New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out.
If we burn all the fossil fuels “not only will the resultant climate change be faster than anything Earth has seen for millions of years, the climate that will exist is likely to have no natural counterpart, as far as we can tell, in at least the last 420 million years.” — Gavin Foster, Professor of Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Southampton

Back in the 1780s as coal-fired smoke stacks sprouted across England to belch their black soot into the hitherto virgin skies of Earth, it’s likely we had not an inkling of the destruction they were ultimately capable of unleashing:

Svante Arrhenius, by the late 19th Century, had hinted that coal burning might warm the Earth by a tiny bit in a few thousand years. But the very fossils we were digging up and burning at an ever-more-rapid pace warned of a different and far more ominous story (see video above). They hinted of a time when massive volumes of ancient carbon stored in the Earth were released into the atmosphere over the course of thousands of years. And that this release created such hot and toxic conditions that, for most living things, the Earth was no longer habitable.

Unsafe Warming

The Permian-Triassic Extinction of 252 million years ago was the worst hothouse catastrophe that has ever occurred in all of the geological record. It wiped out 96 percent of marine species and more than 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrates. It was the worst of many such hothouse events sparked by rising levels of greenhouse gasses that now serve as a clear warning in the fossil record of the dangers we invite.

Conservatives are suicidal.
Burn ALL the fossil fuels?
LMAO! Yeah, alright.
Liberals always have to have a cause to wring their hands and let tears run their mascara over. They were just as frightened and weak kneed back in the 70's when they spreading it about that we'd all be humansicles in the coming global cooling
Got it on my calendar for next Tuesday. "Burn all fossil fuels. -- Get one way ticket to Fiji --- and a big boat".. A good start would be putting all existing Teslas on SuperCharge all at once.
Climate change exists. It's all part of what's been going on with earth for 147 kazillion years. Man has nothing to do with the cyclical patterns of climate thatexists.
This is a huge scam that's costing the worlds people countless millions of dollars.
The left loves to use up about 700 million years of carbon foot prints while they whisk about on their gigantinormous jets to tell us to quit mmaking g all these carbon foot prints.
Arctic sea ice maximum at record low for third straight year


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Somethings happening, eh?
New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out.
If we burn all the fossil fuels “not only will the resultant climate change be faster than anything Earth has seen for millions of years, the climate that will exist is likely to have no natural counterpart, as far as we can tell, in at least the last 420 million years.” — Gavin Foster, Professor of Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Southampton

Back in the 1780s as coal-fired smoke stacks sprouted across England to belch their black soot into the hitherto virgin skies of Earth, it’s likely we had not an inkling of the destruction they were ultimately capable of unleashing:

Svante Arrhenius, by the late 19th Century, had hinted that coal burning might warm the Earth by a tiny bit in a few thousand years. But the very fossils we were digging up and burning at an ever-more-rapid pace warned of a different and far more ominous story (see video above). They hinted of a time when massive volumes of ancient carbon stored in the Earth were released into the atmosphere over the course of thousands of years. And that this release created such hot and toxic conditions that, for most living things, the Earth was no longer habitable.

Unsafe Warming

The Permian-Triassic Extinction of 252 million years ago was the worst hothouse catastrophe that has ever occurred in all of the geological record. It wiped out 96 percent of marine species and more than 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrates. It was the worst of many such hothouse events sparked by rising levels of greenhouse gasses that now serve as a clear warning in the fossil record of the dangers we invite.

Conservatives are suicidal.

Just as a human you would think they would at least be concerned with their own offspring. But they aren't. Even THAT is super-ceded by their all mighty and only god, their political party.

During the Permian Extinction the oceans flipped from supporting aerobic organisms to anaerobic organisms. It flipped form oxygen rich to oxygen poor. And it took 5 million years for it to flip back. Life on land took 20 million years to recover.

All these expanses in time translate to forever for the human race.

But the children in the Republican party are like ignorant passengers on the Titanic who don't know yet that the ship is sinking so they go on gleefully sipping tea and marveling at the icebergs. Noam Chomsky called the Republican party "the most dangerous institution in human history".

It is.
What did mankind do to cause all that back then
New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out.
If we burn all the fossil fuels “not only will the resultant climate change be faster than anything Earth has seen for millions of years, the climate that will exist is likely to have no natural counterpart, as far as we can tell, in at least the last 420 million years.” — Gavin Foster, Professor of Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Southampton

Back in the 1780s as coal-fired smoke stacks sprouted across England to belch their black soot into the hitherto virgin skies of Earth, it’s likely we had not an inkling of the destruction they were ultimately capable of unleashing:

Svante Arrhenius, by the late 19th Century, had hinted that coal burning might warm the Earth by a tiny bit in a few thousand years. But the very fossils we were digging up and burning at an ever-more-rapid pace warned of a different and far more ominous story (see video above). They hinted of a time when massive volumes of ancient carbon stored in the Earth were released into the atmosphere over the course of thousands of years. And that this release created such hot and toxic conditions that, for most living things, the Earth was no longer habitable.

Unsafe Warming

The Permian-Triassic Extinction of 252 million years ago was the worst hothouse catastrophe that has ever occurred in all of the geological record. It wiped out 96 percent of marine species and more than 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrates. It was the worst of many such hothouse events sparked by rising levels of greenhouse gasses that now serve as a clear warning in the fossil record of the dangers we invite.

Conservatives are suicidal.
Why are atheists so afraid of death?
Looking forward to it! BTW, more people die of cold than heat. Global Warming saves lives.
Looking forward to it! BTW, more people die of cold than heat. Global Warming saves lives.

Now there's a pleasant thought.
New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out.
If we burn all the fossil fuels “not only will the resultant climate change be faster than anything Earth has seen for millions of years, the climate that will exist is likely to have no natural counterpart, as far as we can tell, in at least the last 420 million years.” — Gavin Foster, Professor of Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Southampton

Back in the 1780s as coal-fired smoke stacks sprouted across England to belch their black soot into the hitherto virgin skies of Earth, it’s likely we had not an inkling of the destruction they were ultimately capable of unleashing:

Svante Arrhenius, by the late 19th Century, had hinted that coal burning might warm the Earth by a tiny bit in a few thousand years. But the very fossils we were digging up and burning at an ever-more-rapid pace warned of a different and far more ominous story (see video above). They hinted of a time when massive volumes of ancient carbon stored in the Earth were released into the atmosphere over the course of thousands of years. And that this release created such hot and toxic conditions that, for most living things, the Earth was no longer habitable.

Unsafe Warming

The Permian-Triassic Extinction of 252 million years ago was the worst hothouse catastrophe that has ever occurred in all of the geological record. It wiped out 96 percent of marine species and more than 70 percent of terrestrial vertebrates. It was the worst of many such hothouse events sparked by rising levels of greenhouse gasses that now serve as a clear warning in the fossil record of the dangers we invite.

Conservatives are suicidal.

Wrong! Roaches will survive which means Progs will be just fine

The only problem will be who will you boss around and whine to?

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