New York Times Narrative Engineers Start Positioning DOJ/FBI “Small Group” Coup-Plotters as Victims

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
New York Times Narrative Engineers Start Positioning DOJ/FBI “Small Group” Coup-Plotters as Victims of CIA and Intelligence Community Manipulation…


The background context has already been outlined –SEE HERE– so we won’t repeat. Instead, we look at today’s defensive narrative engineering from the New York Times with a similar perspective, but a different set of reminders. Content and distribution tells us this information is from the DOJ and FBI faction of the “Small Group“. Not accidentally, and VERY importantly, this is the same faction under the microscope of Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his pending IG report.

Additionally, and again very importantly, the principles within the IG report have already had an opportunity to review the part of the upcoming report that highlights their conduct.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


"The sudden rollout of these anti-Durham articles, full of the usual Slave Media terminology (“controversial”, “without evidence”, “no legal basis”, etc), sure sounds like TOTAL PANIC in the wake of the atomic bomb that just dropped about Mifsud’s phones. I’m sure it is a total coincidence that they are simultaneously pushing the Ukraine impeachment headlines with levels of spin and TDS not even reached during the Years Of Mueller.

That muffled sound you hear is investigation targets screaming into pillows.

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