Newt Gingrich rising in poles !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
New polls show Gingrich is rapidly gaining on the top republican contenders for the GOP nomination !!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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The poles up your ass don't count no matter how high up there they go.
and I suppose your dear leader is more knowledgeable on government,history,and economics ???? Newt was the ring leader of the republican congress that drug Clinton to the bargaining table and forced him to cut spending,welfare reform,cut taxes ect....that brought in the economic boon we had !!
The poles up your ass don't count no matter how high up there they go.
and I suppose your dear leader is more knowledgeable on government,history,and economics ???? Newt was the ring leader of the republican congress that drug Clinton to the bargaining table and forced him to cut spending,welfare reform,cut taxes ect....that brought in the economic boon we had !!

Actually, under Clinton we had more money.

Jr, and his cronies (like Newt) are the ones that fucked over this country.

But.......what other logic could I expect from a one term Reservist?
Who's he picking for VP ?
Posiblamente el ?:cuckoo:


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New poles show Gingrich is rapidly gaining on the top republican contenders for the GOP nomination !!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

First, guy, it's polls, not 'poles'.

(Unless the info comes from guys named Kowalski)

Second, Newt is still well in fifth place and below Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the marker, if you are below him, you aren't viable.

Now, the thing is, I like Newt. I'd vote for him before Obama (D-IL) or Romney (R-Kolob).
Good. That will take the issue of the Affordable Care Act off the table :clap2: :razz: :

Mitt Romney Describes Individual Mandate As ‘A Conservative Idea,’ Credits Gingrich For Supporting It | ThinkProgress
“The idea for a health care plan [in Massachusetts] was not mine alone,” Romney explained. “The Heritage Foundation — a great conservative think tank — helped on that. I’m told Newt Gingrich, one of the very first people who came up with the idea of an individual mandate, did that years and years ago”
New polls show Gingrich is rapidly gaining on the top republican contenders for the GOP nomination !!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yes--he's got a 21st century plan out. I heard about his opting for which tax rate do you want--you can use a flat tax and or--use another tax method. I would prefer that everyone just went with a flat tax--and that should be mandated for everyone. (So I don't know what he's doing in this instance)--but it will be interesting to look at the total plan.

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