New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman: "We Need To Stop Drilling For Fossil Fuels Completely"

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

Translated: we NEED to stop doing this [drilling for fossil fuels] ... and we know we need clean renewable energy, but doesn't have a plan to execute.

Typical scenario -- talking all in concept without realizing the collateral damage it would create.

A Huge Chunk of the U.S. Could See Blackouts This Summer

Our power grid is in a precarious state, according to a report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation

18 May 2023 ~~ By Molly Taft

Two-thirds of North America could face blackouts over the next few months as summer heat increases demand for electricity, a report from a major electricity regulator has found. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation, which releases regular assessments of grid conditions, said in an outlook released Wednesday that huge swathes of the U.S., from the whole West Coast through the Southwest, Midwest, Texas, and parts of the South and New England, face an “elevated risk” of energy shortfalls.

The more these politicians force Solar and Wind power to supply our Electrical needs the power shortages will happen throughout America. Cutting the use of fossil fuels to power our electrical grid needs will lead to disasters as seen previously in Texas. This time across America.
“NERC writes that millions of Americans are at risk of experiencing rolling blackouts this summer “to prevent long-term damage to the grid.” Recall that President Obama in 2009 and President Biden earlier this year spent billions of dollars for “infrastructure” with promises to create cure-alls like a “smart grid.”
Where did that money go if not to ensure that we can handle the demands of running air conditioning, refrigeration, and all the other features of our First World lifestyle, so we can protect the vulnerable from heat?”
“This is more evidence that economic calamity, debt, inflation, supply chain issues, and skyrocketing meat and energy costs are not the unintended consequences of the climate agenda, but the intended consequences.
“Chaos conditions the public to accept more centralized control of their lives. Vladimir Lenin reportedly once said, ‘worse is better’ or ‘the worse, the better,’ to cheer on chaos and the destruction of the existing order to impose his ideology.”

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I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

This is a very easy problem to solve.
Give him what he wants
Cut off Bowman's electricity and ban him from using cars, taxis, buses, trains and planes.
Bowman is dangerous far left extremist racist crackpot Democrat.
People should be ashamed of voting for him.
This is a very easy problem to solve.
Give him what he wants
Cut off Bowman's electricity and ban him from using cars, taxis, buses, trains and planes.
Bowman is dangerous far left extremist racist crackpot Democrat.
People should be ashamed of voting for him.
My question would be, if he wants to prohibit fossil fuel drilling and introduce renewable energy .. what is his solution that is realistic, produce the desired outcomes and minimize continuity issues so it's transparent to Americans?
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

Joe Biden made this promise during his "campaign". It was laughable, but most cultists bought it hook, line, and sinker.
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

Looks like good ole Jamaal hasn't been riding his bike.
This is a very easy problem to solve.
Give him what he wants
Cut off Bowman's electricity and ban him from using cars, taxis, buses, trains and planes.
Bowman is dangerous far left extremist racist crackpot Democrat.
People should be ashamed of voting for him.
Not that I know or care anything about this guy or even know what he said, but I just thought I'd point out your illogical thought process. Just because one does not want drilling for fossil fuels does not mean he wants his modes of transportation cut off as well. Believe it or not, I've heard that there are other ways to fuel vehicles besides fossil fuels.

Every problem for your kind is easy to solve though.
Not that I know or care anything about this guy or even know what he said, but I just thought I'd point out your illogical thought process. Just because one does not want drilling for fossil fuels does not mean he wants his modes of transportation cut off as well. Believe it or not, I've heard that there are other ways to fuel vehicles besides fossil fuels.

Every problem for your kind is easy to solve though.
The power grid only uses 20% renewable, and that 20% include hydropower which the climate cult also opposes.
Until it is 100% he would still be using fossil fuels, that includes to charge an electric car.
The problem is that Bowman is a moron.
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

That guy looks like such a greaseball, they could probably drill oil off the top of his head.
Not that I know or care anything about this guy or even know what he said, but I just thought I'd point out your illogical thought process. Just because one does not want drilling for fossil fuels does not mean he wants his modes of transportation cut off as well. Believe it or not, I've heard that there are other ways to fuel vehicles besides fossil fuels.

Every problem for your kind is easy to solve though.
Indeed, there's propane, and hydrogen however, you still need fossil fuel by-products to lubricate the gears for best efficiency.

How Much Oil Do Wind Turbines Use? | Wind Turbine Magazine
I see zero people riding horses up the 101 from Morgan Hill to jobs in South SJ or "The Golden Triangle". Most are single in Gasoline cars. maybe 10% legit in carpool lane?
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

I can think of a reason he said it. He's a goddamned Dimocrat, and a cornerstone of their entire party platform today is one of calling for the end of the use of oil in all of it's uses and forms.
You vote for a Dimocrat, you are against oil extraction. P-E-R-I-O-D!!!
I can think of two possible reasons why he said this.

One is that he doesn’t know that the fertilizer that we use to grow our food is made from fossil fuels.

The other is that he does know it, but he believes that his voters don’t know it.

Either one is a pretty scary prospect.

You know what he means. Stop running cars and lawn mowers with fossil fuels.

Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some fertilizers also contain certain "micronutrients," such as zinc and other metals, that are necessary for plant growth.

Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides are fossil fuels in another form, making them an underrecognized but significant driver of the climate crisis.

Another CRT MORON with an IQ under 5.

Bowman's understanding of science = whites are all racist

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