Nixon's Racist Comment Here:


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
"There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white," he told an aide, before adding: "Or a rape.

And just 36 years after he made this comment, Barrack Obama became president. :clap2:

I just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party. :eusa_liar:

And for all you blacks that are anti gay rights, don't forget the bigotry that you had to put up with.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own.

So I guess if you disagree with Nixon, you are a bigot? :lol:
just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party.

I've known as many racist Democrats and I've known racist Republicans. And I'm sure there's as many racist Republican elected officials as there are racist Democrat elected officials.
"There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white," he told an aide, before adding: "Or a rape.

And just 36 years after he made this comment, Barrack Obama became president. :clap2:

I just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party. :eusa_liar:

And for all you blacks that are anti gay rights, don't forget the bigotry that you had to put up with.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own.

So I guess if you disagree with Nixon, you are a bigot? :lol:

By your definition YOU are a bigot.
"There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white," he told an aide, before adding: "Or a rape.

And just 36 years after he made this comment, Barrack Obama became president. :clap2:

I just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party. :eusa_liar:

just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party.

I've known as many racist Democrats and I've known racist Republicans. And I'm sure there's as many racist Republican elected officials as there are racist Democrat elected officials.

Much less in the Democratic party, seeing as how they serve the poor & middle class.

And the GOP caters to racists. Which party does the Klan belong to? Certainly not the Dems.

Who do blacks vote for? It is rediculous to suggest that blacks vote for overwhelmingly for the racist party, even before Obama.

And I get the spin the GOP puts on this issue. Give a man a fish (dems) teach him how to fish (GOP). :eusa_liar:
"There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white," he told an aide, before adding: "Or a rape.

And just 36 years after he made this comment, Barrack Obama became president. :clap2:

I just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party. :eusa_liar:

And for all you blacks that are anti gay rights, don't forget the bigotry that you had to put up with.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own.

So I guess if you disagree with Nixon, you are a bigot? :lol:

By your definition YOU are a bigot.

That's what I said idiot. I said, "so I guess if you disagree with Nixon, you are a bigot".

Beat you to it jackoff. :lol:
"There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white," he told an aide, before adding: "Or a rape.

And just 36 years after he made this comment, Barrack Obama became president. :clap2:

I just love that Republicans dare to suggest Democrats are the racist party. :eusa_liar:


I agree with Rev. Wright. Any thinking American understands where he was coming from with God Damn America. God damn the GOP run America that started the Iraq & Viet Nam wars. God damn the America that treated blacks so badly for so long. God damn the Americans who treated the Indians so badly.

And your argument will be that we wouldn't have the USA if we didn't take it from the Indians. That's true, but we didn't have to be such lying bastards about it either. We could have given them an entire state know what? Learn history on your own. I shouldn't have to explain how evil we were to the indians. Why else did we give them all the casino's.

And to this day we shit on Indians. GOD DAMN Jack Abramoff and his rich GOP buddies. May they burn in hell. God damn Tom Delay and Karl Rove.

Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it isn't just God damn these Americans 30 or 60 years ago. God damn Dick Cheney, Bush and all the other scandelous bastards who raped our treasury and the American citizens.

You're just too stupid to know they shit on you too. It was your tax dollars they stole tank.

PS. No one named Tank has ever been smart.
Much less in the Democratic party, seeing as how they serve the poor & middle class

IMO The racists in the DNC ( elected officials ) tend to be black Democrats. Especially local and state level black DNC members.

But just because they're "serving" ( the rich serve none other than the rich and all politicians serve the rich and screw the poor, some more than others ) poor and middle class people, doesn't mean they can't be any more or any less racist.

Look at the Detroit city council for a glaring example.

And the GOP caters to racists.

So does the DNC. I've known a lot of people who vote DNC and're rabid racists.

Which party does the Klan belong to?
Neither party. They hate both parties. The DNC in their pov sucks up to blacks , and the GOP sucks up to Jews.

Certainly not the Dems.

Not the Republicans either.

To them the Republicans are Zionists.

Who do blacks vote for?

Well that doesn't mean that the Dems aren't racist and have no racist element. IMO The most outspoken racists in American politics are black Democrats.

It is rediculous to suggest that blacks vote for overwhelmingly for the racist party, even before Obama.

Uh blacks aren't the measure of "who's racist and who isn't" because the most of the racists who're elected Democrats, are black. And most often the most outspoken racists in American politics are black Democrats.
Fact, the Republican party was responsible for the emancipation and instituting civil rights for blacks.

Fact, the democratic party introduced the Jim Crow laws in the south.

Fact, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party.

Fact, the records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat – either in the House or the Senate – voted for the 14th Amendment.

Fact, Eisenhower signed the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, and in 1964, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act after former Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, and the votes of 22 other Senate Democrats, including Tennessee's Al Gore Sr., failed to scuttle the plan.
And your argument will be that we wouldn't have the USA if we didn't take it from the Indians. That's true, but we didn't have to be such lying bastards about it either. We could have given them an entire state know what? Learn history on your own. I shouldn't have to explain how evil we were to the indians. Why else did we give them all the casino's.

And to this day we shit on Indians.
Who is this "we" your talking about?

Much less in the Democratic party, seeing as how they serve the poor & middle class

IMO The racists in the DNC ( elected officials ) tend to be black Democrats. Especially local and state level black DNC members.

But just because they're "serving" ( the rich serve none other than the rich and all politicians serve the rich and screw the poor, some more than others ) poor and middle class people, doesn't mean they can't be any more or any less racist.

Look at the Detroit city council for a glaring example.

And the GOP caters to racists.

So does the DNC. I've known a lot of people who vote DNC and're rabid racists.

Which party does the Klan belong to?
Neither party. They hate both parties. The DNC in their pov sucks up to blacks , and the GOP sucks up to Jews.

Not the Republicans either.

To them the Republicans are Zionists.

Well that doesn't mean that the Dems aren't racist and have no racist element. IMO The most outspoken racists in American politics are black Democrats.

Uh blacks aren't the measure of "who's racist and who isn't" because the most of the racists who're elected Democrats, are black. And most often the most outspoken racists in American politics are black Democrats.

Oh the poor whites who have suffered so many years because of black racism. :lol:

Black people at least have a reason to be racist. They hate the racists that run the country and run the companies that discriminate.

How many black people vs white people are doing the hiring in America? Yea, you not getting a job because you are white has probably never happened.

Black people make up 15% of the population. They don't have the power.

PS. Here is another example of how the GOP is the racist party:

The Texas Nexus: Where Racial and Partisan Gerrymandering Came Together

Anyways, on a side note, a local radio show was playing tape of this black crowd that was staying at this hotel and for a week the place hasn't had power/ac/electricity.

Now I can't understand why they stayed even one day, but that's not the point. Finally a newsperson caught the GM trying to sneak out a side door, and she and the crowd chased him down. The crowd started yelling at him. Finally the GM said, "YOU PEOPLE NEED TO..."

And all of the sudden the loudest woman in front says, "YOU PEOPLE"? Don't you ever call us YOU PEOPLE again, EVER! And she starts crying. It was soooo funny. Black people do not like to be referred to as YOU PEOPLE or if they are alone and you are talking about them, do not refer to them as THAT ONE (John McCain).
And your argument will be that we wouldn't have the USA if we didn't take it from the Indians. That's true, but we didn't have to be such lying bastards about it either. We could have given them an entire state know what? Learn history on your own. I shouldn't have to explain how evil we were to the indians. Why else did we give them all the casino's.

And to this day we shit on Indians.
Who is this "we" your talking about?


Glad you asked. When our leaders are racist, anything they do is a representation of me, not just you.

For example, I didn't agree with invading Iraq, but the fact still remains that WE invaded Iraq.

I didn't approve of torture, still Bush tortured in OUR name.

That's who WE is. I told you you weren't smart. Do I have to spell anything else out for you?

Or were you trying to make a point?
Fact, the Republican party was responsible for the emancipation and instituting civil rights for blacks.

Fact: That is not the same republican party as the republican party today.

Fact, the democratic party introduced the Jim Crow laws in the south.

Fact: All of those southern dems became republicans b/c of the southern strategy and b/c of Johnson's "Great Society".

Fact, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party.

Fact: Those people are NO LONGER part of the democratic party (see above)

Fact, the records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat – either in the House or the Senate – voted for the 14th Amendment.

I don't know that this is true... but again... see above and stop pretending the GOP is still the party of Lincoln. Lincoln would be appalled by today's republicans... especially the ones who are still ranting that the southern states should seceed or that it wasn't about slavery.

Fact, Eisenhower signed the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, and in 1964, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act after former Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, and the votes of 22 other Senate Democrats, including Tennessee's Al Gore Sr., failed to scuttle the plan.

Fact... Eisenhower is a great man who would be rejected by today's republicans as a RINO and held up to ridicule like y'all do Colin Powell...

And Nixon couldn't be nominated b/c he was an environmentalist and opened China (damn commies).
Oh the poor whites who have suffered so many years because of black racism.

WTF are you talking about ?

Black people at least have a reason to be racist.

So a racist black Democrat elected official is OK ?

How many black people vs white people are doing the hiring in America? Yea, you not getting a job because you are white has probably never happened.

Have you ever had the responsibility of having to hire someone ?

And if I didn't get a job because I'm white, well I wouldn't really care, that's not going to stop me from trying elsehwere, and why would I want to work somehere like that ?

Black people make up 15% of the population. They don't have the power.

Boohoo, cry me a river. WAAAAAAAAAAH

If you want power, you have to put in the work to get it, it isn't going to be just handed to you. Even the born rich, if they don't put in their work, they lose it too.

PS. Here is another example of how the GOP is the racist party:

The Texas Nexus: Where Racial and Partisan Gerrymandering Came Together

And I can name examples of DNC racism too, what's your point ? And I can name incidents of DNC black gerrymandering too.

I'm not a Rep or Dem, I just resent when people act like one party is holier than thou. It's annoying.
Fact, the Republican party was responsible for the emancipation and instituting civil rights for blacks.

Fact, the democratic party introduced the Jim Crow laws in the south.

Fact, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party.

Fact, the records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat – either in the House or the Senate – voted for the 14th Amendment.

Fact, Eisenhower signed the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, and in 1964, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act after former Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, and the votes of 22 other Senate Democrats, including Tennessee's Al Gore Sr., failed to scuttle the plan.

Fact, the Southern Strategy changed all that. That's when the GOP won over the south thru racism. Much like they have won over people who should be voting Democratic thru God, Gays and Guns.

Fact, LBJ signed the voting rights act of 65. Apparently the 60's civil rights act didn't do enough.

Fact, Hoover lost the black vote after the Great Mississippi flood, very similar to what happened during Katrina

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many blacks were detained and forced to labor at gunpoint during flood relief efforts.

Fact, the KKK is most popular in Red states.

See, black people have taken all of this into account and they have chosen the Democratic party. So this may make you feel better, but it doesn't change the FACTS.
it's funny to watch rightys get caught up on party affiliations while totally ignoring the membership flip that happened with the Southern Strategy.
Fact, the Republican party was responsible for the emancipation and instituting civil rights for blacks.

Fact: That is not the same republican party as the republican party today.

Fact, the democratic party introduced the Jim Crow laws in the south.

Fact: All of those southern dems became republicans b/c of the southern strategy and b/c of Johnson's "Great Society".

Fact: Those people are NO LONGER part of the democratic party (see above)

Fact, the records of Congress reveal that not one Democrat – either in the House or the Senate – voted for the 14th Amendment.

I don't know that this is true... but again... see above and stop pretending the GOP is still the party of Lincoln. Lincoln would be appalled by today's republicans... especially the ones who are still ranting that the southern states should seceed or that it wasn't about slavery.

Fact, Eisenhower signed the GOP's 1960 Civil Rights Act after it survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, and in 1964, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act after former Klansman Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster, and the votes of 22 other Senate Democrats, including Tennessee's Al Gore Sr., failed to scuttle the plan.

Fact... Eisenhower is a great man who would be rejected by today's republicans as a RINO and held up to ridicule like y'all do Colin Powell...

And Nixon couldn't be nominated b/c he was an environmentalist and opened China (damn commies).

Sooo funny that you basically wrote the same things I wrote. And I did not copy your work either Jillian.
Why do we have to fight about which party is more racist than the other when we all know that politicians only care about one thing and that is their own power?

Politicians don't get a Fudge about blacks, whites, asian or native american. They only care about their power and if they believe they can attain more power by standing up for one race or the other they will do so, but the minute the think that a race is costing them power... they will change their thinking in a heartbeat.


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