NFL Argues Black Players Aren't As Smart As Whites


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, BLM coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

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Everyone knows the Neegrow is not the most intelligent subspecies on the planet
Sounds racist to me.
Yup pretty racist also a little irrelevent to dementia. Also one thing they should factor in is how many of the head to head collisions did the "victim" knowingly initiate? I can see the player claiming he was not adequetely protected when others rammed him in the head because the leauge routinely looked the other way or even said "that shot to the head was legal" in many cases. But if you make millions and use your own head as a battering ram that's on you. In fact what about YOUR culpability to that injured party?
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, black coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

These morons have twisted themselves into so many pretzels. Fans leaving in droves. Marxist organization.

I wonder how Lombardi and Halas would feel. I mean men with balls of steel.
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, black coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

Well you get what you pay for ....
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, black coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

Well....whites aren't as smart as Asians either.
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, black coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

Well....whites aren't as smart as Asians either.
I don't think the NFL is too concerned with that.
Everyone knows the Neegrow is not the most intelligent subspecies on the planet
I don't know. There are few sharp Black guys around here. IM2 MarcATL
They white
If there are people pretending to be something they are not as in being Shills for an agenda then they are part of the problems in our nation. They have not figured out or do not care that there is only so much blood you can get from a stone. That means the beliefs of others that the infection from elites and controlling people is massive and all over.
players by race:
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For those who are willing to look at the actual data, African Americans are a full Standard Deviation below the General Population in Intelligence Quotient. If you don't know what those terms mean, please stop reading.

Cognitive testing of middle-aged and older adult men to ascertain their relative cognitive deterioration should presume a baseline that is normative for the relevant demographic profile. If you assume Blacks and whites start from the same cognitive level, then the data will show dramatic cognitive deterioration for the Black subjects, even if there has been none.

But imagine how it would play out of they assumed the cognitive level of Black players as the baseline. White players would show as having improved their level since their playing days.

Overdosing on Prevagen, obviously.
Yep, you read that right, the virtue signaling, black coddling, NFL says blacks AREN'T AS SMART AS WHITES. You can't make this shit up.


NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower "Cognitive Skills" Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries

The NFL argues it is correct to assume black players have lower "cognitive skills" and thus are entitled to less compensation for brain injuries.

The NFL has a $1 billion compensation program for players who sustain brain injuries while competing in the league, however, the NFL also has a secret algorithm it uses to determine the level of dispensation awarded to each injured athlete, and argues in court that it is correct to take into consideration what it maintains is the lower average “cognitive skills” of black players compared to other races.​

While former and current NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries are entitled to compensation from the NFL if their injuries were sustained while competing in the league, the NFL also argues that it is correct to assume that black players have lower “cognitive skills” on average, and this should be taken into consideration when awarding compensation. However, former Washington running back Ken Jenkins, 61, and his wife Amy Lewis, argue in U.S. District Court that awarding less compensation to black people is an example of inequality.

Detractors say the NFL’s algorithm is an example of “race norming,” and according to Newsweek, New York University Medical Ethicist Art Caplain explains, “Norming by race is not the stance that the NFL ought to take. It continues to look as if it’s trying to exclude people rather than trying to do what’s right, which is to help people that, clinically, have obvious and severe disability.”

Meanwhile, “The NFL’s scoring algorithm asserts that black men have lower cognitive skills to begin with and has impeded the ability for former black players to attain awards from the league’s settlement as they are required to score significantly lower than their white counterparts.” The NFL generally began admitting cognitive deficiencies could be caused from professional football in the early 2010s, but now challenges claims of cognitive injury regularly. In one high profile case, “the NFL complained that his doctor had not used ‘full demographic norms’ in the cognitive scoring. That meant factoring in age, education, gender — and race.”

U.S. District Court Judge Anita B. Brody threw a civil lawsuit out, citing the decision made by the athletes – Najeh Davenport and Kevin Henry – “saying they were bound by the settlement because they had not opted out years ago” but is now apparently willing to hear such cases due to the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd in 2020. “Brody in April opened the door to changing the practice when she ordered lawyers for the league and the players back to the table to work out an agreement,” The Associated Press reported.

The NFL has become a focal point for left wing activists seeking to use the wide viewership of professional football to bring attention to liberal causes, infamously starting with ex-football player Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the National Anthem in 2015. Last year, the new fans of the NFL said it was racist for the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl, and this year, similar accusations were levied against Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Activists were also highly upset that Brady did not wear a mask at the sporting event.

Well....whites aren't as smart as Asians either.
True. Asians are smarter and have strong family structure as well as work ethic values in most cases. You'd think they'd do well socioeconomically . And of course they do and most whites admire all of that.
Many colored coaches have been a complete disaster

maybe the nfl players should be 2/3 white

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