Nikki Haley's Big Announcement

What does DeSantis offer other then his anti woke bullshit?

I wouldn't want to be any Republican candidate right now. They know Trump is a degenerate lowlife but can't piss off his rabid base foaming at the mouth over him. Maybe Trump can offer them all a cabinet post just to get rid of them?

Even if Trump is under indictment the rabble will vote for him. That's how bad it is.
LMAO you realize the Dem's hero is Joe Biden right? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
She is no different than any other right wing Nazi Republican. No Republican will get my vote unless they reject Trump and his right wing fascist supporters.
You people didn’t reject
Trump when he was writing checks to Democrats and bashing Bush.
Nikki Haley = Mitt Romney in dress.

Nope thank you very much.
A Brown Woman running as a Republican. The Liberals’ heads are going to explode. In the last Election, the Democrats had two Brown women run for President, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard. Harris finished dead last and they smeared Gabbard.

It is going to be laughable watching the Democrats and their media paint Haley as a racist white supremacist.
Nah, I think she sucks…like almost all Republicans do.
Women can’t lead, they have proven it over and over again…REAL leadership is not part of the female DNA.
FEEEEEEELZ is afraid of women as well as pretty much everything in the world. Way to go, FEEEEEEEEEEELZ.
She’s smart…she knows her parents fucked her over when they gave her a foreigners name (Nimrata Nikki Randhawa)….she knew an American name would take her further in life.
Some people are ignorant enough to stay with a name like ShaQuita Abimbola then they wonder why they‘re jobless with four baby daddy’s.
Being AMERICAN has nothing to do with what your name is.
Being AMERICAN has nothing to do with what your name is.
Hahaha…keep lying to yourself globalist. I’ve been an employer for decades, all faxed or emailed in resumes from applicants with unAmerican names go straight to the shredder….ALL legit companies not woke as fuck or forced by father government are looking for American cultured people with communication skills. Sorry Globalist
If she makes it to the general, she'll get my vote. Not my first choice though

Haley went from original never trumper, to trump ass kisser, now to trump opponent, complete hypocrite. She is destined for certain failure, will join bobby jindal in indian hopefuls dumpster...
On paper, Nikki Haley should be a top-tier contender in the 2024 Republican primary. She’s a successful former governor from an important, early primary state. She has an impressive personal backstory, solid foreign policy chops, and great candidate skills, too. This used to be an extremely attractive package for GOP primary voters.

Used to be.

But not anymore.

While many Republican voters may be moving off Trump the man, the forces that he unleashed within the party—economic populism, isolationist foreign policy, election denialism, and above all, an unapologetic and vulgar focus on fighting culture war issues—remain incredibly popular with GOP voters

While other old-school Republicans such as Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, and Liz Cheney were exorcised from the party, Haley tried her best to hold on. Since 2016, she has not so much threaded the Trump needle as vacillated between being a staunch Trump supporter and a wobbly-kneed critic.

So how will she win constituencies from either new MAGA-friendly voters or old-guard establishment types? Haley isn’t like another potential fusion candidate, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who has a strong record of conservative policies that better fit the current iteration of the Republican party while also breaking from Trump over his election fraud claims.

And she certainly isn’t a Ron DeSantis-style, four-star general in the culture wars.
Nikki Haley is a woman. i don't want to sound like a chauvinist, but there is that, ‘How do you lob a hit without coming off as bitchy?
What it really means is somebody that claims to be a Conservative but far too many times will compromise, enable or give into the Liberal filth.

Which is every single Repub since a guy named Calvin was POTUS
Hahaha…keep lying to yourself globalist. I’ve been an employer for decades, all faxed or emailed in resumes from applicants with unAmerican names go straight to the shredder….ALL legit companies not woke as fuck or forced by father government are looking for American cultured people with communication skills. Sorry Globalist

Nikola Tesla?

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