone that actually reads your posts, some sympathy. Yes, it's tough to take LAUGHatLEFTISTS seriously.

You maam/sir......are a tard. Well done.

Your city is rotting from leftism. I know it. You know it. Just think of what it will look like just 30 years from now.
Sure there is homeless tents, but it is NOT the City.
I live here.
The freeway has homeless tents, and it is truly UGLY.
The Pier, have you been there?

The talking points you have is ALL you have.
You have NO idea what a Beautiful City Seattle STILL is.

I give you a score of ZERO, you have made everyone that actually reads your posts, some sympathy. Yes, it's tough to take LAUGHatLEFTISTS seriously.

You maam/sir......are a tard. Well done.
I’ve been to hundreds of third world villages more safe and beautiful.
Right now Youngkin is leading 56% to Mcauliffe's 44% and what do you know??? They shut down for 'technical' issues.....Fairfax county mised the count deadline......We've all seen this movie before.
Right now Youngkin is leading 56% to Mcauliffe's 44% and what do you know??? They shut down for 'technical' issues.....We've all seen this movie before.
Yup. Fairfax County is reporting a “problem” with the equipment. This is the same thing as calling a halt to the count. Guess they need to see how many votes they need to give to Maculiffe.
Get a clue Ray.
WA is way ahead of the curve.
We have been doing "mail in voting' for years.
I don't even know where to vote 'in person' because it is obsolete. Yes Ray, just like the Pony Express.
If Ray had his way, then we as a society, should never advance.

So when the NEXT stage is "Internet Voting" will you discount that too.

Of course I will. Anything that can lead to more fraud I'm against. Years ago we didn't have all these problems because most everybody voted in person and the ballots were hand counted and later machine counted, but you still seen every ballot being counted.

Now they come in envelops and there is no possible way to verify who they came from. You don't physically see these people, never any presentation of ID, and for some reason, states that use mostly or all mail-in are strong blue states. Gee, now how does that happen? :eusa_shhh:
Here is the John Hopkins Data. They give data from the 1st day of the year. They do not break it down by who was POTUS. Biden was not POTUS for the whole year.

But even deducting Trump's final couple of weeks it still points to more deaths under Dementia. And even if that was not the case, we still have two months to go.

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