Nixon spoke of his hatred of jews.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

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There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
I cant help you if you cant figure that one out.LOL I hated Dick Nixon like no other president but this was one of extreme rare moments in life that he actually told the truth. this is all self explanatory,if you cant figure this one out,i cant help you.LOL
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
I cant help you if you cant figure that one out.LOL I hated Dick Nixon like no other president but this was one of extreme rare moments in life that he actually told the truth. this is all self explanatory,if you cant figure this one out,i cant help you.LOL
Actually, Tricky Dicky was the first president that convinced me I was far more a republican at heart than a democrat, and I've never looked back or regretted it since.
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
Your halfway right,the Zionist Jews do,they indeed want to destroy America,myself and others have posted too many times to remember how Judaism Jewish folks are good people and hate the evil Zionist ways and want to reform their corrupt government in Israel same as many patriototic Americans want to reform our corrupt government which will never happen till we get rid of this corrupt two party system we have that the Zionists have their grip on.people here never get it thst an independent never gets elected sense they are not part of the corrupt system that belong to the elites that both parties do,the American sheep are too brainwashed by our corrupt school system to understand that.
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
Tricky Dick was many things.......including quite wise
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
Your halfway right,the Zionist Jews do,they indeed want to destroy America,myself and others have posted too many times to remember how Judaism Jewish folks are good people and hate the evil Zionist ways and want to reform their corrupt government in Israel same as many patriototic Americans want to reform our corrupt government which will never happen till we get rid of this corrupt two party system we have that the Zionists have their grip on.people here never get it thst an independent never gets elected sense they are not part of the corrupt system that belong to the elites that both parties do,the American sheep are too brainwashed by our corrupt school system to understand that.

HUH??? Eh, Dopey, it's the Zionists who are the greatest opposition to the new wave democrats with their elected Muslims in some states out to destroy us Americans & our allies.
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075

Out of curiosity, who are these 'good judaism jewish people'?

The quotes you've posted make no distinctions.

So do tell, enlighten us ignorant.
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There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075

Don't you have any memes that show Nixon's Sec of State Kissenger, saying those things, Akhmed?
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
Your halfway right,the Zionist Jews do,they indeed want to destroy America,myself and others have posted too many times to remember how Judaism Jewish folks are good people and hate the evil Zionist ways and want to reform their corrupt government in Israel same as many patriototic Americans want to reform our corrupt government which will never happen till we get rid of this corrupt two party system we have that the Zionists have their grip on.people here never get it thst an independent never gets elected sense they are not part of the corrupt system that belong to the elites that both parties do,the American sheep are too brainwashed by our corrupt school system to understand that.

And yet it's Mullah Omar of Minnesota and the Islamocrats who are flying into our buildings, and doing "WORK PLACE VIOLENCE" as some democrat idiots call their TERRORISM..... GO FIGURE!
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
I cant help you if you cant figure that one out.LOL I hated Dick Nixon like no other president but this was one of extreme rare moments in life that he actually told the truth. this is all self explanatory,if you cant figure this one out,i cant help you.LOL

So wait.... you HATED Dick Nixon for ending the war Democrats started. HATED him for picking Kissenger, because he was one of those JEWS you HATE, but LIKE him because some idiot CLAIMS he said something?

Psst.. more RELIABLE people (Democrats and Republicans) CLAIM they heard LBJ tell DemoKKKrat Senator Byrd, Russell and Gore that if they ended their Filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, "I guaranty I'll have N(WORD)s voted for us Democrats for the next 200 years."
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
He also hates Italians and blacks lol
He really hated Jews , through
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
He also hates Italians and blacks lol
He really hated Jews , through

Who is "HE"? LA RAM FAN, Akhmed, or Henry Kissinger, or Nixon?
There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
Tricky Dick was many things.......including quite wise
He was a warmonger and mass murderer,that’s why they let HIM off easy,letting him only lose his job because they liked him because of
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There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job. Nixon was obviously referring to the zionists,not the good judaism jewish people.

Many other presidents are on record as well with similiar comments.

View attachment 379075
Your halfway right,the Zionist Jews do,they indeed want to destroy America,myself and others have posted too many times to remember how Judaism Jewish folks are good people and hate the evil Zionist ways and want to reform their corrupt government in Israel same as many patriototic Americans want to reform our corrupt government which will never happen till we get rid of this corrupt two party system we have that the Zionists have their grip on.people here never get it thst an independent never gets elected sense they are not part of the corrupt system that belong to the elites that both parties do,the American sheep are too brainwashed by our corrupt school system to understand that.

And yet it's Mullah Omar of Minnesota and the Islamocrats who are flying into our buildings, and doing "WORK PLACE VIOLENCE" as some democrat idiots call their TERRORISM..... GO FIGURE!
You are too easily brainwashed by the CIA controlled news here in America,Lol,it’s been proven too many times to remember that is bs propaganda that Islamos fly into our buildings.itsbeen proven too many times over the last two decades that it was a joint CIA/mossad thing you’ll try to tell me is that the CIA is not an evil organization and there were no danicing Israelis arrested on 9/11 on rooftops cheering when the towers went down and then released and returned back to your getting desperate.comedy you can fool others here on that but not
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There are many other presidents on record talking about how the jews control congress and our government as well. Good thing for Nixon he did not cut off aide to Israel as JFK did or he would have suffered the same fate. Nixon got off easy only being forced out of office and lose his job.

View attachment 379075
And? Your point IS??
I cant help you if you cant figure that one out.LOL I hated Dick Nixon like no other president but this was one of extreme rare moments in life that he actually told the truth. this is all self explanatory,if you cant figure this one out,i cant help you.LOL

So wait.... you HATED Dick Nixon for ending the war Democrats started. HATED him for picking Kissenger, because he was one of those JEWS you HATE, but LIKE him because some idiot CLAIMS he said something?

Psst.. more RELIABLE people (Democrats and Republicans) CLAIM they heard LBJ tell DemoKKKrat Senator Byrd, Russell and Gore that if they ended their Filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, "I guaranty I'll have N(WORD)s voted for us Democrats for the next 200 years."
Man you obviously got reading comprehension problems I spelled it out for you dummies style it’s all on the tapes,Love how think this is all not on record,that’s how you you showed you have reading comprehension problems again as well missing that post of that one poster who replied and said this is all well known, you really need to bone up on how to read.comedy gold. Lol
Nixon loved and picked Kissinger because he was a warmonger mass murderer same as

another brainwashed sheep by our corrupt school system I see.Enough of those bs lies that Dick Nixon ended the war,the patriotic hippies and American people ended the war,their constant protests on Washington forced the government and Dick Nixon to end the war The hippies are the people that ended the war.

Had that bastard Dick Nixon had his way and he been allowed to serve another term and the America patriotic hippies not protested the war,he would have allowed it to go on another four more years.

that evil mass murdering bastard murdered women and children expanding the war in Vietnam.dropping bombs on Cambodia.not only that,he delayed the end of the war sabotaging LBJs Paris peace talks on ending the war.Had he REALLY wanted to end the war,he could have easily have done it in 1969 instead of being the mass murderer he was letting it go on another four more bloody years.that bastard ended nothing.

That was WHY that asshole bombed Cambodia to get America’s attention away from his impeachment to focus on Vietnam.slick willie took a page out of his book and did the same thing.
Dick was obviously his hero taking a page out of his book and being a fellow mass murderer.Makes perfect sense Why we saw photos of Nixon in the Clinton White House hanging around him being chummy with him yucking it up having a jolly old good time,they are two peas in a pod.part of that good old corrupt ONE party system disguised as two we have.

It was not the Vietcong or NVA that murderered 58,000 Americans,it was those evil motherfuckers Johnson and Nixon who murdered them. T
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