NJ Same-Sex Marriage Bill to be Considered Next Week

There is nothing regarding the constitution in this debate. This debate is about a word. That word is Marriage. You are unwilling to settle for a civil union because in your sin you'd prefer to feel that everyone else approves of you guess what jack that will never happen. Get over it. Take what you can get and move on.

The 14th amendment says it does.

People like you are the first ones to shout "sin!" while pretending you are free of sin. You're the kind of hypocrite that embarrasses Christianity and you're the kind of Christian that does nothing but try to make others feel bad. You're also the worst kind of American because you want to use the government to force your theology on others while ignoring the basic principles of equality that is the basis for our Constitution.

You know nothing of Christ as demonstrated by your bigotry and you know nothing of America as demonstrated by your claim this issue has nothing to do with the Constitution.

Cecilie1200 responded to that post with:

"If self righteous pomposity could be converted to energy, you could light up the Las Vegas strip for a year."

So what's your point? So what if I am a pompous gasbag shittard fuckwad? None of that would justify the bigotry I'm smacking down nor the obscene abuses of referencing Christ every time some immature homophobe wishes to try and underwrite their hatred from the ethereal plane.

Do you know what message that sends? It says you don't like my position but you are not capable of showing why it is inferior so you choose to regress to the second grade in hopes of the recess bell drowning out the screams in your head that are telling you to grow up.
You don't know the Bible very well. That means you shouldn't try to speak about it. Furthermore, any American that tries to justify their bigotry based on their religion is about as unAmerican as it gets.

I have studied the Bible for many years and have read it cover to cover many times.

I am not bigoted at all. Just opposed to the homo agenda and perverted lifestyle.

So you are saying that a person who lives by the tenents of their chosen religion is unAmerican???

You sure like to twist for convenience....but I'm not the one. Bigotry is defined by being intolerant of others and their existence. You are a bigot by your own admission of being intolerant of gays by their mere existence.

I also did not say people are unAmerican by living in their own tenets of their personal religions. It is unAmerican to try and force their religious beliefs onto others. You believe, according to your theology, homosexuality is wrong. You have the sacred Constitutional protection to believe that and nobody is threatening that belief. The problem is you don't want to extend the same respect for beliefs to others that you demand for yourself. You are unAmerican for not supporting mutual respect.
So what if I am a pompous gasbag shittard fuckwad?

Once again, I agree with your assessment of yourself.

That's twice in the last couple of days.

I think is the start of a trend. :lol:

Nobody asked you to demonstrate how you study texts, but I already suspected you did so by selective quotes and editing to fit your narrow agenda. I appreciate you being honest about your dishonest readings.
Marriage is a religious institution, the state should stay out of marriages period. They want civil unions, fine.

That's bullshit. Marriage is a personal commitment and is not endemic to religions. Also, atheists have the lowest divorce rates so I strongly recommend not trying to inject false info into an argument that will simply backfire.

Interest, you claim it is not any different in definition and meaning than a civil union, yet you aggressively want gays to have it. I am offering the same legal standing, but you spew hate my way. Some churches recognize gay unions as marriage, still you want it to be REQUIRED of all churches. Your rights end where they enfringe upon mine. This is a line you must not cross.
So what if I am a pompous gasbag shittard fuckwad?

Once again, I agree with your assessment of yourself.

That's twice in the last couple of days.

I think is the start of a trend. :lol:

Nobody asked you to demonstrate how you study texts, but I already suspected you did so by selective quotes and editing to fit your narrow agenda. I appreciate you being honest about your dishonest readings.
How is it being dishonest to post what you said about yourself? :doubt:
It's funny how he's been defending the Bible all of a sudden; his brothers in the IsLAME faith better not get a wind of this

Both the Bible and Islam agree that homosexuality is a grave sin.

I will back any Christian group that is against this sick perversion. :cool:

You don't know the Bible very well. That means you shouldn't try to speak about it. Furthermore, any American that tries to justify their bigotry based on their religion is about as unAmerican as it gets.

How does one learn about anything without discussing it? Even if Sunni Man knows nothing, he has a right (which you are so big on) to say what he wants. Ultra liberals like yourself are quick to end debate when the results are not in your favor. Then you throw some type of bigotry term in, so we can be labeled and minimized. It doesn't work any more, we have caught on. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible. Sodom and Gamorrah might make a good reference for you.
Marriage is a religious institution, the state should stay out of marriages period. They want civil unions, fine.

That's bullshit. Marriage is a personal commitment and is not endemic to religions. Also, atheists have the lowest divorce rates so I strongly recommend not trying to inject false info into an argument that will simply backfire.

Interest, you claim it is not any different in definition and meaning than a civil union, yet you aggressively want gays to have it. I am offering the same legal standing, but you spew hate my way. Some churches recognize gay unions as marriage, still you want it to be REQUIRED of all churches. Your rights end where they enfringe upon mine. This is a line you must not cross.

Where did I say churches should be "REQUIRED" of gay marriage? I never said that or anything even remotely close. You are criticizing an argument I have not made. Let me spell it out more clearly so you don't put words in my mouth again:


I wasn't spewing hate your way.....but was simply pointing out your claim that marriage is a "religious institution" is pure bullshit. I don't care if the Law calls them all Marriages or Civil Unions but for obvious legal reasons it should pick one term to be used across the board.
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Once again, I agree with your assessment of yourself.

That's twice in the last couple of days.

I think is the start of a trend. :lol:

Nobody asked you to demonstrate how you study texts, but I already suspected you did so by selective quotes and editing to fit your narrow agenda. I appreciate you being honest about your dishonest readings.
How is it being dishonest to post what you said about yourself? :doubt:

Did you quote my entire post or edit contents for your convenience? Try quoting the whole post.
Both the Bible and Islam agree that homosexuality is a grave sin.

I will back any Christian group that is against this sick perversion. :cool:

You don't know the Bible very well. That means you shouldn't try to speak about it. Furthermore, any American that tries to justify their bigotry based on their religion is about as unAmerican as it gets.

How does one learn about anything without discussing it? Even if Sunni Man knows nothing, he has a right (which you are so big on) to say what he wants. Ultra liberals like yourself are quick to end debate when the results are not in your favor. Then you throw some type of bigotry term in, so we can be labeled and minimized. It doesn't work any more, we have caught on. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible. Sodom and Gamorrah might make a good reference for you.

I meant he shouldn't try to speak about it is as if he is informed, just like I'm going to tell you right now you shouldn't try to speak on an issue you are clearly ignorant about, which is Sodom and Gomorrah. You don't have the first clue about that narrative so if you wish to embarrass the hell out of yourself then mention it again. If you want your ignorance to remain a secret, don't try to bring Genesis 19 into this discussion.

I'm not a Liberal so are you trying to show your political knowledge is on par with your Biblical comprehension? I'm not trying to end any debate with force but merely exposing your positions for what they are: bigotry and unAmerican standards. You claim the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Do you not realize even if your archaic theology is correct it is wholly irrelevant to this discussion? Are we a theocrac? Do you want all religions legislating American laws or just yours? So are you advocating unabashed hypocrisy on top of your bigotry? If you are a bigot expect to get called out. Don't preach bigotry then whine about it being exposed.
Did you quote my entire post or edit contents for your convenience? Try quoting the whole post.

Are you really going to stand there and claim that you never edit another person's post for brevity in your response??? :eusa_liar:

Typical of the ultra liberal mind set; "Do as I say, not what I do" :doubt:

Can you show where I have done that? But more importantly, you edited my post to change the meaning of it. If you fail to understand then try quoting the whole post. I don't care if people edit posts as long as it does not change the meaning.
I'm not trying to end any debate with force but merely exposing your positions for what they are: bigotry and unAmerican standards. You claim the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Do you not realize even if your archaic theology is correct it is wholly irrelevant to this discussion? Are we a theocrac? Do you want all religions legislating American laws or just yours? So are you advocating unabashed hypocrisy on top of your bigotry? If you are a bigot expect to get called out. Don't preach bigotry then whine about it being exposed.

CurveLight, is bigot, like your favorite word??? :lol:
Still not addressing the point of why you are so intent on marriage, when civil unions give the same legal status.

Did you happen to overlook this part:

"I don't care if the Law calls them all Marriages or Civil Unions but for obvious legal reasons it should pick one term to be used across the board."

Read that part one more time:

"I don't care if the Law calls them all Marriages or Civil Unions but for obvious legal reasons it should pick one term to be used across the board."

One more time to be sure you're up to speed:

"I don't care if the Law calls them all Marriages or Civil Unions but for obvious legal reasons it should pick one term to be used across the board."

Want to claim again I haven't addressed that?
You sure like to twist for convenience....but I'm not the one. Bigotry is defined by being intolerant of others and their existence. You are a bigot by your own admission of being intolerant of gays by their mere existence.

So by your definition:

A Democrat that opposes Republicans is intolerant and a bigot? :doubt:

No. Do you truly fail to grasp a simple definition? Reps and Dems oppose each other all the time but that is not inherently a position of bigotry. It is when you seek to dehumanize and compromise equal rights that one practices bigotry. You don't want gays to have the same Rights as heteros and you are forever dehumanizing them. That is why you are a bigot. Don't deny it, be proud of your position.
You don't know the Bible very well. That means you shouldn't try to speak about it. Furthermore, any American that tries to justify their bigotry based on their religion is about as unAmerican as it gets.

How does one learn about anything without discussing it? Even if Sunni Man knows nothing, he has a right (which you are so big on) to say what he wants. Ultra liberals like yourself are quick to end debate when the results are not in your favor. Then you throw some type of bigotry term in, so we can be labeled and minimized. It doesn't work any more, we have caught on. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible. Sodom and Gamorrah might make a good reference for you.

I meant he shouldn't try to speak about it is as if he is informed, just like I'm going to tell you right now you shouldn't try to speak on an issue you are clearly ignorant about, which is Sodom and Gomorrah. You don't have the first clue about that narrative so if you wish to embarrass the hell out of yourself then mention it again. If you want your ignorance to remain a secret, don't try to bring Genesis 19 into this discussion.

I'm not a Liberal so are you trying to show your political knowledge is on par with your Biblical comprehension? I'm not trying to end any debate with force but merely exposing your positions for what they are: bigotry and unAmerican standards. You claim the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. Do you not realize even if your archaic theology is correct it is wholly irrelevant to this discussion? Are we a theocrac? Do you want all religions legislating American laws or just yours? So are you advocating unabashed hypocrisy on top of your bigotry? If you are a bigot expect to get called out. Don't preach bigotry then whine about it being exposed.

Okay smart guy, the Bible clearly states in Genesis 19 the sex act which defines homosexuality. Yes I do claim, as has my religion that homosexuality is a sin. Calling a immoral act a sin is no more an act of bigotry than stating criminals belong in jail. If you feel better or superior because you have placed a label on me, so be it. You certainly will not or can not silence me with your false accusations. By the way, that is considered a sin too.

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