No government required

our aircraft carriers are "falling apart". Infrastructure and maintenance require Spending, not Tax Cuts.
Those tax cuts resulted in an exceptional economy - including one of the smallest unemployment rates of my lifetime. That in turn has resulted in higher tax revenues to the federal government due to a larger pool from which to tax from.

Oops! Your posts are why nobody takes the left seriously about economics. Our military is in trouble because we unconstitutionally spend over $1 trillion on the parasite class while spending only $500 billion on defense.
Our form of socialism is Limited by our Constitution.
Actually, any form of socialism is strictly prohibited by the U.S. Constituion. The federal government is delegated 18 specific powers by the states - and redistributing wealth is not one of those powers.
lol. You need Faith in your Own Doctrine, to convince me.
our aircraft carriers are "falling apart". Infrastructure and maintenance require Spending, not Tax Cuts.
Those tax cuts resulted in an exceptional economy - including one of the smallest unemployment rates of my lifetime. That in turn has resulted in higher tax revenues to the federal government due to a larger pool from which to tax from.

Oops! Your posts are why nobody takes the left seriously about economics. Our military is in trouble because we unconstitutionally spend over $1 trillion on the parasite class while spending only $500 billion on defense.
why so much Government Spending, right wingers. Capitalism doesn't, "cut it"?
Our form of socialism is Limited by our Constitution.
Actually, any form of socialism is strictly prohibited by the U.S. Constituion. The federal government is delegated 18 specific powers by the states - and redistributing wealth is not one of those powers.
lol. You need Faith in your Own Doctrine, to convince me.
I have complete and total faith in the U.S. Constitution. All we need to do is enforce it and all of our problems will go away.
Our form of socialism is Limited by our Constitution.
Actually, any form of socialism is strictly prohibited by the U.S. Constituion. The federal government is delegated 18 specific powers by the states - and redistributing wealth is not one of those powers.
lol. You need Faith in your Own Doctrine, to convince me.
I have complete and total faith in the U.S. Constitution. All we need to do is enforce it and all of our problems will go away.
LOL. Only cognitive dissonance from the right wing. There are no enumerated powers for alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
There are no enumerated powers for alleged wars on...terror.
The U.S. Constitution cites defense as the #1 enumerated power. :eusa_doh:
Defense, not Offense. not general warfare.

We don't need as much military as we have, for the common Defense.
September 11, 2001 proved we do. All of that defense, and we didn’t stop anything.
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do. Why blame welfare recipients.
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do.
Proves we do....what? Don’t just take what I say and repeat it back to me because you’ve been thoroughly defeated by facts here. You claimed we had too much defense. September 11, 2001 proved otherwise.
I claim the defense industry "is mooching off the taxpayer", not the Poor.
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do.
Proves we do....what? Don’t just take what I say and repeat it back to me because you’ve been thoroughly defeated by facts here. You claimed we had too much defense. September 11, 2001 proved otherwise.

Quick question there dude....................exactly HOW would the military have stopped 9/11? There was zero military involved. They were civilian terrorists who slipped through the cracks and didn't arouse much suspicion with their actions to either the local police OR the FBI.

So................again.......................HOW would a stronger military have prevented 9/11?
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do.
Proves we do....what? Don’t just take what I say and repeat it back to me because you’ve been thoroughly defeated by facts here. You claimed we had too much defense. September 11, 2001 proved otherwise.

Quick question there dude....................exactly HOW would the military have stopped 9/11? There was zero military involved. They were civilian terrorists who slipped through the cracks and didn't arouse much suspicion with their actions to either the local police OR the FBI.

So................again.......................HOW would a stronger military have prevented 9/11?
not stronger; more "decisive" leadership was required; enough to "endure the consequences" of actually shooting down airliners "before they reach their target".
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do.
Proves we do....what? Don’t just take what I say and repeat it back to me because you’ve been thoroughly defeated by facts here. You claimed we had too much defense. September 11, 2001 proved otherwise.

Quick question there dude....................exactly HOW would the military have stopped 9/11? There was zero military involved. They were civilian terrorists who slipped through the cracks and didn't arouse much suspicion with their actions to either the local police OR the FBI.

So................again.......................HOW would a stronger military have prevented 9/11?
not stronger; more "decisive" leadership was required; enough to "endure the consequences" of actually shooting down airliners "before they reach their target".

By the time they had located the aircraft that would be used for an attack, it was too late to shoot them down. First indication we had that there was something going on was when the first plane smacked into the WTC. But, a lot of people were at first thinking (much like myself), that it was pilot error. At least, until the second plane smacked into the other tower. THEN it became apparent that an attack was going on.

They then had to locate and land all the other planes. The one over PA was taken over by the passengers because some of them had heard about the attack on the WTC, which is why they decided to crash it somewhere away from people.

By the time they located the plane that was to hit the Pentagon? It was too late to shoot it down, because it was over a densely populated area, and shooting it down over the city would have resulted not only in the loss of life on the plane, but also in the crash sites on the ground.

So, again I ask, how would a stronger military have prevented the attacks on 9/11? Short answer? It wouldn't.

Each time you post danielpalos, you show me even more how little you know about the military and how it operates.
Paying wartime tax rates, Proves we do.
Proves we do....what? Don’t just take what I say and repeat it back to me because you’ve been thoroughly defeated by facts here. You claimed we had too much defense. September 11, 2001 proved otherwise.

Quick question there dude....................exactly HOW would the military have stopped 9/11? There was zero military involved. They were civilian terrorists who slipped through the cracks and didn't arouse much suspicion with their actions to either the local police OR the FBI.

So................again.......................HOW would a stronger military have prevented 9/11?
not stronger; more "decisive" leadership was required; enough to "endure the consequences" of actually shooting down airliners "before they reach their target".

By the time they had located the aircraft that would be used for an attack, it was too late to shoot them down. First indication we had that there was something going on was when the first plane smacked into the WTC. But, a lot of people were at first thinking (much like myself), that it was pilot error. At least, until the second plane smacked into the other tower. THEN it became apparent that an attack was going on.

They then had to locate and land all the other planes. The one over PA was taken over by the passengers because some of them had heard about the attack on the WTC, which is why they decided to crash it somewhere away from people.

By the time they located the plane that was to hit the Pentagon? It was too late to shoot it down, because it was over a densely populated area, and shooting it down over the city would have resulted not only in the loss of life on the plane, but also in the crash sites on the ground.

So, again I ask, how would a stronger military have prevented the attacks on 9/11? Short answer? It wouldn't.

Each time you post danielpalos, you show me even more how little you know about the military and how it operates.
The aircraft had to be "on somebodies radar while entering restricted airspace". I agree there was not much time to act.

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