NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

Gee... get a multi-million dollar contract or get $20K for being an E-1. That would be a tough one. Kind of hard to do the latter, especially when your president thinks you are a "loser" and a "sucker" for signing up.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

More than 70% of Americans think that taking a knee is a reasonable form of protest. You're too full of yourself to be one of them.

How would you have black people protest injustice in America? You seem to object to any form of protest by black people. I guess you think things are just hunky dory and they should be grateful to live as second class citizens.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

The media did not have to report and make comments on it as being divisive. And we know what a football game is. The truth is it helps to take the place of us bashing each others skulls in as we get to vent some of our aggressions. The media could have kept the religious issue lower and show some class. But then we know now, they are swamp creatures.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.
Remind us of how many years you served and how you know every person in the NFL...
USAF, 1991-2011. 20 years.

I don't have to know them. Crime stats for the NFL are available online.

There's been a book written about it, and the NFL couldn't prove it false.

NFL Players: 21% Criminals?
Then why do you participate in watching criminals entertain yous with football activity?
I don't. Never cared for pro sports.

Man, you're battin' .000 in this thread.
Then if you never pay them any attention how do yous know so much about them?
Then evidently you give them attention you refuse to acknowledge..
Have you heard of the internet? Marvelous source of information.
I stopped watching the NFL when they went on strike in 1987 and I have never given the NFL or anyone associated with the NFL any attention, I refuse to acknowledge their existence because I have no interest...You on the other hand belie your intentions.
And yet, here, you are, acknowledging their existence.

I'll bet you believe you're very smart. Leftists like to believe things for which there is no evidence.

You're desperate for some GOTCHA moment here, but there's none to be had. I don't watch football because I've never been interested in football. I made a claim on a thread based on something I'd seen previously, and then went looking for it. I presented it. You got all butthurt.

Your acknowledgement is not required, and it damn sure isn't expected. So run along, kid.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

Gee... get a multi-million dollar contract or get $20K for being an E-1. That would be a tough one. Kind of hard to do the latter, especially when your president thinks you are a "loser" and a "sucker" for signing up.
You're a loser and a sucker for believing that lie.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

If you let cartoons do your thinking for you, at least watch Schoolhouse Rock and learn something.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

And nick Saban is right in the middle of pleasing the players by promoting democrat harm. But that will make his players lose a ton of money with the sports main fan base

Not firing Saban will have the leaders of the school and the SEC all fired by losing tons of money by promoting against the patriots
They have been common pieces of shit since high school. Not worthy of praise since then...but...lack of moral coaches.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

The media did not have to report and make comments on it as being divisive. And we know what a football game is. The truth is it helps to take the place of us bashing each others skulls in as we get to vent some of our aggressions. The media could have kept the religious issue lower and show some class. But then we know now, they are swamp creatures.

No it doesn't. I want to bash BLM and Antifa skulls in. Fuck NFL pussies.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

More than 70% of Americans think that taking a knee is a reasonable form of protest. You're too full of yourself to be one of them.

How would you have black people protest injustice in America? You seem to object to any form of protest by black people. I guess you think things are just hunky dory and they should be grateful to live as second class citizens.
Protest for what? Living in the greatest nation ever created with the most economic opportunity in the world? Disrespect of our Nation Anthem is traitorous.
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

I would put a round right in the pussy Kapernuts fucking fro. His issue is bullshit!
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

Gee... get a multi-million dollar contract or get $20K for being an E-1. That would be a tough one. Kind of hard to do the latter, especially when your president thinks you are a "loser" and a "sucker" for signing up.
These pussies are making millions a year and are too dumb to pass the ASVAB. Cowards. Our men and women in the military serve our nation everyday. If you're one of the idiots that paint your face and go to an NFL game then you are a simpleton. I think Joe B wants to jump in a post NFL game team shower and give a round of blow jobs.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

So don't watch and stop whining. That's pretty much all you Trumpublican pussies do anymore.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

So don't watch and stop whining. That's pretty much all you Trumpublican pussies do anymore.
As a citizen and a combat veteran they disrespect my nation. I don't watch and I hope every team plane crashes and they all die!
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

So don't watch and stop whining. That's pretty much all you Trumpublican pussies do anymore.
As a citizen and a combat veteran they disrespect my nation. I don't watch and I hope every team plane crashes and they all die!

That's a horrible thing to say. But you're a horrible person who wouldn't be fit to shine Poppy Bush's shoes.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

So don't watch and stop whining. That's pretty much all you Trumpublican pussies do anymore.
If you sit at home and even watch NFL football then you are not a patriotic American.

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