"New Normal"

This is code for taking your freedom.
It is code for making your pursuit of happiness secondary to big government whims.
It is code for the biggest slippery slope power grab in a generation.

The current Democrat power grab is either going to cost them dearly in November or freedom loving Americans will no longer be free.

You can take your contact tracing and shove it.
Probably not. Most of us have not forgotten the Bush Years and The Patriot Act, warrant-less wire taps, torture, kidnapping, and detention, special rendition, you know, the bread and butter of the Patriot act that occurred under the panic of the Bush Administration? Bush did not pay the price. He was re-elected. Lets not forget no fly lists so easy to get on that several members of Congress have been flagged, including Senator Ted Kennedy back in the day. Very difficult and even expensive to get off the list even if it is the government's mistake. Can't get much more slippery slope than the Son-ov-a-Bush assaults on our freedoms and privacies.
You'll get no argument out of me on that. But the government actively following my every move via my smart device? Telling me I can't go to work? Telling me I can't goto church? Telling me I can't sunbathe? Telling me I can't have a family gathering of more than a handful of people? Telling me I can't..........

I think you get my point
Quite honestly I would be more concerned about long-term following by smart device than short-term missing my time with the body of believers of choice. Dude, regular church services are coming back. I do not know your city/state COVID situation. I do not know if you have been told you cannot go to work or if you are just worrying you will be told you cannot go to work, two completely different things. I think I had the impression you were an independent contractor. If you do not want to be traced by smart device and they actually start to institute this practice, you might have to give up your smart device for an old fashioned flip phone that you can take the battery out when not in use. We may be spoiled with our conveniences now, but I operated effectively in early 90s in the field without smart systems. My father operated with two way radio before that. It all depends on your personal privacy of movement requirements, but old tech is out there. Doubt the government telling you, you can't baths sunbath, can't say if you will disturb your neighbors. If you were female, I would recommend sending me the pics and I could give guidance, but in you case grampa, don't bother. If you do decide to go dark on tracking of smart devices, remember you may have to do something about you vehicle as many can already be pinged from the manufacturer for diagnostics and roadside assistance. That crap would have to go. We lost a lot of inherent privacy with the patriot act. Many would find it difficult to go dark. I think I could pull it off if I wished to work small job contractor, but I enjoy retirement. I could go dark in a heartbeat. I would not get too paranoid yet, but if you feel it is imminent, look at your communication options and start planning and purchasing, putting you land line back into service and do what you got to do. I know a contractor who stays busy all the time who could go dark pretty easy as he has not changed his mode of operating much. If you can't get him on the job, you can call his wife and he checks in with her same as 25 years ago, and he is always in demand.

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