NFL Caught Cheating - The Fix is in!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I just happened to find this website that exposes the NFL for cheating. Incredible story. For you football fans - examine the evidence for yourselves - and you'll see that Tom Brady has been getting plenty of "assistance'. This story should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. The fact that it isn't speaks volumes as to what is going on here. Even the players know the truth. I am praying that every single NFL big shot that has been up to no good will be financially destroyed and publicly disgraced for having led the way in cheating the American people. The title of the story was called - Like a football to the face. Indeed it is. To the American people. These men should be ashamed of themselves!

There is a rule that never fails to be proven true. The people are like their leaders. In this case? Tom Brady and the Patriots are like their leaders. The NFL. Wait until you see this!

NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
Exhibit A:
The Preseason

Have you been watching the NFL preseason? Gosh, I hope not. But if you really have been that bored/addicted to NFL football to tune in, I bet you noticed the increased amount of penalties. It's up an average of almost 9 per game, from 14 to 23.
Why? Because the NFL has decided its officials should be focusing on certain plays -- all of which are subjective calls. If you watch this official NFL videosupplied to the media to explain these new emphasized penalties, you'll see what I mean.
The funny part is, the NFL doesn't really plan on following through with this new emphasis. Their own VP of Officiating even said so. And the final week of the preseason proved that "prediction" to be true. But this is yet another weapon in the league's arsenal with which to control outcomes of games. Outcomes which are remaining in doubt unlike ever before.
The NFL states that 68% of its games in 2013 were within one score in the 4th quarter. Because of that,48% of games (123 of 256) were decided by 7 points or less.

So now more than ever, one well-timed subjective call made by a single referee can alter the outcome of a vast majority of NFL game. Keep that in mind as the flags fly (or remained tucked in that back pocket) in the waning moments of each game this season.

Read more on the link and see the actual video footage that proves the report is true.
NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
Exhibit B:

George Orwell wrote in his classic novel 1984, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." Today, the boot is the NFL and the face is that of football fans everywhere. The problem is most fans don't seem to mind that spiked heel digging into their mug if it means they get a Sunday (and Thursday night and Monday night) full of football. Is it a sign that I received about 5 or 6 emails on Sunday from new fans of this site, all stating a variation on the theme of "You might be on to something here..."

The NFL was full of the usual nonsense: Multiple games coming down to the final two minutes along with 2 OT contests, improbable comebacks (and a couple of near ones - including the Colts-Broncos game which saw a second half filled with calls/plays that allowed the Colts to crawl back into a certain blowout), bad calls on the refs' part who all seemed to make plenty of use of the new "focus" on highly subjective pass interference/holding/illegal contact penalties...the list goes on.

And then there was Ray Rice. I only have this to say about it: if you didn't think he did exactly what that TMZ video showed when you saw the original video months ago of him dragging his fiancee out of that elevator, you are incredibly naive. Despite the NFL's lies ("We couldn't get that video..."), I fully expect Rice to suit up for another NFL team come 2015.
NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
The gods will care.
Wrong. The NFL will care when the cheaters among them are financially destroyed and publicly disgraced. So will those who stood by and did nothing even while knowing about it. When a thief is caught stealing he must return back 7 times - according to spiritual laws which supercede physical. All you have to do is petition God with the evidence and be vigilant to ask for justice. He will surely answer.

Whatever these people earned through cheating? They must lose - 7 fold. That is how it goes. They've been caught. Now it's in the Lord's hands.
There is more - see link below for the actual video footage to prove what this writer claims is true. He's got the evidence to back everything he says in this story.

here is what he says:

Look, if you can't get this call "correct" with the aid of mandatory instant replay, your league has problems. It's becoming almost too easy to hammer the NFL officials week-in and week-out, and the networks having their "in-house specialists" (former refs themselves) contradicting the on-the-field officials (and even themselves on occasion) isn't helping.Fans of this site will know that these can't just be mistakes being made, not if we're to believe that these officials are the best in the country. People could argue that since each NFL game is put under a microscope, you're bound to find problems if you look hard enough. But as the picture above shows, you don't have to look too hard...and the NFL, as usual, admits their "error" 48 hours too late.

Take the Monday night game between the Colts and Eagles. The refs blew two calls - a pass interference which resulted in an interception and a (non) horse collar tackle - both of which benefited the Eagles, kept them in the game (and kept the game close for fans watching at home), and ultimately allowed Philly to win outright. Go back 24 hours, and you have a similar scenario played out in San Francisco where the49ers seemed to get flagged on every other play - including the first-of-its-kind "offensive language" foul charged to Colin Kaepernick - and lo and behold, the Bears comeback and win.Despite this nonsense coupled with the scandal-filled week for the NFL, ratings haven't been damaged. Part of this is because NFL fans simply don't care felons play the sport for their entertainment. The other part is that every bar, restaurant, and flat-screen sales display shows NFL games, even if no one is watching. But this spate of scandals does have the NFL's advertising partners concerned. And that threatens what the NFL really loves: money. Whether it will spur the league to make more nonsensical knee-jerk reactions to the behavior of their players remains to be seen, but if the NFL has a player get paralyzed, or God-forbid, killed on the field in the next week or so, this juggernaut may have some real issues on its hands.
NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
And this! Note on the website - he posts the recording of that interview! Even though it was pulled from youtube video! He says here:

(Yeah, video of Ray Lewis's quote was pulled by YouTube by Week 6)

"Some things you can cover up, and some things up can't."
Yes, Ray Lewis - RAY FREAKING LEWIS - said that, on air on ESPN, about the NFL, the Ravens, and Ray Rice, all part of his "family."Of all the absurdity to come out of Roger Goodell and Steve Bisciotti's mouths over the weekend, Lewis's quote is so over the top as to be mindblowing.

Speaking of Goodell (I'm not going to bother to get into the "he said, she said" of ESPN v.Bisciotti...though I will say I for once take ESPN's side on this. Why? Because there's no way ESPN runs this story against its bedfellow the NFL if it wasn't very, very close to the truth), I loved how he finally "faced the press": by announcing a press conference 6 hours prior to its start, then by showing up 20 minutes late, only to give an "apology" of how he "failed" and announce his new panel to investigate how this happened (as the TMZ Reporter there stated, they made one phone call to obtain the inside-the-elevator video. Does the NFL really need to "investigate" that failure when it's Security Division is filled with ex-FBI agents? None of them could figure how a phone works?) and another panel to create new policy related to domestic violence...which will reach a conclusion by the Super Bowl. It apparently takes a few months to determine how good/bad domestic violence is in relation to the NFL and its athletes.

Now because of this, the NFL was feeling a little blue. Luckily, here came the prime match-up of the week:Denver vs. Seattle in a Super Bowl rematch. Amazing that the most hyped game featured a classic Peyton Manning last-second come back, forcing the game into overtime which kept fans glued to their TVs and got the media talking about something other than the NFL's mounting scandals. As Russell Wilson said, "The NFL needed this game." Hmm....
NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
The gods will care.
Wrong. The NFL will care when the cheaters among them are financially destroyed and publicly disgraced. So will those who stood by and did nothing even while knowing about it. When a thief is caught stealing he must return back 7 times - according to spiritual laws which supercede physical. All you have to do is petition God with the evidence and be vigilant to ask for justice. He will surely answer.

Whatever these people earned through cheating? They must lose - 7 fold. That is how it goes. They've been caught. Now it's in the Lord's hands.
So. The gods won't care.
and then? There's this! He writes:

I think within every year of doing these weekly recaps, I have to write a post similar to this one. Parity. The NFL designed it, implimented it, and now football fans have to live with it. While the pundits scratch their heads and wonder how the Buccaneers can beat the Steelers a week after getting downright embarrassed on national TV by the Falcons (who themselves couldn't beat the Vikings despite that team requiring the services of their 3rd string quarterback), the answer is obvious. Deep down, the league wants every team to be 8-8. They want every fan to believe that any team can beat any other team no matter the week, weather, stadium, quarterback, coach, etc. This should not be the case, but if the NFL manipulates games in the fashion I believe them to, then parity is the perfect screen to hide behind. It's really that simple.

I could say more, but I really spent most of this week getting my foot in the door at Vice Sports. Luckily, that effort paid off as they welcomed me into the fold and published my first piece for them: The Twisted History of a Mobster and the PGA Tour.

The writer is also exposing corruption in the NBA and PGA and more! What he writes about the NFL with private videos included is truly astonishing!

NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In
It follows that the Seahawks are also benefiting from this scripted NFL. Last year's winner gets a chance to repeat.
This one is about Brady! Listen to what he says about this!

First, Aaron Rodgers told Packers fans to "R-E-L-A-X." Then Tom Brady sent a similar message to Patriots fans. Amazingly, both top tier QBs then led their teams to victories. Granted, the Packers only had to get through the Bears (in Week 4) and Vikings (starting their 3rd string QB in a shortened Week 5), but Brady and the Patriots demolished the seemingly strong Bengals. How was this possible?

If you ask me - and you are reading this so in a sense you did ask - it was because in Week 5, both the Vikings and Bengals laid down. Now the Vikes seemed completely disinterested in playing for Christian Ponder (and perhaps you can't blame them), but what made the Bengals suddenly incapable of playing coherent football? Hard to say, but from what I saw Sunday night, someone told them "it's not your night" and the team simply shrugged off the game.

Look, Brady - despite his history of cheating via Spygate - and likely Rodgers are Hall of Fame bound. The NFL relies on these guys to sell games, and the league is not about to let these QBs post sub .500 records (even if the Packers have zero defense and Brady's "weapons" are nonexistent). These guys will win because the NFL DEMANDS they win.Speaking of demands, apparently the NFL is tied of seeing primetime games (like the past couple of Thursday nighters) turn into uninteresting blowouts. So the league, through their lap-dog referees, kept Monday night's game between the Seahawks and Redskins as close as possible. As Seahawks safetyEarl Thomas said, "I think it is Monday Night Football, you know, the fans are watching and everybody wants to see a good game, so they are going to try and make it as close as possible. It’s a business."Earl gets it. Of course, he also had a sideline view of referees calling back not one, not two, but threePercy Harvin touchdowns due to Seahawk penalties. The most ridiculous call-back came courtesy of an "unnecessary roughness" call on a block. Seriously. A block. And people pay - and bet - good money on this sport...NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In

Is the NFL despicable or what?! Did any of you know this was going on? You do now!!!
It's physically impossible for a professional quarterback NOT to know how well the balls are inflated

And that is why I hope the Seahawks win the SB. The Colts may not have been defeated to the degree they were, had Brady and the Center, not have allowed the "game to go on" by breaking the rules.
Tell you what! This Superbowl game? Is not in the hands of the NFL and they had better start fearing God Almighty for their future! They should all be having dreams about hell! Losing their money will be the best thing that ever happened to them. Maybe they will repent after they are financially destroyed and publicly disgraced. Some folks have to hit rock bottom before they wake up.

And that's a wrap! See ya'll later! God willing.
The NFL has been a joke since the CBA negotiations in 1994. The league claims it wants to promote "parity" but in reality it wants to promote those teams which buy into their way of doing business rather than teams that don't want to play their game.
If the Dallas Cowboys were playing in the SB instead of Seattle, deflategate wouldn't even be a story. This is all right winger whine.
It's physically impossible for a professional quarterback NOT to know how well the balls are inflated

And that is why I hope the Seahawks win the SB. The Colts may not have been defeated to the degree they were, had Brady and the Center, not have allowed the "game to go on" by breaking the rules.

And name me an NFL team that doesn't break the rules. They all push the envelope and only a few get caught. BountyGate, it is well documented that others teams besides New Orleans played the bounty game. Filming the opposition, again documented that other teams did the same. PEDs, many players take them and have taken them. Finally this issue of under or overfilled balls. Is anyone going to seriously tell us that Brady knew, the Colts knew, the Pats all knew, yet the referees couldn't tell. They never said anything? Come on, I bet this goes on, on many teams.

Is all of it cheating? Yes it is, it is breaking the rules. Do players go to ref during a game and say I cheated, I held, penalize me.

The Patriots unquestionably cheated, but to think they are the only team? Does anyone really think other teams don't inflate or deflate balls to help them out? Does anyone believe the refs don't know it? They know, they absolutely know, they absolutely didn't care. Why? Because it is done often, but they can't admit that.
Tell you what! This Superbowl game? Is not in the hands of the NFL and they had better start fearing God Almighty for their future! They should all be having dreams about hell! Losing their money will be the best thing that ever happened to them. Maybe they will repent after they are financially destroyed and publicly disgraced. Some folks have to hit rock bottom before they wake up.
Jeremiah is evidence that if fundamentalist Christians ever took over the country.

They would be more radical than ISIS and Boko Haram combined. ..... :eek-52:

This one is about Brady! Listen to what he says about this!

First, Aaron Rodgers told Packers fans to "R-E-L-A-X." Then Tom Brady sent a similar message to Patriots fans. Amazingly, both top tier QBs then led their teams to victories. Granted, the Packers only had to get through the Bears (in Week 4) and Vikings (starting their 3rd string QB in a shortened Week 5), but Brady and the Patriots demolished the seemingly strong Bengals. How was this possible?

If you ask me - and you are reading this so in a sense you did ask - it was because in Week 5, both the Vikings and Bengals laid down. Now the Vikes seemed completely disinterested in playing for Christian Ponder (and perhaps you can't blame them), but what made the Bengals suddenly incapable of playing coherent football? Hard to say, but from what I saw Sunday night, someone told them "it's not your night" and the team simply shrugged off the game.

Look, Brady - despite his history of cheating via Spygate - and likely Rodgers are Hall of Fame bound. The NFL relies on these guys to sell games, and the league is not about to let these QBs post sub .500 records (even if the Packers have zero defense and Brady's "weapons" are nonexistent). These guys will win because the NFL DEMANDS they win.Speaking of demands, apparently the NFL is tied of seeing primetime games (like the past couple of Thursday nighters) turn into uninteresting blowouts. So the league, through their lap-dog referees, kept Monday night's game between the Seahawks and Redskins as close as possible. As Seahawks safetyEarl Thomas said, "I think it is Monday Night Football, you know, the fans are watching and everybody wants to see a good game, so they are going to try and make it as close as possible. It’s a business."Earl gets it. Of course, he also had a sideline view of referees calling back not one, not two, but threePercy Harvin touchdowns due to Seahawk penalties. The most ridiculous call-back came courtesy of an "unnecessary roughness" call on a block. Seriously. A block. And people pay - and bet - good money on this sport...NEW - The 2014 NFL season - The Fix Is In

Is the NFL despicable or what?! Did any of you know this was going on? You do now!!!

I've heard before how totally corrupt the NFL is. I don't even pretend to know all the specifics of it all,,,but with all that money involved... its bound to be.
Still a fun game to watch and I admire the athletic ability of the players.
Team spirit is fun to be a part of, but it can be wayyyy over the top. I was a little weirded out at the Hawk-pocalypse in Seattle last year after the SB..
If the Dallas Cowboys were playing in the SB instead of Seattle, deflategate wouldn't even be a story. This is all right winger whine.
yeah the cowboys would have just as much media attention as the cheatriots do with the OTHER being how they cheated their way there just like the pats did with jerry paying off the refs to pick up that pass interference call to get them to the superbowl.:biggrin:

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