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Newt Gingrich: The Only Individual Worthy of the GOP and America
By Will Haun
When I look out at the field of prospective GOP candidates, Im left somewhat speechless. In terms of sheer personal accomplishment, we Republicans probably have the most distinguished field of candidates than ever before in history. Simply looking at the front runners, we see a military hero who has defined valor and is a long time public servant, a businessman who has proven to be a competent executive with movie-star looks, an actual movie start/former senator, and a charismatic mayor who single-handedly overhauled New York City. Certainly, again looking at accomplishment alone, these guys are head and shoulders above what we put forth in 2000, 1996, and 1988.
The problem for all of them however, is that consultant-approved sound bytes relying on those accomplished backgrounds, million-dollar (or should I say, multi-million dollar) smiles, and giving talking point-style solutions to Americas most complex issues does not constitute a substantive presidential campaign. Just as ten people, standing all along side each other, getting asked the most
nonsensical questions by self-important media types and offering fundamentally the same answer is not a debate so much as it is a free, and completely unimportant campaign ad for the candidates in them.
Looking out towards the 2008 election, its clear that our Party, and the Conservative Movement, are facing perhaps the largest uphill climb in our history. Our Party has done next to nothing as of yet to counter the image of being untrustworthy, and unaccountable towards the average American, and unable to make good on the promises and policies we have proposed. For all of the positive news about Iraq and General Patreus (and make no mistake, it is great news) recently, we cannot forget that the approval rating of both the President and Congress are at embarrassing lows. As responsible stewards of Americas trust we should have the integrity to answer why this is so. Our candidate in 2008 must be prepared to shoulder those concerns, respond to them in a way thats truly inspiring to our national spirit, and do so through a process of fundamental change to our political dialogue, and our day to day gotcha politics. He has to stand out from the typical political dithering, and force those in the presidential political fray to answer the problems we as a party and nation face with a similar passion and substance. The only individual interested, and qualified enough, to make that sort of change is former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.
While his presidential aspirations are still unclear, if Newt Gingrich runs, his platform will be the most ambitious, comprehensive, and inspiring since Reagan in 1980 and FDR in 1932. The man has spent his post-Speakership years constructing a blueprint for the ideal conservative America we've been struggling to achieve for years. If you read "Winning the Future" you'll find the single most comprehensive platform of a conservative agenda seen since Reagan's 1980 campaign. If you YouTube his name and listen to his speeches on limited government, privatization, and national security it becomes blatantly obvious that he is the only contender who can justify his candidacy with an agenda that advances our philosophy further than perhaps anything ever proposed in American history. No single candidate in the race currently is the bastion of ideas Newt Gingrich has become over the past few years. And no other candidate has yet to propose such comprehensive solutions to problems in ways that are not only as workable as his are, but are also so understandable to the average American voter. As others have said, while the current group of GOP candidates are running for president, Newt is running to change the country.
The speeches and articles Newt has produced over the past year demonstrate that he already knows exactly what hell do as president. Unlike the other candidates who seem like they just want to assume the office and govern as best they can according to the hand their dealt, Newts deep involvement in policymaking over the past few years, along with his vast understanding of those policies, gives every indication he will define what the Federalists called Energy in the Executive.
Those who shun away from the idea of a Gingrich candidacy usually state how its too late for another candidate to get in the running. Perhaps for lesser known individuals, but for Gingrich, whats the rush? While other candidates are in a constant state of defending their claims of conservatism, Newt does not have to justify his claim to be the real deal. His reputation as a competent leader who can accomplish large, Conservative-based change needs no introduction. Its also clear that, given the national polls, no single candidate has yet to achieve a plurality of Republican voters. This stands in contrast to the Democratic primary, where the surge to rally around Senator Clinton is already well underway. In our primary, disenchantment still runs rampant at the grassroots, and Newts massive appeal towards the Conservative base provides all the opening he would need to be an immediate front runner. My appeal for him, however, is found not just in his ideas, but in what he represents.
In Newt Gingrich lies a real Conservative disenchanted by the fact that for six years of presidential and congressional control, opportunity after opportunity was squandered for the sake of shortsighted politics. Aside from being right on the issues of tax cuts, the War on Terror, and judicial appointments (all issues on which Newt has praised President Bush), the Congress from 2001-2007 roughly departed from the Gingrich era of disciplined, Conservative thought. This is a man with first hand experience in steering a Republican Congress in favor of our most prevalent beliefs, and the vacancy of such principled leadership has inspired his criticism. He's the only Conservative in the field (aside from the punditry) reminding our base of what it means to have a limited and efficient government, a balanced budget, an ownership society, a protected border and a 21st century healthcare market.
Now more than ever we need substantive and candid discussions regarding public policy and Newt is, frankly, the only person doing it without stooping to the indignity of tabloid politics. I admire the work he is doing with his organization "American Solutions," something that, unlike most of the presidential candidates in either party, is actually aimed at making a difference in this country at all levels of government, rather than just be a campaign meant to crusade around for the candidates pet issue or cause.
At the end of the day, a Gingrich candidacy means there is someone in the race who will actually change the dialogue of the debate, and force the candidates to answer questions at his level of intellect and insight. That only benefits our party and gives credibility to our candidates in the end. I think that's something all who want Conservatism and our Party to remain relevant in this century can root for.