Nick Fuentes says the quiet part out loud

Yes, you are. Please stop lying to yourself so you can feel better about needing a dictatorship to make you feel secure.

Just because YOU are afraid to live as a free man, doesn't mean the rest of the country is about to surrender their rights and freedoms to a rabidly anti-American theocracy, where women, gays and minorities have no freedoms or rights, and the their form of Christianity is imposed on the American people.

The nation's women have whole heartedly and resoundingly rejected the Catholic Supreme Court's abortion decision.

You're in for a big wake up call. The ONLY gains Republicans made in the House were in states which were so heavily gerrymandered, that Democrats had little hope of winning any seats. Eric Holder is going to spend the next 2 years reversing the gerrymandering in Texas and Wisconsin, and the other red states which used GOP control state houses to strip minority communities of any representation in Washington.

The people have had enough of the fear and revenge of the Trump Cult. They want politicians who will work for the people, not for themselves and the rich billionaire donors.
fuck off troll

back on ignore for you,,
OK then call it what it is instead of gaslighting the simple minded that dont understand the difference in the two,,

There is no real difference between the two, and you've just proven that YOU are among the simple minded who don't understand the difference.

This is just something you've been told, that you have no understanding of. That's the problem for you. You keep believing what the billionaire owned Republican media tells you, and they're lying.'s called freedom of speech.

Don't you commie fucks enjoy diversity?

Is his opinion not a part of the 'diverse' tapestry you fuckin hypocrites speak of?

You are always preaching about it to us.
And liberals vigorously defend the neo-fascist authoritarian right’s liberty of free speech.

That same doctrine of free speech applies to liberals when they appropriately denounce the illiberal right’s racism, bigotry, and hate, the right’s attack on democracy, and the right’s efforts to advance the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Are you suggesting that voting isn't a part of democracies?
my god youre a stupid fuck,,,

in a democracy you can vote to give or take rights away,, in a CR you cant since the constitution forbids it,,

if not for the constitution the dems would still have slaves in the south and jim crow laws,,,
Nick Fuentes, the President of the America First Movement, has called for an end to American Democracy and the installation of Donald Trump as Dictator for Life.

The racism, misogyny and so-called Christianity at the heart of the America First movement. You people need to know what you're really voting for:

Anyone surprised?
Yes, you are. Please stop lying to yourself so you can feel better about needing a dictatorship to make you feel secure.

Just because YOU are afraid to live as a free man, doesn't mean the rest of the country is about to surrender their rights and freedoms to a rabidly anti-American theocracy, where women, gays and minorities have no freedoms or rights, and the their form of Christianity is imposed on the American people.

The nation's women have whole heartedly and resoundingly rejected the Catholic Supreme Court's abortion decision.

You're in for a big wake up call. The ONLY gains Republicans made in the House were in states which were so heavily gerrymandered, that Democrats had little hope of winning any seats. Eric Holder is going to spend the next 2 years reversing the gerrymandering in Texas and Wisconsin, and the other red states which used GOP control state houses to strip minority communities of any representation in Washington.

The people have had enough of the fear and revenge of the Trump Cult. They want politicians who will work for the people, not for themselves and the rich billionaire donors.
my god youre a stupid fuck,,,

in a democracy you can vote to give or take rights away,, in a CR you cant since the constitution forbids it,,

if not for the constitution the dems would still have slaves in the south and jim crow laws,,,
Who writes constitutions? Are they unchangeable?

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