Nick Fuentes says the quiet part out loud

No, I don't. Please tell me.
at this point if you dont already know nothing I say will help you,,,

I will give you this,,
it cant be done with a simple vote like in a democracy, its long and drawn out process that requires a lot of effort and consensus,,
not gonna happen here unless democrats manage to get rid of the constitution,,
Do you now see how easily your extremely childish, ignorant, and stupid, your flimsy argument is?

The same reasons why you claim democracies enable slavery, also apply to constitutions.

no it doesnt,, exactly the opposite,,
in a democracy slavery can be brought back in a single day,, in a CR it would take yrs and many dead bodies to do it, at which time it would fail
my god youre a stupid fuck,,,

in a democracy you can vote to give or take rights away,, in a CR you cant since the constitution forbids it,,

if not for the constitution the dems would still have slaves in the south and jim crow laws,,,

EVERY democracy has a Constitution you fool. There is nothing unique in that. Yours is completely out of date and isn't working very well for the country.

Your Constitution was written for a small agrarian coastal nation, with a population of less than 3 million people. When the majority of Americans were born, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. The Founders wanted no part of European politics and wars or religious control of the government, which had lead to religious persecution of protestants after the Reformation.

It was their intention that the USA never be a military power, or become a world superpower. Now that you are, a limited federal government and a two party system, has become dysfunctional - AGAIN. You've had one civil war already over your "Constitution" and "states rights" and you've come awfully close to another one this past year.

No other First World Country undergoes these political upheavals every 30 years. And no country can survive the whipswings between Extremism and sanity that the USA has been undergoing since Reagan was in office and used Milton Friedman's capitalism on steriods to remake the American tax code, sending the USA on a downward economic spiral into authoritarian dictatorshiop, as per the effect of the same fiscal policies on the economies of Chile, Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil.

Look how well those countries are doing are authoritarian right wing dictatorships. Name one authoritarian nation which is thriving economically, and where the people are free and happy.
People mocking you is free-speech.

For whatever reason. It's free-speech.

Including mocking Black people.

Now you're coming around our side and seeing our point. Nobody is shielded from ridicule.

People mocking YOU is free speech. People mocking black people, gays, Jews, or Muslims, is racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and Xenophobia. Politicians mocking these same groups, is fascism.
So you don't really believe in free speech do you?

Yes, I do. I like to know EXACTLY what kind of asshole I'm dealing with. I appreciate bluntness and stupidity in that regard.

I also believe in the right of free association, that way I won't waste much time on you. I certainly won't hire you, and if you own a business, I won't do business with your firm. If you choose to become a customer of my business, I will serve you politely, but you won't be on my mailing list.
“We are in the minority,” he continued. “There are not as many of us as there are of them. If they all had to vote, if you forced every man and woman in America to vote, there would be more of them than us by a lot. That’s why they win the popular vote. That’s why they win the House. That’s why it is the way it is. And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. There is no evidence of this. There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case.” ibid

White grievance politics and racist replacement theory as practiced by the Christo-fascist right.
You truly are nuts.
Nick Fuentes, the President of the America First Movement, has called for an end to American Democracy and the installation of Donald Trump as Dictator for Life.

The racism, misogyny and so-called Christianity at the heart of the America First movement. You people need to know what you're really voting for:


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