New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Trumps racism is shown once again.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Michael Harriot
January 9, 2019

While America is engaged in a heated debate about the border wall and the government shutdown, at least three cabinet-level departments inside the Trump administration have been quietly investigating how they could roll back a particularly important legal precedent that prevents discrimination in housing, employment, policing and even education.

The Washington Post reports that the Department of Justice recently issued an internal memo directing top civil rights officials inside the Department of Justice to examine how disparate impact regulations can be changed or removed. Similar efforts are also underway at the Department of Education as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Washington Post writes that conservatives have wanted to erode the principal for years, writing:

Past Republican administrations have done little to erode the concept’s application, partly out of concerns that the Supreme Court might disagree, or that such changes would be unpopular and viewed as racist...

But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

That’s right. Donald Trump wants to make racism okay unless someone can prove the accused party intended to discriminate against them. To be fair, if this concept was in place when Trump settled a federal housing discrimination lawsuit, he still would have lost after a doorman who worked in Trump’s building revealed that he was told: “If a black person came to 2650 Ocean Parkway and inquired about an apartment for rent, and he, that is [redacted] was not there at the time, that I should tell him that the rent was twice as much as it really was, in order that he could not afford the apartment.”

Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Because institutional racism is disparate impact in a nutshell.

Yes, when people with poor credit ratings can't get mortgages, it must be racism.

Quick, let's give mortgages to everyone.

What could go wrong? DURR!

Whites with poor credit get mortgages.

Son, you run your mouth while not knowing why you are running it.
Trumps racism is shown once again.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Michael Harriot
January 9, 2019

While America is engaged in a heated debate about the border wall and the government shutdown, at least three cabinet-level departments inside the Trump administration have been quietly investigating how they could roll back a particularly important legal precedent that prevents discrimination in housing, employment, policing and even education.

The Washington Post reports that the Department of Justice recently issued an internal memo directing top civil rights officials inside the Department of Justice to examine how disparate impact regulations can be changed or removed. Similar efforts are also underway at the Department of Education as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Washington Post writes that conservatives have wanted to erode the principal for years, writing:

Past Republican administrations have done little to erode the concept’s application, partly out of concerns that the Supreme Court might disagree, or that such changes would be unpopular and viewed as racist...

But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

That’s right. Donald Trump wants to make racism okay unless someone can prove the accused party intended to discriminate against them. To be fair, if this concept was in place when Trump settled a federal housing discrimination lawsuit, he still would have lost after a doorman who worked in Trump’s building revealed that he was told: “If a black person came to 2650 Ocean Parkway and inquired about an apartment for rent, and he, that is [redacted] was not there at the time, that I should tell him that the rent was twice as much as it really was, in order that he could not afford the apartment.”

Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Because institutional racism is disparate impact in a nutshell.

Yes, when people with poor credit ratings can't get mortgages, it must be racism.

Quick, let's give mortgages to everyone.

What could go wrong? DURR!

Whites with poor credit get mortgages.

Son, you run your mouth while not knowing why you are running it.

Whites with poor credit get mortgages.

If only high credit score blacks got mortgages while lots of low credit score whites were given mortgages,
white default rates would be a lot higher. They aren't.

Son, you run your mouth while not knowing why you are running it.

And yet, still puncture your whiney claims.
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But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

Seems sensible to me. We don't indict people merely based on accusations in this country. We deal in burden of proof.
Trumps racism is shown once again.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Michael Harriot
January 9, 2019

While America is engaged in a heated debate about the border wall and the government shutdown, at least three cabinet-level departments inside the Trump administration have been quietly investigating how they could roll back a particularly important legal precedent that prevents discrimination in housing, employment, policing and even education.

The Washington Post reports that the Department of Justice recently issued an internal memo directing top civil rights officials inside the Department of Justice to examine how disparate impact regulations can be changed or removed. Similar efforts are also underway at the Department of Education as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Washington Post writes that conservatives have wanted to erode the principal for years, writing:

Past Republican administrations have done little to erode the concept’s application, partly out of concerns that the Supreme Court might disagree, or that such changes would be unpopular and viewed as racist...

But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

That’s right. Donald Trump wants to make racism okay unless someone can prove the accused party intended to discriminate against them. To be fair, if this concept was in place when Trump settled a federal housing discrimination lawsuit, he still would have lost after a doorman who worked in Trump’s building revealed that he was told: “If a black person came to 2650 Ocean Parkway and inquired about an apartment for rent, and he, that is [redacted] was not there at the time, that I should tell him that the rent was twice as much as it really was, in order that he could not afford the apartment.”

Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

That’s right. Donald Trump wants to make racism okay unless someone can prove the accused party intended to discriminate against them.

We must punish these thought crimes, eh comrade???

And that shows how litle you know about racism.

Punish those thoughts!!

Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.

No, they would still be illegal because those are actual acts with actual impacts.

Poll taxes have been declared unconstitutional. Segregated schools have been found to be unconstitutional.

And redlining is against the law already and that won't be changed.
Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.
Couldn't be stated any clearer than this.

Being stated clearly doesn't make it right.

Wrong on all three counts.
Trumps racism is shown once again.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It

Michael Harriot
January 9, 2019

While America is engaged in a heated debate about the border wall and the government shutdown, at least three cabinet-level departments inside the Trump administration have been quietly investigating how they could roll back a particularly important legal precedent that prevents discrimination in housing, employment, policing and even education.

The Washington Post reports that the Department of Justice recently issued an internal memo directing top civil rights officials inside the Department of Justice to examine how disparate impact regulations can be changed or removed. Similar efforts are also underway at the Department of Education as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Washington Post writes that conservatives have wanted to erode the principal for years, writing:

Past Republican administrations have done little to erode the concept’s application, partly out of concerns that the Supreme Court might disagree, or that such changes would be unpopular and viewed as racist...

But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

That’s right. Donald Trump wants to make racism okay unless someone can prove the accused party intended to discriminate against them. To be fair, if this concept was in place when Trump settled a federal housing discrimination lawsuit, he still would have lost after a doorman who worked in Trump’s building revealed that he was told: “If a black person came to 2650 Ocean Parkway and inquired about an apartment for rent, and he, that is [redacted] was not there at the time, that I should tell him that the rent was twice as much as it really was, in order that he could not afford the apartment.”

Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.

New Trump Administration Policy Would Make Racism OK as Long as You Don't Mean It
Nothing new about this policy, it's the same old rightwing racism and hate.
Whites with poor credit get mortgages.

No, they don't. I work for a financial institution.

Take your tin foil hat off.

Yes they do because whites have admitted it.

Then we have this

I'm sure infomercials like this were made only for blacks and hispanics.

And then:

Your imaginary world does not exist.
Under the Trump theory of jurisprudence, poll taxes, all-white schools and redlining — the federal policy that basically banned banks from issuing government-backed home loans in black neighborhoods — would still be legal as long as the racists didn’t broadcast their intent.
Couldn't be stated any clearer than this.

Being stated clearly doesn't make it right.

Wrong on all three counts.

Your saying it's wrong doesn't make it so.
But conservatives have long argued that proving discrimination should require proof that someone intended to treat people differently. And they say that if people are being judged by numbers, they may feel pressure to make decisions based on racial quotas.

Seems sensible to me. We don't indict people merely based on accusations in this country. We deal in burden of proof.

You apparently have never been involved in a racial discrimination case. I have and what you quoted is not how things happen.

People are indicted for racism based upon evidence and documented proof. It is apparent what Trump is doing and your Asian ass will be made to suffer just like every other non white person if this is not challenged. So keep on being a coolie and see what you get.

The entire white conservative argument relative to this matter is a fucking lie. But you are too dumb to see it. Whites became concerned about numbers starting when the civil rights act was passed because for most of our 242 years the number always equaled all white.

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