NFL owners approve team-by-team national anthem policy, will allow players to remain in locker room


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA
Can’t post the link for some stupid reason, but this article is from the Washington Post

ATLANTA — NFL owners approved a new national anthem policy Wednesday that gives individual teams the authority to set their own anthem-related rules and permits players to remain in the locker room during the playing of the anthem, according to a person familiar with the deliberations.
The new policy eliminates the current requirement from the league’s game operations manual for a player to be on the field for the playing of the anthem, allowing a player to remain in the locker room. Teams would then have the ability to set their own policy for players who choose to take the field for the anthem, including the ability to discipline a player for any protest during the national anthem.
Teams would not have the ability to force players to take the field for the anthem, however.
The new policy also is expected to contain a clause that the league could fine a team for any protest by a player on the sideline during the anthem, according to a person familiar with the owners’ deliberations. Any team that wants to allow players to protest would have to be willing to pay a potential fine by the league.
The change would go into effect for the upcoming season.
There did not appear to be sufficient support among the owners for a league-wide requirement that players stand for the anthem. They could have left the previous policy unchanged. They could have sought a compromise by making the anthem policy a decision made by the home team for each game. They could have reverted to the sport’s pre-2009 approach and kept all players in the locker rooms until after the anthem is played.
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said last season that he would bench any Cowboys player who refused to stand for the anthem. Houston Texans owner Robert McNair said at the annual league meeting in March that NFL playing fields are not the place for political statements. Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown reportedly told free agent safety Eric Reid this offseason that he plans to require Bengals players to stand for the anthem.
But other owners have said that while they would like players to stand for the anthem, they are not prepared to require it. That was the approach taken by owners when they met last October in New York and did not change the previous anthem policy. That previous policy, written into the game operations manual given by the league to teams, required players to be on the sideline for the anthem. It said that players should stand for the anthem but it did not require it.
The issue became a national controversy last season after President Trump and some fans were sharply critical of protests during the anthem by some NFL players. The protests continued last season after being started during the 2016 season by quarterback Colin Kaepernick, then with the San Francisco 49ers. He refused to stand for the anthem in protest of the treatment of African-Americans in the U.S. Kaepernick was out of the league last season and he and Reid have pending grievances accusing the league and teams of colluding to keep them unsigned.
Kind of odd to me that this isn’t an issue with other professional American sports.

There is a reason for that and it is called George Soros. The NFL tithes to him. They kneel for him. We switch channels because our country is more important to us than football...
((((((((Soros)))))) dog whistle for the Great International Jewish Overlords Conspiracy.
I used to think so too, but there would still be plenty of witnesses to tell the media who (if anyone) knelt, and as long as there’s a market for it, the media will report it.

Would have left the old policy in place and instructed the networks to keep their cameras off any protesters. And that would take care of that IMO.
Lock the restrooms, shut down the food / beer booths and scramble phone signals during the Nat'l Anthem so everyone stands and sings it..........or else!

Most people stand up respectfully on their own accord.

The issue hasn't been about the individuals, the issue is twofold.

One, when an athlete does it, they are doing it to show off and make a point. This is outside their scope of authority, which is to play freaking football

Second, even if their intent was noble, they are not getting the response the expected. A smart person would move on to another tactic, but some of these guys are anything but smart.
Lock the restrooms, shut down the food / beer booths and scramble phone signals during the Nat'l Anthem so everyone stands and sings it..........or else!

Most people stand up respectfully on their own accord.

The issue hasn't been about the individuals, the issue is twofold.

One, when an athlete does it, they are doing it to show off and make a point. This is outside their scope of authority, which is to play freaking football

Second, even if their intent was noble, they are not getting the response the expected. A smart person would move on to another tactic, but some of these guys are anything but smart.
Seriously? You ever been to a professional game? They're all over the place, walking, talking, on phones......
Lock the restrooms, shut down the food / beer booths and scramble phone signals during the Nat'l Anthem so everyone stands and sings it..........or else!

Most people stand up respectfully on their own accord.

The issue hasn't been about the individuals, the issue is twofold.

One, when an athlete does it, they are doing it to show off and make a point. This is outside their scope of authority, which is to play freaking football

Second, even if their intent was noble, they are not getting the response the expected. A smart person would move on to another tactic, but some of these guys are anything but smart.
Seriously? You ever been to a professional game? They're all over the place, walking, talking, on phones......

They aren't trying to send me a message, they are just being assholes.

And you haven't lived until you have seen my WWII vet grandfather call out someone not standing up or being loud during the anthem.
Lock the restrooms, shut down the food / beer booths and scramble phone signals during the Nat'l Anthem so everyone stands and sings it..........or else!

Most people stand up respectfully on their own accord.

The issue hasn't been about the individuals, the issue is twofold.

One, when an athlete does it, they are doing it to show off and make a point. This is outside their scope of authority, which is to play freaking football

Second, even if their intent was noble, they are not getting the response the expected. A smart person would move on to another tactic, but some of these guys are anything but smart.
Seriously? You ever been to a professional game? They're all over the place, walking, talking, on phones......

They aren't trying to send me a message, they are just being assholes.

And you haven't lived until you have seen my WWII vet grandfather call out someone not standing up or being loud during the anthem.

Bodeca completely misses the point.
Washinton post is your first mistake.

NFL adopts policy to fine teams if players and personnel don't stand for national anthem

The NFL adopted a policy that would fine teams and league personnel did not “stand show respect for the flag and the Anthem,” the league announced Wednesday.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement that the policy was approved "in concert with the NFL"s ongoing commitment to local communities and our country."

The policy read: "the 32 member clubs of the National Football League have reaffirmed their strong commitment to work alongside our players to strengthen our communities and advance social justice."

The teams agreed to the following requirements:

  • "All team and league personnel on the field shall stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem."
  • "The Game Operations Manual will be revised to remove the requirement that all players be on the field for the Anthem."

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